You think its harder for Bapt to land a hitscan weapon than it is for Zen to land a projectile?
Your whole post is filled with opinions pretending to be facts.
You think its harder for Bapt to land a hitscan weapon than it is for Zen to land a projectile?
Your whole post is filled with opinions pretending to be facts.
On the heroes that actually melt you? Um try getting into a duel with any tracer/widow/meI even genji in masters in above while you’re healing. Not so easy. When people actually utilize kits to the fullest his gun is not all that. It can be good but when you start ranking up and the team fights start becoming more intense, yes, it gets a lot harder to use his gun.
He break shield milliseconds before soldier therefore he op ignore the fact that soldier is underpowered btw he’s soooooooo OP
Mei? What…
Anyways, yes, I am sure it does get harder. But I do not really need to worry about that and that was sort of my point. Lower ranked players can definitely win duels with competent aim.
Tracer one clips everyone 100% of the time.
Genji always has nano-blade ready to go and gets 6k each blade.
Reaper is literally unkillable.
Dva is trash.
Wait the last one is based on reality
It’s fine if Soldiers want a buff. I play him… I’d like a buff. But using Baps to prove their point is kinda dumb though. (If the comparison is to argue that Baps should be reverted or nerfed… I’m not in the mood to address that level of foolishness.)
If Baps is really a more effective Soldier, then, um… those players should queue for the Support role.
Or you know… they could play a different DPS that they enjoy since they apparently can entrust the damage dealing and barrier breaking to the Baps player because of some ridiculous video that doesn’t account for Baps healing his team nor Soldier using his rockets
Makes as much sense as comparing the beam lengths of a certain Tank and a certain DPS… sense.
watch freshnuts kabaji makes baptiste look op.
and all the videos since the bap buff.
That is not an excuse for nerfing Baps, it’s a sign that we need to buff Soldier.
Hitting Baps with the nerf hammer now will do absolutely nothing to make Soldier less garbage.
Hell yes brother those are my words alright.
Solider should be baseline for all DPS.
Reality check?
Baptiste is supposed to be a Support/DPS hybrid, having the same possible DPS as solider, but nowhere near the average damage.
[Baptiste averages 5,482, Solider averages 16,517]
actually GMs can’t consistently hit headshots at 20-30meters and just go for body shots with baptiste instead. you can go to the training range and try it yourself. you’re better off focusing on hitting all 3 shots of each burst at mid-long range rather than going for a headshot because the likelihood of a miss decreases your damage as much as you may gain from a headshot on each burst.
on moving targets high rank baptiste players like ml7 focus on hitting everything rather than going for headshots at range.
but of course in low ranks they move in a straight line so you might as well just take the double damage
and I loved soldier for ages. asked for buffs for him for years. he is trash tier, you can’t expect them to balance around him as a standard
I am like mid Gold on Bap at best, I can take out flankers and supports and even tanks, his gun isn’t that hard… but I know the point you are driving at, it takes practice to get good enough to do it. Tracer for me with that tiny hit-box is the difficult one…
Also, people who appear to be “throwing” as DPS Bap are generally not using him right by not positioning. The key to effective Bap is to position to both heal and in LOS get flick shots or sprays on targets of opportunity. Its surprising how many people run Bap a lot and don’t realize this.
He matches Soldier when he does damage.
He can just choose to heal.
That’s expected of any dps player anywhere to be able to do. And Baptiste has a dps gun, self heal, AND IMMORTALITY FIELD.
You could straight up give Soldier healing grenades on top of his current kit, and he’d still be weaker than Baptiste.
Nope. And I’ll even go further.
Nerf ALL supports and tanks.
Honestly, I bet most people that complain about Baptiste’s damage are salty Doomfists and Genjis, that got finished off by him.
“Wat u mean Bap killed me? Supz r free killz. Their not supposed to fight back! PLZ NERF, BLIZZ!”.
I just want you to know that it doesn’t matter if he’s overpowered, underpowered or balanced.
As long if players find any hero “too oppressive” can the said hero be nerfed. It happened to Sombra and Dva, and I don’t see why it can’t happen to Baptiste.
A realistic person.
ITT: People who can’t aim, apparently.
This just shows how stupid the forums are.
Even if he can break shields faster, in that case he havent healed the teammates what is worse than having a Soldier.
Let’s base ourselves on the most favorable scenario to Baptiste : dealing 1125 dmg (his full clip, no reload needed) :
Now on the most favorable scenario to S76 : dealing 500dmg (his full clip, no reload needed) :
In Bap’s most favorable case his dps is better by 10.7%
In S76 most favorable case his dps is better by 25.5%
You see the difference ? The only downside of S76’s gun compared to Bap’s is the ammo count. But in one clip S76’s gun can deal 500dmg (bodyshots only), which is more than enough to kill any 200hp target with decent aim.
The thing is, by design S76’s gun enables you to miss more than half your shots and still be able to get a kill. So what’s the point of comparing it with Bap’s gun which isn’t supposed to be bothered by clip size in the first place ?
I’ll stand firm on my position S76 is way better at killing than Bap.
His gun feels very natural to me and I’ve only played him for 3 hours though maybe it’s my time on ana. Don’t think he needs a nerf though. If anything revert the fire rate but i think he’s fine. We’ll see next patch. Heroes can be skillful but still oppressive.