😡 Why are Symmetra players Angry at the "Rework"?

Eeeehhhhhhmmmm well…

Yes, I have to admit, Symm is… very fun and relaxing to play… XD

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Ok but how is that relevant here where the entire hero is being deleted?

I am not comparing how they deal damage, I am comparing their damage type itself. They both deal damage over time.

…she’s not “being deleted”. That little argument of guys love to use doesn’t make sense. You’ll use the new Symmetra anyway and will be right back to the forums to complain about her power once she’s out.

Yea it’s a new hero, so of course we’ll play them just like any new hero and talk about their power level.

But that doesn’t mean that Symmetra isn’t being deleted from the game.


It’s not as complicated as you make it seem.

My average dmg in one round is 3k, how sad :joy::broken_heart:

A much better character worth picking.

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I don’t know… I feel her right click is always better than left click. Aiming here isn’t the real problem. Before she could shield some inc damage, and jumping and dodging during the laser… now you have a zarya laser, without any protection with a 200hp hero. Again, it’s not about aiming, her left click is just awfull imho. NO WAY the enemy team left you charge your s****y laser without being oneshotted before


The new character is also pretty cool but I don’t think they had to remove old Sym to make them. I think most of old Sym’s problem was that they put in overpowered new heroes (mostly Brigitte) that were overwhelmingly dominant at close range, ruining her combat style. She just needed a bit of an update once they were fixed.


Reaper and McRizzle were always hard counters to Sym and superior general choices.

They weren’t as bad as Brigitte is - you could dodge Reaper, if you’re good, and if McCree whiffed his grenade he was dead meat. But yeah, her primary fire needed a bit of work. But her previous build was salvageable.


I can just imagine McCree using a Torgue Revolver
And instead of “High Noon” he Yells out “Explosions”

McCree rework confirmed.

They basically removed the hero known as Symmetra and we have an imposter in her place. I’m used to games I love screwing over their players so I’m whatever with this. The new hero Symmetra is fun but we lost a hero in the process.


I mean in this game, you have very good reason to be scared of change.


Bro you are making way to much sense for anyone who doesnt play symm. Also I think the overwatch team sucks at balancing heroes. Whatever ill uninstall this game and comeback when Symmetra is back to normal.


That will never happen.

The only thing i don’t really appreciate in this rework is how the primary beam is short ranged while Symmetra lose her tool to actually take the risk to go in the front line.
i’ll probably get used to but only the range is a bit bothersome for me, the rest of the rework is really fun.

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You’re saying that aiming isn’t the problem but not having to aim is what allowed Symmetra to jump and dodge and still do high damage. It’s why she was a lot more powerful at lower ranks where people playing aim dependent heroes lacked the mechanical ability to track her when she was bouncing around whereas Symm could lock on then just hold the button and do consistent high damage.