Really?! Sym nerfs!? I'm done

I think the damage nerfs are just what she needs, provided they give her that tp-cancel cd reduction we’ve been hoping for. She’s a dps/utility hybrid builder not a main damage carry - lets hope the ptr converges on that.

Blizzard: We buffed Symmetra and Zarya. Might need some Adjustments to tweak this.
Symmetra: Overpowered.
Blizzard: We tweaked it.

Community: Surprised pickachu face.

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The leaderboards in a nutshell hanzo hanzo hanzo hanzo hanzo mcree mcree mcree mcree DF DF DF D F DF DF DF DF DF widow widow WIDOW WIDOW WIDOW O LA LA
and than maybe 1 reaper?
The balance team got no idea what they are doing i swear they throw things randomly and never look at the game I MEAN THEY MADE THE LEADER-BOARDS they can see which heroes are OVERPOWERED a MONKEY could SEE THAT no offense to Winston.


pretty sure the Devs are Genji mains


Me and a few people I play with frequently are celebrating the sym nerf. Good grief she is terrible to play against right now.


Yeah dude sometimes she’s uncontested just like doom you need to built a whole team to counter her since 1 or 2 persons aint enough thats bs and pretty unfair since she has turrets who slow and finish a 200 hp target easily she has the tp when she can make smart plays with good corporation she has the ultimate who can outsmart the enemy projectile what else do you want are u kidding me? her kit is amazing and bearly needs some brain.What else do you want you have that CRAZY extra damage it makes u like a full charged zarya with slow’s shields and teleports pls symm abusers just tell me WHAT else do you want? You are comparing yourself to doomfist and saying that he is op since his release noone did smth.Guess what if you wanna make the enemy team built a whole team arround you,you have to be crazy doomfist with crazy mechanical skills,killer instict to get inside get the kill and get out,so u force them with your SKILL (even doom spells are easy to land)to switch their comp and play something with cc against doom.With symmetra what are you doing and you just force them to switch the whole comp? Just sitting on a corner and throwing turrets?That’s pretty insane guys i mean her kit is already crazy and this will never make her useless but if you want THAT high burst damage just give her aim…I liked myself thinking her as Zarya’s style damage it was a pretty good idea yeah i agree but this is far from too much.She makes alot of heroes unplayable

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Sym ONLY does 195 damage per second, so it would take about 5 seconds to melt an ulted winston. (assuming none of her turrets or team mates are helping.)

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And she has to charge up her beam for that first. Which means that she wasn’t dealt with for quite some time.

Honestly the dmg nerfs are one thing that I’m fine with, it’s the beam reduction that makes no sense to me, why fix a bug that has been plaguing beam users like sym and zarya and then immediately nerf this very function.

Welcome to the club. Sombra mains feel your pain, OP.

Sym should be taken out of OW, not only nerf her. She is most broken hero in OW. She can melt 400 hp tank in blink of eye, which is bs.


Agreed. She has seen to many reworks at this point and she doesn’t fit the game and never will. Unless they totally retool her and make her feel different (which they wont) she should just be removed.

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No one likes watching a POTG of someone holding left click and running up to enemies hardly taking any damage at all because their turrets take people out in a second.

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Yeah okay she is not a big problem for the tanks,but if u play zen? lucio? a 200 HP target? Can you imagine her full pocketed with nano boosts bubbles and etc?That thing will never stop being strong. Come on. Im okay with the super high damage but every hero needs some time and detication to learn how to kill them that fast,what does symm needs?Just hold left click?Come on,Even zarya needs to play her bubbles properly…Im just saying 195 damage per second by doing nothing is too much…

Takes less than 1 second to kill a full hp tracer, without any boost, no team mate assists, and no turret help.

She’s a saint of good counterplay compared to Hanzo, Widow, Genji, and Doomfist.

When can we expect their nerfs without compensation?

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This is true for every dps hero. Difference is that sym has to wait to do it due to beam charge levels


That’s only assuming that the enemy tracer waited Sym until she gets her beam fully charged and standed still so Sym could hit every tick of her beam on her

Im really sick of hearing this argument, because it will affect you.

No one has perfect aim. Even pros struggle to break 50% accuracy. Yet dps Syms beam now requires at least 66% to get the same damage as her support version could do, AND its even harder to track w. Its a joke, and Sym will do noticeably less damage now.


Wyoming, I can understand why devs might be scared of turning Sym into a powerhouse at lower ranks … But can you pls explain why that logic doesn’t apply to Junkrat?