Rammatra's unlock method is completely DISGUSTING

You’re supporting the game just by playing it. Your participation encourages other people to keep playing and spending money, and it looks good on metrics.


I don’t think you can, actually. They identify as female (or at least we haven’t been told otherwise and blizzard make a big deal if they were trans) and they are biologically female. therefore, they should, and are, counted as female.

Though I can see the connection and understand gender identity must be a thing for you, it might be somewhat off-topic on this particular thread. No offence intended.

I can’t hardly take this seriously…

So pay the ten dollars or play a couple hours a day and get him unlocked before rank lets him in.

I was 60 two days before Kiriko entered ranked and I missed 6 days due to the lock out bug and working 12 hour shifts 3 days a week. Plus my kid had a school performance and I helped friends with projects like building shelves and hauling furniture.

Work on the challenges. 2 hours a day can clear dailies, 6 hours a week can clear weeklies, and the season challenges were pretty easy as well. I’m half way through the title ranks now. I don’t get to play all that much.

And it’s not pay to win. Pay to win is pretty obvious when it happens!

why are people only talking about this now as if it’s new?

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It is still not pay to win, but I agree that it is a problem.

Not the best analogy but I don’t care to argue the point so I’ll just quote Daniel Tosh out of context, “You could find a ten on the ground!”

widowmaker is the best dps hero and shes female, so strong, but only if you are patient and line up headshots.

Imagine if Sojourn was a battlepass hero considering how disgustingly OP she is right now :upside_down_face:

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we are about to find out how much it costs if you didnt get to lvl 55 for the new hero.

it takes weeks… maybe even a month and a couple weeks

everyone should be… but people would rather say “it is what it is,” and say we mooched off of blizzard and we need to give them so much money because theyre struggling out here

they are even trying to make the characters more manly likely the POS ceo demanding it

Unfortunately, the game being called OW2 is a pay to win game, so you will see this sort of thing happen with each season

It was and is a very very bad decision on Blizzard’s part


dont have to imagine because she technically is.

everyone who owned overwatch got sojourn for free. imagine downloading the game for free and realizing you dont have access to that hero unless you payed for it?

the thing about this game is that most characters are soldiers or fighters of some kind, so it’s easier and it makes sense to design heroes with traits that I suppose could be considered more ‘manly’

Yeah I mean I was going off my own absurd amount of free time by saying days. As it took me days to reach 55.

Its probably fairly awful for someone with not so much free time.

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I agree that the hero should not be locked behind the BP but it is not pay to win. For example of pay to win you would have to sell a skin only available via shop that increased the speed of Ashe’s reload or tightened the spread of Reaper’s shotguns. THAT is pay to win. That is the definition that has been used for decades.

In order to be pay to win there must be a level that a free player CANNOT reach no matter how much they grind. That is what makes a game pay to win. If you can grind to reach that level you are not pay to win because a free player can be on even footing with a paid player and that is impossible in a pay to win game.

I support you on this OP, but don’t bother trying to convince these people who’re supporting Blizzard.

They’re not only arguing with those whom’re analyzing the problem, but they’ve blatantly said they’re fine with Blizzard doing this. Only so much one person can do. The problem is now in an area between Blizzard itself and the playerbase.

And if they want hero unlocks to be this way? Let them. They’ll find out the hard way why its bad for the game, and it’ll come back to bite them. Don’t bother reasoning with a brick wall, let them see the problem themselves.


I win with Kiriko on my team, I lose with Kiriko on my team. I win more without a Kiriko on my team.

It’s less about P2W, and more about P2PAHNKHTU (Pay 2 play a hero nobody knows how to use).

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I do not have the drive to get to tier 55. I’m only at 15 right now.

I’m tempted to buy the bp just for the new hero. Nothing else. And that’s very poopy.

Not everyone has the free time to grind. Not everyone wants to grind, but really. Make it 20 and we’d be good. Heck, even level 10. Took me a week to get that far.

Nothing about this game has made me want to play more, except the handful of nice people I meet during matches. Nothing I can do about that though. There seem to be less nice people in this game now, which is sad.

Ok lets say I “agree” with this argument.

Why can’t they just put a unique legendary in the heroes place at 1 and 55 respectively that can only be obtained in the battlepass. Its pure cosmetic and people including me at that point would be willing to buy the battlepass.

Put the hero in game free for everyone, have a unique legendary for that hero in the battlepass which can only be obtained through it. Problem solved.

More over many people have brought the battlepass already full well and knowing they already have kiriko for free this time around. So its not like people won’t buy the battlepass without the hero there…

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