Really?! Sym nerfs!? I'm done

There’s your entire problem. If you leave anyone unchecked, they will steamroll your team. That’s the concept of ‘fighting back’.

If people are letting Symmetra do whatever the hell she wants, that’s not Symmetra’s problem.

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Needed, she was a bit too strong and forgiving on bad aim.

It’s not that much of a change, and those who can play her, will work around it.

Just remember, Brigitte was gutted and she’s still played. Improvise, adapt, overcome.

I picked up Sym about a week ago. I’ve never really played her at all. Mei was another one I’d never played. Literally no idea what I was doing. It was a new account specifically for dps and I ranked a hair below 3k as a DPS player. Again, I had never really played either of them. I basically ran over anyone below diamond repeatedly. There were times in Gold/Plat that I would just hold W at tanks barely even strafing and just destroy them with both Mei and Sym. It was kinda nutty how easy it was after playing other heroes in Overwatch for so long.

By the way, i wonder why doesnt Blizzard reduce Symmetra damage difference between “levels”. Say, instead of nerfing from 65/130/195 to 60/120/180, they could make it like 80/130/180. That would solve the problem of “at lv1, Symmetra primary is trash”, and also make it less OP at lv3.


she needed those nerfs. her damage was off the charts.

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Very much this, I’m fine with the damage nerf but the beam nerf will be hell for consoles.

Stop grouping Doomfist and Widow with Hanzo. Widow is literally useless, especially in this meta, without hitting criticals. It’s not like Hanzo who can unplug his mouse, turn off his monitor, throw his computer in the ocean and still manage to hit that pinpoint headshot on the blinking Tracer or any hero really. And Doomfist is just doomfist, only annoying thing really is the shielding he gets.

If they wish to nerf symmetra slightly, revert the beam damage and width of the beam, then shorten her beam length. Everyone is happy.

Lame excuse. Reaper is an absolute terror in metal ranks but I don’t see him getting any nerfs.


I played some Symmetra and I carried so hard (I’m a really bad dps otherwise lol). It felt really broken

Honestly it’s her turrets that are more oppressive in lower ranks (cause no one does anything about them).

I’m not a sym main but I play sym a bit and I think the beam changes are not only going to hurt her but in lower ranks it’s one of the few reliable counters to bunker getting to oppresive. And personaly I don’t think she was doing to great against reaper and the rest of the overtuned dps lineup.

I’m really confused about what the balance team is trying to achieve.

Anytime a hero that relies on auto-aim to get kills gets nerfed is fine by me. I don’t want to play against low skill heroes who just hide like Torbjorn.

Welp, all this because they had to make symmetra a tank killer over time, but since you cant stack tanks now they mayby finnaly noticed that to many dps are just made to deal with class that supposed to protect team from being killed XD

The problem with the width-change is that it more or less undoes all the good the bugfix did her. Because now you again need perfect tracking, which means you were already doing 195 charged DPS before the bugfix to begin with.

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But her outo aim (turrets) was not nerfed, just her main weapon that stop being auto aim long time ago :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Oh I know, but I still don’t like zero aim heros.

so, those are nerfs i was advocating for… to get rid of goats

now we got 2-2-2 and i am not quite sure, but beams were really opressive, only anuty Moira can have kamehameha

Is this a joke, are you complaining about DMG nerf for an AIM LOCKING hero where turrets do all the work ?

No, she was a mess that would melt everything.