Anyone else super upset that they thought it was ok to release exclusive skins again? They have allstars and overwatch league skins available from a “vault” now. The problem is they never said this system was going to be a vault… I purchased these skins with my own money because they were “limited time only”, guess that was a lie… I mean they aren’t even selling what they said they were now. I want a refund a this point but good luck me.
I really wish people would stop getting all worked up over most of this.
A lot of players were hoping to get some of the skins they missed because they:
Couldn’t get it the first time around.
Weren’t here the first time around.
Didn’t know about them the first time around.
There is nothing wrong with the ones they have unlocked so far.
With the exception of Pink Mercy and 2 of the Blizzcon skins they have never at any point said any skins would never come back. Only those 3 skins were ever sold “one time only”
And at least 1 Widowmaker skin. And to clarify, the two Blizzcon skins in question are Bastion and Winston, because they have specially colored Blizzcon skins, unlike the later game crossover skins they released for Sym, Rein, Genji, and Somba during other Blizzcons. (Sombra’s got released later for a halloween event the following year)
They also never said, that it won´t return.
“Limited time” means - they are avalible for a limited amount of time (like now, for example), it doesn´t mean “never coming back”.
Skins are a way of expression for individuals. I never understand why people are obsessed with being exclusive. Does it feel good to you to make someone else feel bad they’ll never have what they want? I get it, “move on…” but sometimes, you can’t. You’ll always be missing something that you can’t work for no matter what. It’s not really a flex either because you don’t control when a skin gets released. Mostly, it’s just luck for when someone is here. Not everyone gets to play at the right place in the right time. No matter what you say, it’s not a matter of hard work that got you the “bragging rights.” What is there to brag about then? Maybe you should consider focusing on other aspects of the game, like improving your own gameplay. Skill is exclusive too, but at least you can earn it.
I think Noire and Blizzcon. Pink was noted as “limited time” but I doubt it would come back (or at least any time soon) because it is a contract with BCRF, and it’s also a charity skin so I think it would be quite a selfish move on Blizzard if they brought it back for profit.
The only reason people are upset is because they dont feel “special” anymore even though at the end if the day people could care less if you got exclusive skins.
Like who are you trying to impress with your exclusive skins anyways?
TRUE no one cares XD
Lol well I’m glad your all able to justify it. But ya the use of words like exclusive and limited time only has historically carried that same significance. Enjoy your skins! Just because you missed them the first time I guess we can skrew and tackle some people that were more diligent so that you can have whatever you want!
Actually I’m not seeing the connection here:
When the league skins were introduced to the game you had to:
- Purchase them with league tokens that you earned watching league content or
- Purchase league tokens with real money that you then used to purchase them.
Even though they are being re-released, they are still
- Purchased with league tokens you earned by watching league content or
- Purchased with league tokens you bought with real money and then used to purchase them.
So… What has changed really?
If they were say something like the unique challenge skins that you had to win 9 games (old) or play 15-27 games (new) and grind for that, but were later then just given away in the loot boxes, I could be more inclined to agree with your statement.
But as it is right now, I’m not.
The only exception to this and I’m putting it here as I know it may come up:
When they did the HotS challenge for the D.Va and Genji skins, you had to play HotS for a certain number of games to grind out those items. They then turned around and added them to the loot boxes a month or so after, which annoyed a LOT of people.
But the reason for it (as it was explained) was that some players that had consoles and no PC to play on, couldn’t earn the skins toward their console version of OW as HotS didn’t run on consoles. So they added them later to the loot boxes as compensation. Much to the ire of those that spent that annoying time grinding for those skins in HotS to start with.
They also did something similar with the Sombra Blizzcon skin and released it the following year for Halloween. Many were upset about that. But since those skins were game themed, not Blizzcon themed, I see no reason to add them to the game later personally.
No? The event skins are also called limited time but they come back yearly. If you don’t like the skins for their designs I think you should use another skin then. It seems so immature to not realize the meaning of the skins to other people just because you want to feel special. Have you ever considered why they missed it? Maybe they didn’t have internet access at the time. Maybe they never knew the game existed. Maybe they had some situation in real life preventing them from it. One way or another, it’s not like it’s in your control if you’re on. What’s a bigger flex? Working hard for years and making millions or walking down the street finding a winning lottery ticket because you got bored and wanted Starbucks… Just saying, there are greater things you can have that you earn to show your worth, not a skin that you just happened to walk upon.
I think they stated Sombra would come back in fine print though.
Many have claimed that, but I haven’t seen an official statement of it prior to the Halloween event they did release it on.
Personally that doesn’t bother me. I wish they would release the other game themed skins as well to be honest. There is no reason not to.
The only other oddball skin is the 20th anniversary Starcraft skin for Widowmaker. The only way to have gotten it, was to have simply logged into Overwatch during the anniversary event.
I feel they should still make it able to be claimed, simply by allowing people to download and play SCII for an hour, or a portion of the story quest, or trying a battle mode. Get them to play the game a tad, and get a free Widowmaker skin. Win win.
Keep in mind, I have all these skins that I’m talking about, so its not like I’m advocating for myself to get them, I just think they need to be shared better for everyone. There are a few exceptions obviously, but that happens.
Oh I see. Well, I don’t mind if it doesn’t come back if it was stated it was never gonna come back for sure, I still don’t understand. What’s the point though… The whole point of gate keeping is FOMO for Blizzard to earn money, but I don’t see why people have to see it as a whole “I have it and you don’t.” It’s not like I would look at you if you have a skin I’m desperately longing for and pray to you like a god. I would just feel annoyed if you were to rub it in my face because you’re acting like a child not wanting to share toys. I’ll be really honest and I’m probably biased, but I just want Atlantic and Pink even though I don’t mind if Pink never returns. It’s for charity and shouldn’t be objectified as an identity for my game persona or otherwise.
I just saw your edit so I’m gonna make a new reply because it’s irrelevant to what I said before. I’m happy we’re on the same page. I was here for the 2020 all stars and I really like dva but I know others do too, and I would like others to be able to have it as well.
Since another topic where I commented on has been 404’d I will restate my thoughts here…
I have said it before, anyone who thinks they are entitled to a skin they obtained and never be seen again is selfish… period. The only two skins in Overwatch that would not make as much sense to release again would be the Noire Widowmaker skin (because it was a reward for pre-ordering) and Pink Mercy (because it was for charity), even then I would not object for future opportunities for those skins. The one skin that is likely to never be re-released is the Alien Zarya skin (for obvious reasons).
So please, don’t obsess over pixels, just enjoy them.
Yes, that is correct, I have a very old topic that carefully documented on this:
I think so too. People are obsessed with wanting to feel special at the cost of other people’s fulfillment.