Reality Check for Baptiste

Baptiste does on average about 5500 in a game, which is less than Mei, Sombra, and Moira.

Not enough?

Ok, um I’ve basically never seen anyone below GM be able to kill flankers or supports with Baptiste’s gun because his gun is that difficult to use. And even that rarely happens because IT’S VERY HARD TO DO.

Still not enough?

Ok, uh Baptiste spends most of his time healing, so he doesn’t have time to do much damage. Even if his damage was buffed by 30% right now, it wouldn’t change his playstyle. DPS Baptiste’s are usually throwing, because it’s a much harder play style than DPS Moira or Brig.

Still not enough?

Ok, here we go. DAMAGE PER SECOND NUMBERS ARE NOT A 1:1 INDICATOR OF COMBAT EFFECTIVENESS. Discord Zenyatta and Baptiste do roughly the same damage numbers on an enemy but Zenyatta has a MUCH higher chance of killing his target, because again, LANDING ALL 3 SHOTS OF BAPTISTE ON 1 TARGET IS VERY HARD TO DO, EVEN FOR PROS.

So please, lay off Baptiste. He got the fire-rate buff cause his drone was nerfed, and he’s a very balanced hero. Also people ask for stuff like this a lot. “Buff a hero in a skillfull way.” AND THEY DID.

A sane person.


The most hilarious thing about the calls for nerfing him is that all of his gameplay stats are dismissed, bc the reality of his effective playstyle takes away from the hypothetical scenario that got people worked up. Apparently, to some, OW balance should not be around the things heroes actually do during games. Let that concept just sink in for a moment…


You think you need to be GM to land headshots? What?


I think that people are annoyed that Soldier compares so unfavourably to Baptiste - who is himself an average to below average support (from a meta standpoint). It says something about Soldier more than anything.


Exactly. As someone that loves Soldier, it annoys me that I perform better, as a DPS, with Baptiste. That is just a fact. I have access to better sustain, better team play, better mobility, a better ultimate… All for what? Slightly worse damage that is more burst in nature? Sign me up.


How many Baptistes do you see that can even hit a Pharah multiple times in a row?

The point is that people like to say that Baptiste’s weapon is better than Soldier’s, but in practice in a straight 1v1, Soldier is definitely stronger.

The only reason anyone might think otherwise is because they can throw down an IF so they don’t have to worry about staying alive, and they can just stand still and aim instead of actually tracking.

Plot Twist: They still miss a lot anyways.

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Not going to lie, I am more or less the only one. I think most hitscan mains stick to their heroes instead of slumming it on a support hero.

Nah, immortality wins Baptiste the duel.

You should still strafe, the immortality is to get them to make a decision about commiting to drone. Not to make yourself an easy target for when it disappears.

After you get about half, pop your healing and leave drone for high ground if it is around.

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here’s a trick, hold down RMB and shoot with LMB, you can do both at the same time.

also baptistes gun is more or less a counterstrike famas, to overwatch players that’s something that’s kind of difficult to keep in mind all of the time if they don’t one trick him since no other weapon behaves like that in overwatch.

if your aim is good, baptiste can actually do more for you than other supports will be able to.
but for everyone else, it’s not gonna be a walk in the park if that’s what you’re thinking.

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I will say that the spamming both fires is only viable around chokes where you need to shoot at a barrier and your team is pushing through. Unless you are an elder God that can somehow swap between hitscan and projectile whole aiming at 2 different targets consistently… Which is just for some top 500 Baptiste one tricks, I wager.

Still not enough?

Soldier 76 has better TTK than Baptiste.

Still not enough?

Brigitte has better DPS than Baptiste (no joke).


Really? How is that? Obviously Baptiste needs to not be landing headshots or ulting. But I thought her swings were like… 50 damage? I have no clue. I never play her or get hit by her.

Haha, good one! :rofl:

…Wait, you serious? Oh no. Oh no.

well i just thought of something, the healing blasts drop after a certain distance right? meaning you can stand on high ground a bit further back and still be able to shoot someone else standing on highground on the other side letting your healing nades fall to the lowground where your team is. meaning you can do both without thinking too much essentially if you have a good position.

other than that, it’s just pivoting with your tanks infront of you and let them splash heal around them while you try nailing that enemy through the tank which honestly is pretty difficult.

the best part of baptiste though is actually his amp matrix, people seem to not understand that baptiste can one-shot burst 200 characters with that up, also his healing is greatly increased when firing through it and it’s not only for him either, it’s a damage utility ability that’s absolutly crazy.

there’s no contest really i think who’s the most abled support as of now when it comes to damage/utility/healing.
provided they know what they are doing.

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Definitely. I am just saying it is very circumstantial. And if you are distracted dueling someone while healing… For me, that is a decent way to get myself killed. But maybe that is a me problem. I could always try practicing it more.

duelling is difficult for him since he has no other extra damage source or CC, his saving grace is pretty much his valuable cooldowns unfortunately, that’s why pressuring him and be able to fall back from him making him waste those very precious value to your team.

it really is kind of like playing like mccree without flashbang+fth with him, you can’t one-shot so you have to be extra accurate consistently and you can’t really run from a duel that well which means you have to aim to get yourself out of duels most of the time.

but the positive is that he’s actually able to duel a lot of characters due to his cooldowns and win which puts your team at a cooldown deficit but at a numbers advantage.

but i think he’s a good alternative to characters like mercy, ana and lucio.
if they feel like they are struggling in some form of way they can switch to baptiste who i feel is more defensive in nature than those but still kind of comparable.

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Yea I was surprised too. She can do 35 damage every 0.6 seconds with her primary. She can also deal 70 damage every 4 seconds with her Whip Shot.

Of course Baptiste is a range hero and Brigitte is melee. Though technically Brigitte out damages Baptiste.

At gm you have no time to deal with flankers the most, but at low elo, hell yeah, that flankers are bad aswell, don’t worry. After his recent buffs he is busted, it is not that hard to aim bursts, at least 1-2 of 3 bullets will hit bodyshot of squishie and you can do 15 burst with self sustain and immortality, which maky you unbeattable target for non-burst damage dealers (flankers)

The problem is with Soldier. Not Baptiste. It boggles my mind people are looking at this month’s stats showing Baptiste having low damage overall–when it’s been a month since his damage buff–and still saying it’s too much. I blame Stylosa.


People actually want Baptiste nerfed? Seriously?
This is a joke… right?

…Please let this be a joke.


Yeah no.
“Technically” Bastion and Reaper are the Best DPS in game by far … but then reality hits hard and not even close.

Lets not bring unrealistic scenarios where everyone is on its appropriate range and the enemy is a dummy that just takes hits, ok?

And yeah, if we do that and we assume Bap shots are all headshots, Bap does WAY MORE damage than Brig. So even in that unrealistic “technically” scenario, Bap does more DPS than Brig.

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