šŸ˜” Why are Symmetra players Angry at the "Rework"?

Some Sym mains are just completely mad because the auto lock feature is gone, honestly. Her right click on PTR is considerably stupid, but itā€™s way better than her current primary. Legit just replace her Zarya like beam m1 to m2 and vice versa. Place Symmetra will be better for the community overall.

Yeah, itā€™s so viable in high ranks that she melts faces in the Overwatch Leagueā€¦ah, no, it has not a single second there.

Buddy, There are ā€œLies, damned lies, and statisticsā€.

And anyways your affirmation is false, it has higher pickrate in bronze, silver and gold. And to be honestā€¦some carried one-tricks in grandmaster mean nothing. In my experience almost nobody plays Symmetra and when they do we lose unless the enemy team are carebears.

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evolve, adapt, succeed

Who cares if thereā€™s a few Sym mains against this rework? Just like the Hanzo rework, the overwhelming majority of the community is in favour of her being changed in to something better and actually effective in comp and not a throw pick that invites multiple reports resulting in bans.

Do you really think the overwhelming majority wants the Hanzo (I mean Spamzo) we have now? Where he requires next to no skill to do well?

Last year, yes, the OVERWHELMING majority of the overwatch community wanted a new, fresh, reworked Hanzo, at the expense of getting rid of scattuh.

I personally think the rework has been a success. Iā€™ll take 6 powerful arrows that need to actually be aimed at enemies over a 450dmg burst shot that could delete most of the roster in one click at their feet.

Yes, storm arrows can seem spammy at times, but I think the recent nerf was appropriate. And they have said they are monitoring him to see if any other changes are needed.

Iā€™m not saying Hanzo 2.0 is perfect, we have to see how it goes, but he is much better than his previous iteration.

Itā€™s probably just because her primary requires more skill now. Thankfully with her faster projectiles you can weaken enemies up first before attempting to finish them off with the beam ā€œactually you kind of have to now with no auto lockā€.
Her new wall ultimate as it is now is just plain bad though. It would have been good if it had unlimited duration but with the 15 seconds iā€™d rather just keep using the old portal and shield gen ults she has. Additionally its pretty hard to guess what level charge her beam is at. It would be nice if the beams current charge level was displayed near the aiming cross hairs. Somewhat similar to what Zaraya has. Just throwing it out there.

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Any news on what Blizzard plan to do on the glitch with new Sym where people bind primary fire to mouse wheel up or down and then just scroll the mouse wheel infinitely to get higher damage? Iā€™m guessing we should see another patch soon on ptr.

It has been a disaster. Scatter took timing and aim to execute. Storm arrow takes a button and holding down your mouse button. How is that a success? Even with the nerf heā€™s a shadow of his former self. Heā€™s the solder 76 and hanzo hybrid nobody wanted.

They need to bring back his former self or he will continue to ruin this game.

Thatā€™s gotta be the very next thing they update in PTR. Thatā€™s a pretty bad bug. Well that and your portals going poof if you donā€™t place them perfectly.

I think most of us, including most Hanzo mains would disagree with you on that. But weā€™re all entitled to our opinions.

I can see them possibly getting rid of that storm arrows ability to head shot if they donā€™t further reduce itā€™s damage down the line. With each arrow doing 70 and 6 of them they have enough dps to quickly kill 2 squishies if they have good aim. Someone else has probably suggested as much by now.

The majority of players outside of hanzo mains would agree with me. Hell I mained hanzo for a while until they butchered him. There are definitely plenty of hanzo mains that agree with that too.

The old sym was not viable at all, at least not in most situations. You could use her on defense on ceratin maps and stack her shield gen with armorā€¦ but outside of that she is useless.

The new sym is super viable because:

  • She can quickly reposition her team to places they couldnā€™t otherwise get to, or at least not as quickly.

  • Reposition assets in such a way that is unpredictable (D.va bomb, rip tire, torb turret).

  • Cut a battlefield in half and give your team a huge advantage.

  • Her turrets can be put in places (up high) that they couldnā€™t be put before. And against some, in places that are hard to destroy.

And on top of that, Sombra becomes more useful fo canceling the shield barrier (even though she needs a couple tweaks herself).

As someone who played her a lot she was viable in more situations than that. She was great to help you push on points and payloads bc of her shield and placeable turrets.

The fact that you are against a rework for one of the worst and trolliest heroes in the game is a little disheartening. I remember before the Hanzo rework there were also a few hanzo mains who fought aggressively to keep scatter, commenting in every single thread that a rework was a bad idea. Ironically enough, now they are the same ones defending Hanzo 2.0, saying heā€™s perfect and doesnā€™t need changes.

I honestly donā€™t care if they keep or change Sym. I never touch her. I just thought her mains would be happy that sheā€™s being taken out of troll pick territory.

He currently IS the most trolliest and worst heroes. How can you not see that? I have yet to see a majority of players who wanted scatter praising storm arrow. Ironically I see more people regretting their complaints and wanting scatter arrow back.

She was never a troll pick to begin with.

OWL is a unique environment. Unless you are yourself in the pro scene (even the C-tier pro scene), itā€™s usefulness to ladder is minimal.

Said that, I fully agree current Symmetra will never ever see OWL time, but Iā€™m perfectly fine with that. Just like Iā€™m fine with characters like Juri and Ed never being played in Street Fighter 5 tournaments.

Ergo, ā€œvastlyā€ different. I know its a finicky word when her overall pickrate is so low, but let me illustrate why I pointed out Bastion and Widowmaker.

Bastion overall pickrate is 0.64%. Bastion overall winrate is 50.07%. Letā€™s move to his strongest place, which is bronze. His pickrate is now 2.13% (a 230% increase), and while his winrate is only 47.24%, everyoneā€™s winrate in bronze is abysmal, and he is the 8th highest winrate in that rank, while he is 14th in general.

Widowmaker overall pickrate is 2.84%, and her average winrate is 48.97%. Go all the way up to GM and while her pickrate raises to 4.93% (75% increase), her winrate raises to a much higher 54.05%.

Symmetra overall pickrate is 0.81%, and her overall winrate is 59.97%. In bronze those numbers raise to 1.45% (75% increase as well) and 57.52%. In GM those numbers change to 0.68% and 57.10%. She is picked more in lower ranks, but not significantly more, and her winrate remains steady across all ranks.

Symmetra in ladder is just unpopular. None of her numbers express her being weaker or stronger in low or high ranks.

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I think itā€™s because heā€™s just meta now for once, and like they do with all heroes, Blizzard just released new Hanzo 2.0 a little overtuned, hence why thereā€™s some frustration now, because we are still in the fine tuning stages of Hanzo 2.0, so naturally there will be some concerns and complaints.

Guess weā€™ll have to disagree on that one. Sym is not effective in most situations in this game, which is why when people see someone playing her, they assume theyā€™re throwing or not being a good team player, hence why so many Sym mains get reported and banned.

If you honestly donā€™t see a problem with any of this, then I guess we just see the game differently.

Your description of the situation looks like you are saying those reports are at least justified.

The anger towards someone picking a ā€œbad heroā€ is justified. The reports are not, because reporting on hero picks is not endorsed by Blizzardā€™s own reporting guidelines.

So, if the problem is ā€œpeople reporting others for playing a hero they donā€™t likeā€, the problem isnā€™t solved with a buff or rework. Itā€™s solved by actually punishing people that false report. Thatā€™s why defending the rework with ā€œyou will no longer be reportedā€ is not a good argument.