[Rant] Why can't Symmetra just be good?

You give her a Tank Ultimate when she’s a Damage hero. Her turrets still suck. Teleporter is the only redeemable thing from her kit, but she’s an incredibly niche pick because of that. She’s forced to play at melee range with 200 HP. Her orbs are slow and easily avoidable. To play her optimally, you have to commit to a strat that requires every single one of your CDs and is potentially a huge throw.

Why can’t Symmetra just be like other DPS? Why does she need to charge up? Why does she need to have all of these gimmicks? Just make her good already. No more niche tactics, no more awful gimmicks, just make her good. Whether she’s reworked into a Healer or not, please just make her good.

I’m tired of my favorite hero being treated like a joke character. She was a throw pick back then and she’s a throw pick now.

Successful rework my @$$. She’s easily in the best state she’s ever been in, but she’s still trash. What does that tell you?


Healer symm we need it


But it is successful.

For the OWL, look at her amazing playstyle which consists of putting a teleporter at spawn for her team to go faster.

I can’t believe she FINALLY found her niche, good job Blizzard !


If she was just like another DPS you’d have to chose between one or the other, sym has her niche and she’s good at it


I’ll let this one speak for me.

Believe it or not, there are people who want to play the hero on more than one and a half maps.


And if you can play her where she shouldn’t be played, she’s unbelievable on the points she’s good on


All three of them…


Mei was being played on junkertown, she got nerfed because of that. Niche heroes should exist otherwise you’d only play 6 heroes


Or you could change the niche heroes in ways that allows them to be played in any scenario like every other DPS in the game.

I don’t see why anyone’s favorite hero should be restricted to very specific scenarios. Most people don’t have this problem because heroes like Genji, Ashe, Widow, Tracer etc. can be played on every single map. That isn’t fair.


How to you change sym into that without maker her into either a completely new hero or into a copy of another one. This game doesn’t support onetricking so if a hero is strong on certain points that’s a good thing

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Why do we have heroes that are allowed to be played everywhere then
So some heroes can only be played for 3 maps and others can be instalocked everywhere ?


You make her into a new hero, because her core kit and identity is what’s holding her back. I said that in the original post.

True, but that doesn’t mean a hero should only be viable on one and half maps.


If you make her into a new hero she’s not anyones favourite hero, so you want to just delete the hero instead of having her a niche

3.0 was a redesign. Not rework, redesign, and Symmetra players still love Symmetra.

I don’t think that would change if they wanted to redesign her again.


Because some heroes are generalists. But some heroes like widow and Ashe who should be more specialised are op so they’re played everywhere. It should be that specialised heroes are best at what they’re best at and general heroes should be okay everywhere

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She still had some of her kit with turrets, a close range beam and a tp. They didn’t turn her into pharah or something

I’d add that Sym 3.0 can be balanced, buff her orbs speed so she can decently deal damage mid range then she’ll be good.

Would she be fun ? That’s on you to decide but she’d be balanced imo.

If they get rid of everything that made her a builder she’ll lose what made her who she is. People want Sym to be viable not another hero that looks like Sym that is viable.

Heroes that are decent at everything at best will never be viable.
Soldier is a good example.
Every hero should be situational to some degree and be played depending on the map.
It should be done while keeping situational heroes from being played everywhere (Hi Widow Ashe).


Soldier is just bad everywhere

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In his current state he would be really strong if the rest of the powercrept heroes were balanced, but that’s my opinion.

Before that he was decent at a lot of things and an all rounded hero, other heroes that were supposed to be niche were just too good.

We need Healmmetra! :pleading_face::pray: