[Rant] Why can't Symmetra just be good?

you have a link?

it isn’t dumb.

not to mention sym is the thread topic here.

if you’re going to make a hero have a niche, why aren’t they the better in that niche than other heroes proportionally to how niche they are? if they’re not, it defeats the purpose of putting a niche on the hero and basically is just making them weaker for the sake of it rather than going for actual balance.

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symmetra’s ult isn’t comparable in utility to any tank ultimate

symmetra’s lower levelled damage needs a boost but that’s about it (and a better hitbox)

I hope the devs implement this. Would you change her ultimate or just leave as is?

That’s the thing, nothing in this new kit stacks together well, or in a way that feels like it ‘jives’.

So you have a primary fire that you need high accuracy and TIME to charge up on an enemy - but you yourself are weak, only 200 hp, with no instant mobility escape like fade or blink, no way to heal or shield yourself like overload. K, that makes sense.

You’ve got turrets that take a long time to set up and are easy to destroy, secondary fire that takes time to charge if you want to do any damage and is slow and easy to avoid, and an ultimate that’s just a giant wall. It does no active damage, and while it can be useful it can also be easily wasted if there’s no damage to follow up or if the enemy just decides to wait it out for a few seconds and then engage, as I have seen many enemies doing if I ever try to use the wall preemptively at the beginning of a team fight, which means I MUST survive until the midfight if I want to use my ult, which means I can’t use my primary fire in absolutely any way! GENIUS!

I could go on but honestly I’m tired. I miss old Sym who at least had the ability to protect herself and win a duel without having already set up her turret nest ahead of time.

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as stated by jeff(or was it geoff?) in past.

all dps shouldnt be viable all time.

there are heroes who are niche and only be used then.

thats what they envisioned whe nthey allowed you to swap heroes at will.

because she has turrets , so she is niche , and owl prous strueamurs don’t like that.

I miss having impact on the game as Symmetra. Truly. I miss my girl.

Then they stated that because people main heroes they moved away from this direction and actually like how it is, instead of having niche heroes, so, yeah no.

Do read the last paragraph and memorize it.


As long as she have that autoaim turret she will never be good.
No body want a hero with autoaim ability to be in higher tier. Yes I know it’s about placement, and stategy. But point is people don’t like getting killed by something that can be flop down and instantly respawn after you kill it. As of right now she’s annoying enough.

If sym ever want to be “good” they will have to reword the turret into something else. TBH considering her ult, I feel like they should have just rework her into a tank and make the turret generate a geometric shield instead. :man_shrugging:

Ana healed more than Moira currently does during Triple Tank, which was the last time Soldier was meta. So if three tanks, an Ana and a Lucio couldn’t stop Soldier from killing back then, what’s stopping him now when Ana heals less (she got the nade nerfs after Triple Tank and just recently her main healing primary), Moira isn’t good above Masters, and Baptiste can’t work with teams super spread out?

Not you specifically, but I’m starting to wonder if Soldier mains have just gotten bad at playing him (like, gotten rusty). He should theoretically be perfectly fine right now with little barriers in the way and healing being much lower than during GOATs. And he’s stronger now than he was back then with the lower cooldown on Helix Rockets and the longer time before spread kicks in buff they did a year or two back to him.

do you check the dates?
Feb '19

might wanna memorize it.

1 1/2 yr old post.

views change.

4 weeks ago:


[1 month ago]

this type of question is very hard to answer because we all now have the benefit of hindsight.

sometimes i wish we had kept offense and defense heroes (rather than merging them into damage) and only allowing offense heroes to be played on attack and defense to be played on defense. i know that idea might sound crazy and stupid but i think it would have allowed us to more “all in” on some “niche” hero designs like Torb, Symmetra and Bastion. much of the issue we face with the hero balance on these heroes is our player expectations that these heroes should be fully viable on all situations, and that really wasn’t our intent or vision for the game. we believed that with hero swapping, people would be more willing to adapt to “solve the problem”. we’re fighting some amount of human psychology and game design, i know.

the sombra arg is another standout… lol

oh and link if u question authenticity


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The elitist consider Symm to be a low skill hero thus she’s not allowed to be good.

You will find that the elitist dictate how good or bad a lot of heroes should be in this game. Most of them only want hitscan to be good. Some reason they feel hitscan are the true skillful heroes.


Is this actually a common sentiment? That with >30 heroes, we need less niche designs instead of - naturally - more of them?

Because I didn’t think it was difficult to see how a large number of heroes has to forcibly either lead to kit duplication/replacement or to niches.

Damn, I’d love that design, with the attack/defense heroes. It’d also make for an interesting tank/support balance because the rest of the roster forcibly swaps out.

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Because Symmetra’s kit is plagued with long set up and downtime with very little reward it. Further more, being generally slower paced than the overall flow of the game means she simply can’t keep up.

Now I’ll argue that a hero can only be niche yet still be good so long as they are actually successful in it and that they aren’t too restricted.

Problem is that Symmetra is just so easy to counter.

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It tells me that 3.0 has been a numerically underpowered hero since her release, which means that her rework has little to do with her current state.

So please, let’s let that misinformation rest already…

On what platform is she actually that bad? On PC in the diamond+ tier a good Sym can completely shut down most comps when completely powered up. I see her more as a shot range glass cannon than anything else, which is what I think they were going for.

First off every ult can be used every way (supportive, protective, solo, etc.)
But generally tank ults aren’t protective. They’re enabling / to-be-combo’d. Support ults are protective for a stall or an engage.

The M2 is for poke/splash/bait. When the timing is right - the short-range, M1 component of her kit is quick in/out like tracer (using tp bombs and other weaving).

You don’t linger in a tunnelvision brawl/sustain despite what M1 charge-up value might suggest. That’s about as basic as a bastion shooting stuff with a pocket. You don’t get better expecting people to help your M1 and your teams must be terrible if they’re letting you get away with M1.

Prioritizing laser only works on some maps/comps when there is some coordination/mistakes delta. Meanwhile the turrets force mild distracts, tempo, and attention resources sinks. Her tp shifts her/team value, acts as a bait/distract for builds/deployables, offers escapes and all kinds of map enablement.

I really don’t know what more you could ask for. Sym 3.0 is high skillcap because her kit is relatively advanced. Just because people don’t get peak value from her by clicking heads doesn’t mean she’s bad. The real issue is ladder-based 222 favours other dps (and all kinds of 20 minute waits for counterwatch) and fixed/mirror meta playstyles. Her datatrail is a 222 issue more than a Sym one.

Yes, Death Blossom is clearly a support ult…Lmao

Haha why not? Use it to peel/save from a wipe? Use it to zone? Use it to bait xyz. It’s not just for frags/pog.