Ready to Make History - A Look into Venture's Development

Ready to Make History - A Look into Venture's Development

Daryl Tan and Miranda Moyer dig into the (ad)venture of how Overwatch 2’s newest hero came to life.

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Wow! So exciting! We love Venture!


This is super exciting thanks for giving us an insight into the history!



When most of the concept art is better than the actual thing lol.


This is a really neat peak behind the curtains. Thanks for releasing Venture - they’re great!


I really don’t get what Venture is supposed to be.

Fun hero though.


Very cool to see the concept art variants.

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I like Venture’s kit, but I’m disappointed in the total lack of skins, highlight intros, etc for them. There are like 3 rare skins, one highlight intro, and nothing else.


Generally speaking, nonbinary identities fall under the umbrella of transgender.


I have never heard of that before. I have only ever heard that “non binary” means no gender, which is confusing enough. The idea of both “trans” and “non binary” seems like they are trying way to hard to pander here.


:crystal_ball: I see a $20 legendary in our near future. :ghost:

This person has been told that before. Don’t take the bait.

Eh, well if we’re lucky someone actually genuine was lurking who needed to hear that :sob:


“This person” has not as far as I can remember. This is confusing, and the average person isn’t going to understand this at all.

Thanks for the article, hoping the OW team will keep releasing new heroes at the same rate in the future.


I think the hero release pace feels pretty good, too.

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The average person also isn’t going to read any of this, so it’s a non-issue for them.
Nothing to understand, if they don’t know about it.

Yea, but clearly they want this to be made known about the character. People don’t even know if they can or will be reported and suspended for misgendering this video game character. So what if the average person plays OW and calls venture anything other than they/them and gets reported for it? You see how this can become an issue.

They really dropped the ball hard with this one.


Sure, but I also don’t think that matters. Most players have no idea about a heroes sexuality or identity unless they say something in-game.

Not really. A ton of conditions need to happen before someone even files a report. Even then it’d need to happen across enough games for a review or flag.

Nothing wrong with being wary, but I just don’t see this something to worry about.

I didn’t know it. Your comment was very helpful :grinning:

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Wow, that was a really great article! I loved reading how a hero is created and all the steps, the early versions, all the developers involved, the team collaboration, the backstory writing and the entire process. So fascinating! :smiley:

Guldoran, basically a “non-binary” person is someone who does not identify as a male or female. Its the “Other” category of gender. Androgenous if you will aka both male and female, simultaneously. So Venture could have transitioned from a traditional gender such as female for example to a non-binary gender, which in a way, is a form of transgenderism. Hope that helps. :transgender_symbol: :rainbow: :twisted_rightwards_arrows: