Really?! Sym nerfs!? I'm done

Sorry to dismiss your claims but Mercy is much better than Symmetra and at her worst she is still better and more viable than Symmetra’s best. I play Mercy too and I know my presence is never usually a nuisance

I understand you but yours and mine experience is not the overall experience of overwatch.

There’s a difference between being effective against shields, and overly effective against shields AND players. Sym and Zarya are getting nerfed justly, because the tickrate fix made them FAR more effective at damage than before. Yes, they are getting nerfed slightly, no it’s not really a problem. (Zarya max damage is almost never hit anyways, and sym’s while touched consistently, due to tickrate will STILL melt people)

I’ve played zarya a handful, and i feel like i’m getting ult faster than I used to, and that’s even AFTER the 12% nerf to ultrate…

I can understand the damage nerf but cutting the beam width in half on top of that is too harsh considering she’s a glass cannon.


I’m confuse about this nerf. Why again?

NVM. AngelofLife explanation was clear.

Uuuugh the beam is so so small now.

You have to be pinpoint accurate with this thing now.

Whatever happened to keeping the beam thick for accessibility? Ugh.

I hate the balance team.

First her teleport, now her beam. Why can’t we have nice things blizz? Why?


Good Syms won’t see a difference.

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I mean, looking at it from a Symmetra player point of view, yeah, it’s the best part of her kit but it’s irritating to play against cause it literally cuts off half of the map. It’s really an intrusive ultimate with one realistic way to break it… With EMP of course. I still think she needs a damaging ultimate rather than something a support or tank would have.

Careful. People have been going through locking sym threads. Keep comments constructive or this may be locked.

In general I feel if they’re going to nerf her DPS, she at least should get some shield leech sustain to compensate. I’m baffled. Her pickrate is utter crap at the high level for good reason (again, no combat mobility, no sustain/mitigation, CQC dependent), and only at the very bottom could her laser chainsaw be considered at all oppressive.

Do you really want to talk about lower ranked games?
Because i can assure you, Reaper is a bigger issue than symmetra or torb will ever be.
And yet he’s left unchecked for a few months now.


I know I’ve been gone a month. Mostly because of Vacation. But, last time I was playing sym was noone issue. Is this another I hate Dps of the month syndrome.

You said “tears of sym mains will flood the earth”


What? You’re not enjoying double shield tanks? How about we nerf the one dps hero who excels against double shields

I can’t beliave they will do this to her, this is so sad!

Give or take 7.6% nerf in damage at each level of charge and a 50% reduction in aim hitbox on what the community generally calls a throw pick and no compensation buff well I’m speechless.


She doesn’t even make the top 5 of the “Not fun to fight” list.

i have no beef vs her weapon but those turrets melt shield tanks even with my moria healing them…thats the only thing thats actually broken on her.

Wow, absolutely terrible…

watch them lock this thread too lol