😡 Why are Symmetra players Angry at the "Rework"?

Sorry meant 3.0 forgot she got a rework before this one

Sorry if I used the incorrect term but you cannot deny that some heroes (including Symmerta 2.0) are much stronger on defense than they are on attack.
I’ll try and help an attack Symmetra, Torb, Bastion etc. it’s in my best interest in trying to win the game. The problem is with players that either can’t recognize or don’t care when it clearly isn’t working and flat out refuse to even consider trying a different hero. This applies to any hero in any role, it’s just more obvious when they are playing a niche hero.

You also can’t deny that some heroes are stronger on attack than they are on defense, like Tracer and Widowmaker. That also don’t make it wrong to use them on defense.

Better on attack/defense is not equal to “absolutely useless in the other”.

The real reason is because this community loves to snap and get angry at every little balance change.

Let me remind you people swore Genji was ruined when his ult duration was decreased, that Soldier was useless when his shots were reduced by ONE and that Tracer’s pulse bomb nerf would make her useless because she can no longer one shot tanks.

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“Little balance change” please pinch yourself, hard, you are dreaming.


Tracer and Widowmaker have better mobility and can re-position much faster which allows them to be effective for more situations.

That still don’t change the fact that they are better on attack than defense, for the exact same reasons heroes like Bastion and Torb are better on defense than attack.

And that reason is that the attacking team is the one that have the initiative to start the team fight. Heroes that have the advantage to choose when and where they can fight are better on attack. Heroes that are stronger when the enemy team moves to their position are better on defense.

Yet, if the defending team don’t mind pushing into the defending team now and then to force the fight, the heroes that are better on attack can also be perfectly fine on defense. In the same vein, if the attacking team don’t mind taking their time to approach and build their defenses in the middle of the attacking point, it becomes very hard to remove them from there, making they only require a single push to win the match.


Oh, no, we get why Sym mains are mad. They’re just objectively wrong.

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Way to not engage with literally anything and just handwave complaints.

“Tracer DPS nerfed to 25 per clip”

“What? That’s terrible!”

“You’re just afraid of change!”


I’m positive your use of the word ‘objectively’ is dead wrong here.


Everyone assumed she’s OP in low ranks. Only stats I can find on her still put her in top 5 least picked heroes, even in bronze.

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I have a feeling that your feelings are biased and it doesn’t make you less wrong.

Feelings are biased by default. Much as your feelings are too. I’m still pretty certain this rework is, overall, bad for the game.


I’m not disputing that. I’m talking about when five out of six people on the team pick dive, for example, and then you get a Symmetra or Torb. Should that person change or should the other five?

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Remember the complaints about mercy ? Remember the complaints about junkrat ? Remember the complaints about Lucio ? Remember the complaints about Hanzo ? Yeah that’s the point no one complains anymore, people hate change they will complain now then 1-2 weeks after release and then realize “it isn’t so bad or it is actually better” and then accept the change and move on. This is nothing different.

Why? Ive spent nearly 300 hours on a character who is soon to disappear… if your main suddenly got changed… im sure you would be like ‘i have spent this long and its basically like im starting from scratch’ Im glad shes being reworked but ive lost a lot of hard work.

On the other hand i hated photon barrier & only got to use shield gen on like 2 maps effecrively. To finally not get abuse for picking my main is going to be great. Im excited to start aiming. Its 50/50

I think there will always be a stigma about her though.

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Not sure how you can even compare Symmetra to Ana. There’s a fair difference between flicking 180 and hitting accurate follow up shots compared to flicking a 180 and continuing damage by waving your camera in their vague direction, especially when Ana’s rate of fire is so low.

What if I tell you that Shield Gen helps a lot a dive team? +75 HP on Tracer, Genji or Pharah gives them a lot of extra room to stay alive in the enemy backline.

What if I tell you that a solid turret backup line allow your dive team to retreat safely if the dive fails, and prevent the enemy team from chasing them down?

What if I tell you that you can spam orbs towards the diving area while still being perfectly capable to peel for your team’s Zen, not requiring D.va to keep attention in two places at the same time?

I have used Symmetra with a dive team*. She works fine.

*Diamond and below tier dive, of course. As I pointed a lot of times, Sym is weak against coordination, and a good full-team dive will wreck her.


I’m not dreaming. People cried at the Tracer bomb nerf because she can’t one shot tanks with it and people cried at Genji’s dragonblade being 6 seconds instead of 8, saying the change made him useless.

This community is a bunch of entitled, selfish crybabies that love to complain over and over about the smallest balance change, saying it’ll make the hero completely OP or completely useless.

Does anyone else feel like the new symm is UP?

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