[Rant] Why can't Symmetra just be good?

I’d still rather her not have sentries altogether. If it means getting a more well-rounded hero that is generally viable and not a throw pick, then I’d sacrifice sentries for that.

I mean if you look at it objectively, they lack any potential due to automation. They just execute the simplest of directives of “shoot first red guy in range”. So they’re not really fun to use. They’re too weak. Their cooldown is too high. And they’re a huge bugbear for players that get attacked by them. Whether or not the whining is justified is moot; these sentries benefit absolutely nobody. They don’t serve Sym well, and they’re nothing more than a trivial nuisance to the enemy.

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Team is literally holding Sym hostage, lets delete that literal support ult that was shoehorned into a basic ability and buff Sym up from that. Keep personal TP.

Remove construct AND team TP. Its obvious that Sym is being balanced around both of those, but specially the later.

I dont WANT sentrybombing. I always hated it. Sentries should be sentries or/and should be close range tools. Not bootleg lock-on beam from afar and on a massive cooldown.

It has nothing to do with the TP Bomb. It has everything to do with teammates using it. It’s why they’ve never touched the cast time, even with the turret nerfs.

What? As someone who does a good bit of Sym the placement and judgement to get value out is great fun… maybe not for you, but for many people. This is anything but an objective opinion…

Don’t get me started on the huge list of “automatic fire and forget” abilities that most characters have access to in OW…

Its kinda sad that is literally how she is used in OWL and the devs dont see that as a problem

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You’d be surprised how little it matters in the long run. I see people who don’t play Sym get the most random turret kills because they stacked them all somewhere weird around a corner and someone just walks into them.

Because we as Sym players find our “optimal” setups and get stuck in those habits without realizing it doesn’t matter where you place them, and having specific setups you use all the time become predictable. The fact is, they’re either going to kill/do considerable damage or be destroyed instantly, and where you place them doesn’t really change that.

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Uhhhh you know sentries dont magically spawn like mushrooms just because Sym exists right.

Sym has to aim them.

Pretending that ease of aim means no potential is ludicrous and untrue, it could be like claiming that Widow’s grapple hook has no potential because its auto-aim.

Also what is fun is relative.

Of course, its like random shots by a hitscan or a Moira Orb bouncing out of LOS and tagging someone.

I for one don’t settle into “optimal”, I try to juggle it up to keep the enemy unbalanced. I also simply don’t rely on them too much, they are for sentry purposes and for adding tick damage when you can. It’s amazing still what 1 or 2 thrown down in front of you can do to distract an enemy long enough to get and Orb or Primary kill.

Here is what I could do with Sym, specially the part of removing team/construct TP and barrier succ beam, replacing it with more things that make Sym an actual dps and universally useful utility.

Not bad.

I’d probably do


  • Primary = 90/120/180 damage ramp
  • Secondary = No change
  • Sentries = Half damage, but makes enemies receiving damage visible through walls. Damage dealt charges up her primary ramp.
  • Teleporter = Can’t teleport pre-existing sentries. 3x faster construction speed. No movement penalty when constructing. If teleporter hasn’t taken damage in the last 5 seconds, then deconstructing it for half cooldown.
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As far as abilities go, it has rather minimal imput. You pick a spot and release it. And…that’s it. The actual function of the cooldown is done without you. You both know this is the case so stop trying to be obtuse. You’re not winning internet points here. At least with Tac Visor you’re still moving the damage source (you) and choosing when to shoot and when to reload. You can passionately advocate for your hero without pretending you recently had a TBI.

This is as stupid as saying that you ‘‘pick a spot in the screen and click it’’ with Widowmaker.

If you arent going to say anything intelligent dont say anything at all.

If you wanted a 1:1 comparison, it’d be apt to say you’d scope in as Widowmaker, but the shot happens without your imput, every once in a while, if someone’s stray bullet doesn’t take you out of aiming like in some other games.

Again, you’re not making any sort of clever observation here. I play Sym, I understand her perfectly. You’re playing obtuse because you think there’s some grand revelation to be made that will make you look like a superstar. There isn’t. Everyone here in this thread knows how her turrets work, so at best you’re just preaching to the choir. Except in this case you think you’re arguing for some point everyone else has already moved on from.

It was a close hold on Havana, and saying sym is badly designed because it needs a team to assist is just straight dumb. Also why is sym the focus? When like 50% of DPS aren’t viable anywhere (doom, mccree, mei, reaper who should be good in similar spots where sym is and echo hanzo pharah soldier being outshined elsewhere) sym being viable ok certain points is best case

Why the hell do people complaing about photon barrier? becuase nO dAmAgE???

it is an amzing ult, and the only time i can push with primary without. f e a r

Is he? im having a lot of success with soldier recently (i cant play any hitscan besides him well :sob:)

Yeah he’s pretty terrible against anyone decent

Really? mhm. im only in low diamondand he doesnt seem too bad

just the other hitscans are too much

Anything is good in low diamond

Because the right way to balance her is to give her a resource, and using that resource to determine what deployables to make, the same way Engineer worked in TF2.