😡 Why are Symmetra players Angry at the "Rework"?

OK so nobody suggested that big shield ult, I’m relieved. I’m still baffled that’s what’s been chosen for her ult. I really expected something a bit more out there and different.

If her new primary fire becomes a straight hard focus beam, I might seriously have to consider playing her more. I’m a sucker for anything remotely similar to Quake’s lightning gun which was always my favorite weapon back in my Quake glory days when I was in my teens. It probably explains why I gelled so well with Zarya. I love tracking, maybe even more than shooting bullets, which is why I always ran around with the lightning gun if I could, instead of the typical rocket launcher.

I was obsessed with getting as perfect lG tracking as I could, and every now and then, at random times during Overwatch, I’ll get flashbacks of it while playing Zarya. If Symettra’s new kit primary fire stays the same, I’m so becoming a Sym main. It’s not even in my hands. I’m subconsciously disposed to lightning gun type heroes regardless of the game :smile:

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Let’s see what happen to hanzo.
Wait and we can judge it.

worked great for my main my men

So does Zarya and Reinhardt.

No they don’t.

Zarya and Rein have tank ults i.e. massive crowd control or damage blocking effects. Other heroes with tank ults like this are Hog, Winston, and Mei funnily enough (New Sym also).

Support ults empower ur team or disempower the enemy. Heroes with ults like this are all the healers, Widow, Sombra and Orisa.

Everyone else has a DPS i.e. kill ult IIRC.

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 basically now that Symmetra isn’t Over Powered and Under Powered all at once and she’s literally unplayable in a high capacity form due to the fact she’s severly limited in her usefulness
you hate her cause people might actually pick her and you’ll have to occasionally play something else. Sounds 
 like a sym troll being angry he can’t troll anymore honestly.

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Glad Bliz let us know they were deleting Symmetra before I spent the 3k coins on her Dragon skin. She is fun to play the way she is. If people complain about her left click, then nurf the damage. So many other characters need nerfs before Symmetra though. Anyway, RIP Symmetra. Maybe this is the funny stuff that causes so many players to leave?


I’m just going to say this: You Symmetra mains have left a very very sour taste in the rest of the communities mouths for 2 reasons:

  1. The vast majority of you will only play Sym no matter how hard you’re being countered.
  2. Her kit is just trash. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but it’s the truth. And on top of being hard countered and still refusing to switch, there are a LOT of heroes that best her in a fight.
    But that’s just my little summary, and I’m glad for the changes because now, like Hanzo, I’m not going to moan and get pissed because of the hero my teammates pick.

11 hours, more than enough to get a valid statistic.

Logic fallacies, I thought we were having a real discussion and not a high school debate for teenagers.

PREACH FELLOW SYMMETRA MAIN, PREEEEEEEACH. I legitimately couldn’t agree more.

But but it’s a buff. You think any teammate was ever happy to see a sym in his team ?

The issue here is that Sym 3.0 suffers even worse from the problems that Sym 2.0 suffered from.

Complaints about Sym 2.0 was that she was basically a melee hero that could be kited by most / all of the enemy roster, and that her overall damage was too low and that without being pocketed she couldn’t survive a concentrated enemy attack.

Summary of Sym 2.0’s weaknesses according to her detractors:

  • Low Beam Dmg at Top tier play
  • Easily kited
  • Very killable
  • Niche pick only good for certain points

Sym 3.0 was intended to fix those issues so they made her attack higher damage by default and they gave her a teleport to close with enemies quicker. Fixing Sym in the minds of the developers. Except due to how they fixed the main weapon exploit she does very little damage per tick but has a lot of ticks per second. This actually lowers her damage potential on armored targets, even worse the extra ticks means you need to have a high accuracy rate or you lose a dramatic percentage of the dps rate. This means that her beam weapon will actually do less damage than Sym 2.0’s unless you have almost aimbot levels of accuracy. Worse, they removed her defensive / gap closing skill and her defensive ult. This makes her even more easy to kill than before as long as you can dodge or otherwise avoid the melee-like ranged damage. Her ult is extremely niche on which heroes it is good against compared to old ults. Her teleport kit is only really useful at certain places of certain maps.

Summary of Sym 3.0’s weaknesses:

  • Low Beam Dmg at Top tier play
  • Easily kited
  • Very killable
  • Niche pick only good for certain points
  • Weakest / most niche ult in the game

Wow what do you know
 Sym 3.0 has exactly the same weaknesses as Sym 2.0, and one more.


-Primary shot: Lock-on, same damage as before. It won’t lose ammo if hitting barriers or walls, instead gives ammo.

-Secondary shot: Charge shot: Charging rate is faster, firing rate is faster, shots move faster and, pierces, at lower damage.

