Really?! Sym nerfs!? I'm done

Yes, turrets do not they.

The damage nerf isn’t about the turrets though.
Your post sounds like you think Sym still has a lock-on.


a symmetra nerf…
So you tell me they’d rather leave heroes like widowmaker and doomfist alone and nerf symmetra?
So after the absolutely nonsensical nerf to Torbjorn, symmetra is next…
Good god are they gonna nerf bastion or junkrat next time?
The more they patch the game, the less i want to play it…

Not symetra per say, I just think all auto-locking should be removed.


Why would you want low skill heroes with an auto-aim mechanic to be strong? No one likes playing against an auto-aim hero. Especially when they get PotG and Torb is nowhere on the screen or is staring at a Widows butt while his turret is off in the distance getting all the kills.

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Come on, they deal 50DPS on their own and die to a quick melee…

Is Torb’s turret also OP to you.

This community is hopeless…

Basically she’s useless to anyone who doesn’t have Sinatraa-level tracking.

Hilarious how protective of Zarya the forums are, though.

You really think that a proficient Sym is going to place her turrets in a place that you can just turn and punch it?

Not to mention you get slowed, and there is more than likely another right next to it. In regards to Torbjorn I don’t think hes OP, I think hes very easy and many many people who cannot aim rely on him and abuse how easy he is to get kills .

All these posters with no actual grasp of how broken sym was with her damage.
You’re the guys that get stomped on while the enemy team plays a meta comp over and over again and you still dont get it until someone from YourOverwatch has to spell it out for you…

well, i dont know if you noticed, but statistics are used to balance games (all games) for highest tier of players, not bottom tiers
so balances that seem to be terrible for low-mid tier players are in fact beneficial

perspective - is the key word here

Correct… and given that, my statement stands.

I’ve probably been playing Blizzard games longer than many people on this forum have been alive. I don’t need perspective. I have more than enough of it.

In most places, you literally can’t place them without the enemy just be able to turn around and punch them.
And even if they can’t punch them, the turrets have 30 HP.

That’s why the tanks should always go first. The main tank attracts turret fire, the off-tank destroys them.
It takes less than 2 seconds to destroy the 3 turrets.
If you get hit by turrets as a squishy then either:

  • your tanks aren’t doing their job
  • you’re flanking, and Sym is meant to deal with flankers
  • you’re out of position

and it doesnt make me right all the time

i might personally disagree with nerfs-buffs - but i dont have all the info they got to decide wether its good or bad for game and what they want to accomplish… and what heroes are coming next… and what is their plan for 2-2-2… etc.

i think youre way over your head >sombruh style<

They’re free to tell us why they’ve made the nerf and provide information.

Your job is not to manufacture excuses for them.

2-2-2 is turning out to be bad for me, because of the prevalence of one tricks - particularly when I try to play support or tank. I’m about done with this game. (EDIT: See post history. I was quite a big proponent of 2-2-2).

P.S. Not a Symmetra main so overall… /shrugs

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.

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balance changes constantly - its as simple as that
and i am not manufacturing excuses - i simply see reality

Role lock turned me into a one trick. I went from have a dozen DPS I could flex to… Um, basically just Cigar for tank and Baptiste for support.

I dunno man, all these statistics and the “they know what they’re doing” is a bit laughable when they have such a history.
Remember 35% Ironclad ?
Remember when they nerfed D.Va’s damage 8 months after they reworked her and right after adding a counter to Dive ?
Notice how long it took them to slightly nerf Hanzo when he’s been busted ever since his rework ?
Remember the whole Mercy debacle ?
Now they nerf a hero that has never been viable a week after they started being good in/against a very specific composition. We’re not even in an actual competitive season, RQ beta is goofyrama like off-season.

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Lol at sym mains… just imagine being sombra the hero with the worst win rate across the whole ladder and eating a pretty massive nerf going into a situation that was already unfavorable.

You know which 2 heroes have the highest win rates? Torb and sym. I dont agree with the nerf btw but that is probably part of why they did it.

They actually nerfed the only hero who melts double shield meta and Orisa remains untouched ?

It is not April guys, IT IS NOT.

In other words… This is an out of season April Fools joke?