Realized why devs think Mercy is okay

What the devs say has been ever worthless. Their disconnect cannot be overstated.

I mean… I have suggested a damage resistance beam in the past… though it was in the context of a rework that would let her cycle through several different beams for her right click.

Honestly I’d just revert the change it got a long time ago that made it fantastic for pocketting but garbage for anything else.

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Tbh, aside from their slow patching, and literally every take related to Sojourn.

Their takes have actually been pretty good.

What was that?

This doesn’t’ explain much of anything for season 1. Maybe into season 2, but as a whole Sojourn could 1shot without Mercy. Hitting 195 dps is as good as a oneshot in the majority of situations. Mercy gains more traction having a 1shot threshold character again, but until we see top 500 data I’m waiting to see.

They have already acknowledged situations like Sym was frequently a counter to Genji for many people and they were paying attention to see how that would play out. So, how characters pick and pair with each other I believe they already examine. Not everyone plays Sojourn especially in lower ranks.

I think people just need to accept reality that Mercy is really quite a strong an viable unit for most of the ranks. The problem is we have absolutely no visibility into these ranks beyond top500 and what we see on OWL.

Damage Boost got changed so that it gets applied to a projectile when it was fired. Prior to that, it applied when the projectile hit something. This happened around when Baptiste got released.

Prior to that change, you could do shenanigans like hearing Ashe’s dynamite audio cue or Reinhardt’s firestrike grunt/yell throw em boost for a few seconds and then go back to whatever you were doing. Now though you just have to plop DB on a DPS and hope they use it since you can’t react to what your team is doing anymore.

I haven’t seen many mercys pocketing sojourn but I have seen lots of them pocketing the other DPS playing alongside sojourn. Which means 1 team has 2 OP DPS which could also explain it. She’s also pretty good flying instantly to the aid of the other support being flanked.

This is a logical post.

My post saying that is not.


Yeah mercy isn’t really autonomous. Like at all. Literally the hero hasn’t been capable of independence since mass rez and that’s only because that ability worked best if everyone else was dead.

It’s better than Goodman days who would buff CC, burst damage and nerf self sustain amidst a tank crisis but buffing Tracer and Doom that much, while doing basically nothing for struggling supports, is astoundingly disconnected.

S2 is not shaping up well. I’m talking full on free fall, not downhill. I played a lot yesterday, both sup and Rammatra, and things are dire and it’s 100% blame on the insane balance takes.

That is the reason Mercy can’t be buffed above some level. She is already powerful in enabling certain heroes. As soon as Mercy gets above certain level - her combinations with some heroes become broken, Mercy becomes must pick, target number one and no one can do anything until Mercy dies.

I honestly don’t know how to solve this. But Mercy just can’t be balanced like other supports, without checking if Pharmercy or some other combo will be broken.

Winrate only balancing is why The Twins have been considered one of, if not the worst killer since they launched.

Mercy’s winrate will soar with Sojourn now needing her to OHK, and with Sojourn remaining oppressive her pickrate will likely rise to keep Sojourn pocketed.

And the devs will attribute the success to the near meaningless buff and look no further.


It’s so ridiculous that the devs are basing what to do for characters based of simply win rate, and how much a character is picked. They aren’t actually looking at Mercy herself and what she needs. The buff they gave her recently just shows how much they know nothing about how Mercy works, what she currently needs help with (ability to have more impact on the team, as opposed to just surviving well), and how Mercy mains or people that play Mercy actually think/play/navigate.

I almost feel like the problem is that whatever they got in mind for Supports is probably complex enough that

  1. The changes they want for Support can’t be done with a simple numbers tweak.
  2. As seen with Sojourn, the devs would prefer to let a hero or situation be utterly broken for weeks/months, rather than do a “good enough for now, and we’ll fully fix it later”.
  3. Holidays are coming up, and as soon as key staff start going on vacation, they don’t wanna be doing any changes that require a lot of staff focus.

If they think we need complex solutions, then they’re disconnected plus idiotic.

To me, complex is totally fine.

But they should do a “good enough for now” set of changes, and be very clear that these changes are temporary.

Aren’t you essentially saying

“the only reason Mercy is doing well is because she is in a situation in which her strengths show”.

Like, yeah? That’s how balancing works? She’s good in high burst situations, what’s your point?

  1. Eventually Sojourn won’t be OPAF which will effectively drop Mercy’s overall value a lot.
  2. They should probably look into redesigning Mercy so she isn’t just a damage boost bot, when it comes to high tier. High ELOs don’t like playing against it, and Middle-Low ELOs don’t see it used much outside of PharahMercy.

Shes fine… people just mad they dont understand how the “enabler” design works…

Alone you cant do crap, as what you bring to the table is all about enabling others…

The mercy fanbase a has always been one of the more whiney ones…

They are just mad blizzard finally told them what they have been needing to tell them for years… which was effectively. “Do something besides heal/boost bot” … which is the main reason many of them stick to mercy so heavily, as shes the only hero you can contribute with and get away with doing zero damage…

Think about it… how often do you see mercys (other than trolls) use her pistol? Almost never… even when theres literally no option they still refuse to pull it out…

Essentially they are mad because blizzard said “learn to aim” with these mercy changes

Idk any support players who can aim who genuinely enjoy playing mercy over other supports

Complex is fine when needed, if you let the game go into shambles, a fresh game, barely out of season 1, that’s a problem.

They’re disconnected in a literal sense. Every justification for changes is shallow and often focused on silly numbers, which I wouldn’t be surprised comes from switch silver quick play lobbies, and doesn’t reflect the reality of the game.

They lack foresight, efficiency, efficacy and insight on their own game. Every patch moves us back into OW1, a putrid corpse of a game.