-Teleporter: would be like it is in the rework as a low CD skill for team teleportation and movement. Increase its drop range a bit.

-Turrets: (If we must have them, which I don’t) Give them more shield. Increase the slow they incur. They should move MUCH faster through the air if still shot out or instantly spawn where you are looking.

Other skills that can be fun to use:
-Mini Barriers: which block shots, and physically block players from moving through them. Click and place where you want the barrier to stand. Barriers can’t be placed on walls. Not sure if this is bad for gameplay, cause this can essentially traps players. The Barrier should be big enough to cover the tallest and widest hero. May or may not physically block opponents movement.

-Personal Shields (replaces turrets): Be able to give personal shields one by one to players. The shield will increase in health based on your charge power from primary fire. I feel giving personal shields which increase in health based on your charge power because, if Sym is doing her damage, then the rest of the team has a safe incentive to fight too.

-Personal Shields Aura(replaces Turrets): Sym will give personal shields passively when players are close to mid range. Shield is stronger based on Sym’s charge level from primary fire. Shields given this way, require the player to be near for at least 5-10 seconds. If a shield given this way is destroyed, they will have to wait 10 seconds for a new one to form. When out of range of Symmetra’s aura, the shield will disappear after 3 seconds.

-Sym has her own personal shield at all times.
Sym’s primary shot charge level should increase shield health based on the charge level. Does not effect Mirror Shield.

-Ultimate: Give the whole team a personal Mirror Shield. The personal shield will regenerate slowly when not taking damage. This shield will stack on top of personal shields and armor, but the reflect shield will be on top and once the reflect shield is depleted, you’re back to your personal shield. Shots reflected go back at the shooter with some spread. Kinda works like Genji’s skill, without aiming and with spread. If shots are reflected back they can collide with an other opponent who didn’t fire the shots. Guns like Zarya, Moira, and Sym will not reflect. Melee attacks won’t be affected either.

The only problem I had with the lock-on was it was way too forgiving for the amount of damage it was capable of. If It didn’t follow you off screen or behind objects it wouldn’t have been that bad.

It’s because she doesn’t play anything like she used to.

Imagine if they did that to someone else. Widowmaker is now a short ranged hero whose assault rifle does more damage and she uses her grappling hook to toss people around, but now her only “sniping” is her ability to shoot her venom mine a much greater distance with her scope.

Lucio is now a speedy long range sound sniper whose only heal comes when you use his ult.

Reinhardt only has 200 hp, but he throws hammers and his ult lets him charge with his barrier out.


She used to be built for defense and was very good at that but people insisted on playing her in all situations and she got labelled a troll pick. Now they’re changing her to be more useful on attack so that people might stop reporting those who one-trick her. The same thing will happen to Torb.

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You made one error. Sym 2.0 was not labelled as a “troll pick” because of how good or bad she was. She got labeled a “troll pick” for the same reason Mei was labeled it. People who wanted to troll would pick Mei and wall in their own spawn. People who wanted to troll would pick Sym, stick a teleport exit on a cliff dive spot causing their teammates to suicide.

Your expressed belief of reasons for it is only from the people who had no clue why Sym was labelled a “troll pick” but decided it must be for a reason. In the end this false reason you stated came about due to all of the typical pondits failing to make her useful for them. It was then decided she was bad thanks to her kit being more favorable to strategic play than typical fps play. And this erroneous belief in her kit quality in turn grew the mistaken belief that you expressed there to come into being.

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Unlike Symmetra, these characters can be played lots of different ways and have high skill ceilings. Symmetra on live tbh is really redundant and once you learn the mechanics of Photon barrier and the best turret spots you’re all set. McCree and Tracer have to constantly change their playstyle based on how the fight is going. Not throwing shade at Sym players, but the design and fundamentals of the character are seriously flawed.

That is seriously underestimating the versatility that Sym 2.0 have in her kit. I’ll just say that I’m not a Sym one trick, and a lot of times I don’t see the need to swap heroes simply because I can change my whole strategy and approach, and adapt on the fly against the enemy team.

I love her specifically because of how versatile her kit is. The main problem is that this complexity on her kit is exactly the thing that makes it harder for usual FPS players to use her efficiently. Lots of time I see people “trying” Symmetra, and then playing her like you would play Reaper. And she don’t work like that, be it 2.0 or 3.0.


Are these leaked reworks for 2019?

Does Ana dart follow you off-screen or behind objects?
Both Sym and Ana deal what is called a DoT. When they hit you, they deal a certain amount of damage over a period of time, automatically, whether you are behind an object or off-screen.

The trick is to not get hit in the first place or get out asap before the DoT kills you.

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