Is it just because we now have to aim with a Melee weapon?
Is it just because her unique Barrier-piercing orb is now a no-projectile-gravity Zarya Secondary fire?
It’s because Symmetra’s most powerful ability at higher ranks (Photon Barrier) and two of the high-tier Ults in the game (Teleporter and Shield Generator) are getting replaced with nothing but a glorified Ramp and a glorified Mei wall.
… and not to mention all of her mechanics are being removed.
It is absolutely the worst thing to do to a Hero is to change their entire kit and all its mechanics, when players have invested hundreds of hours into mastering that kit.
Imagine if McCree all of a sudden became a Projectile hero. Just with that one change alone he would no longer be the same hero. Now imagine changing all his skill mechanics and Ultimate. That would be no different to clicking on McCree and pressing DELETE.
Imagine if Tracer was nuked the way Symmetra was. Imagine having to relearn all your skills and experience. I would hate for Tracer to have to relearn how to do her Blinks and Recall, how to aim her Bomb. How to aim her weapon, etc. … if she kept any of that.
(Btw I am glad that Tracer’s core mechanics were not changed in her nerf. She was nerfed in the best possible way. The best possible way to nerf a hero is to keep their core intact and nerf the numbers instead., to maintain the skills people had invested time into learning. This is why the Tracer nerf was done well.)
This is why Symmetra players are mad about the rework. It does not improve her, it removes core mechanics of her kit.
We loved Symmetra 2.0 rework.
Symmetra 2.0 took Symmetra’s core mechanics and made them better.
- She was able to hold 6 sentries at a lower cooldown, and place them all at the beginning and move them around more often.
- She was given a Photon Barrier that allowed her to be more aggressive and protect herself, her allies from CC and burst damage.
- Her Ults were made tanky so they survived more.
- She was given a second Ult for situations where Teleporter was not as useful
All of these changes made Symmetra really good.
Blizzard’s first rework of Symmetra was in the right direction. And we want another Symmetra 2.0 type of rework.
We want them to continue in spirit of her previous rework and -
- Improve the clunkiness with her cast times and cooldowns of Turrets and barrier.
- Improve the placement of her Turrets and Teleporters.
I made multiple threads and countless posts on why Symmetra’s core kit should remain intact and how it can be buffed to better suit the new evolved state of the game.
You can read my threads below if you are interested in what I have to say -