😡 Why are Symmetra players Angry at the "Rework"?

I’m a symmetra player. And I like the rework. i mean some things have to be tweaked but overall I like the direction this rework is taking her.

So please don’t come here and speak for all symmetra mains just because you cling to an old playstyle that was not effective


I’m a symmetra player

But not a Symmetra Main. You haven’t played her in a while in ranked on PC, did you?

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Don’t tell that to the streamers. Most are having fun, but that’s partially on the new Sym being potentially OP.

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_FP-DiND5A

I don’t play on PC. And true I haven’t played her on comp in a while maybe because she simply was not effective and players could take the upper hand against her especially with the abundance of junkrats and pharahs at the time

I came into the game as a Symmetra main. Watching her ability videos in the beta was what got me into OW, and I played her in the first seasons. After like the 5fth or so I didn’t play her as much on comp because she was not effective and it was hard to put her on a team comp, especially when other players wouldn’t go tank or healer. To tell you the truth I never play anything I want to play on comp because of it, but that’s another issue

I’m hoping that new symmetra can be implemented in team comps much more easily without the stigma that followed her so I can pick her up on comp again

Guess what. We fought for Mercy when that rework came out and look at where it got us. Only about 7 nerfs and our very own megathread that still stands today.

Devs dont care. Its being pushed through. Then nerfs. Nerfs for days.

I tested every single ultimate in PTR with a friend. You can teleport Torb turret, and you can teleport Self-Destruct. Nothing else goes through the TP.

I wouldn’t say I’m a Sym main since I just started the game and don’t have anyone I consider a main yet, but I quite like the changes after just watching a video showing them off.

Her gun seems way better than before as I didn’t like it because you had to get in super close to use it, lock on or not. And her orbs were slow and I didn’t like them. So I like the new beam and the fact you can spam the orbs way faster now.

Her moving shield was mostly useless anyway, so it doesn’t bother me that it’s gone.

I like the changes to the turrets except for taking away 3 of them. But I guess that makes sense with the next change I’m gonna mention.

The tele however is the one change I don’t like. I absolutely despise teleports in shooter games (big reason I hate tracer) so this one annoys me and I just know it’ll bring the salt from teammates when playing her. Sym put your tele here, put your tele there, why are you not using it, zomg you suck, blah blah.

The ult is lulzy, so I like it too.

Just opinions from a noob. :slight_smile:

Oh, yeah. Exploit the hell of the fast-clicking bug, while being nanoboosted and pocketed by the Mercy. It’s no surprise she deal a ton of damage that way.

I mean, Nano-Sym on live have 180 DPS. Nano-boosted Sym have 215 DPS. That is by no mean “not scary”. Fissure in that video is giggling in glee by going straight into the enemy team melting them. I have done similarly on live countless times.

They are enjoying the high damage factor her beam always had. When that novelty wears off and they need to look at the rest of her kit, that’s when she will be back to F-tier.


Symmetra changes definitely have more mass appeal, can’t argue that. But as a long time Symmetra player, I am sad by the changes as it’s basically a completely new character. You can’t play her the same way as before, she’s more run n gun than zoning now. And that’s no good to me. But I’m a minority, so who cares? Maybe she’ll get more love from the masses now?


Is there something wrong with people wanting to have fun while playing a videogame?

You should really retitle this “Why are SOME Symmetra Players Angry at The Rework?”

It’s irresponsible of you to speak on behalf of an entire community of players, especially considering it’s false for a majority of us. I for one, am HAPPY AND EXCITED for this rework. Does it still need tweaking to find the best balance between Sym 2.0 and Sym 3.0? Yes.

However, overall, I (as well as a lot of other Sym players) feel this is a step in the right direction.


This is a new hero altogether. Not only did the skills change but her playstyle is no longer the same, the in-game role (not the category) is no longer the same.

I can aim but many Symmetra players who can’t aim, can no longer play this new hero.

I don’t mind playing front line DPS with long ranged pharah rockets but many who enjoyed the intellectual, strategic and intuitive nature of Symmetra’s kit, will no longer get any like that from Overwatch again.

If this was given a new model and animations, it would be considered a brand new hero.

If this was given a hard-light aesthetics, it would add an additional hard-light hero to the game, and you could choose between the two different playstyles.

But it’s not.

It’s a replacement for our favourite hero.

I am glad some of you “Sym players” are enjoying the rework.

The rest of us who were pushing for high ranks and pushing her limits further and further, who found her kit deep and rewarding to play, will no longer find that Symmetra in the game.

Of course, I don’t speak for all “Sym players” but I do speak for those who are angry that their favourite hero was deleted and replaced by this.

It is very irresponsible of you to come to us at a time when we are losing the hero we love and tell us that we don’t speak for the rest of you. We never claimed we did. It doesn’t say “ALL Sym players” does it?

How very crass of you to tell us that you like this new hero and that the deletion of Symmetra is in the right direction.


Simply put, it’s that the heroes entire identity and playstyle has been removed. It’s not a question of viability. I don’t give a damn about viability if it’s a choice between leaving a character in the game or removing them.

Look at it a different way. Let’s say you’re an Ana main, and Ana’s in a horrible place. This is before the release of Moira. Blizz decides that Ana needs a big rework, so they take Moira’s whole kit, and give it to Ana. How would you feel about that? It doesn’t matter whether or not the new kit is more viable, or that you can think of new strats it opens up. The hero you enjoy playing is completely gone.

Reworking can’t be about just fixing viability and balance alone. It needs to put an emphasis on preserving the playstyle and identity of the hero. If all I cared about was viable characters and balance, I’d have long since left Overwatch for a game that already has that. The experience certain heroes offer is what’s keeping me here. Don’t get rid of it.


Maybe it’s because, as you said, you’re a new player. I’m by no means an expert Symm player, but I’ve been maining her shortly since I started playing, so let me share my point of view regarding some of your statements:

  1. Her new primary fire is by no means good. Sure, the increased damage is nice, but now it’ll be three times more difficult to make good usage of it because it hasn’t lock on, the actual range hasn’t increased like one of the developers said it will (0.5 meters more lol, it’s a bad joke), it isn’t “fairly thick” as the same dev also said (actually it’s really thin), and the reworked Symm is a hero with only 200 HP, no mobility (you’ll be dead before you can deploy and use your tp) nor defensive abilities. So if you get close to someone, good luck staying alive for more than two seconds if a healer isn’t pocketing you.

  2. Her orbs were designed to be an area-denial tool. By spamming those at the choke points, even if they were slow, you could be hitting anyone that was behind the tank’s barrier. Also they were good for countering teams hidde behind two shields, for example, or even at killing Torb’s turret combining it with her photon barrier to block its fire. The new orbs are good even if they don’t pierce now, but the old ones weren’t bad by any means.

  3. Photon barrier was awesome. You could block damage, stuns and entire ults for you and/or your teammates like the ones used by Pharah, McCree, Reinhardt or D.Va, and even make Tracer’s Pulse bomb stick to it and go away, luckily killing her. Also it allowed you to advance safely and close the gap between your enemies and you and to shut down Widow or Hanzo’s ability to snipe you for a small period of time.


Now she is just one more damage hero, and basic. My fun is totally killed, now after killing some one i cant pick them up and trow them off the map, make their dead body’s dance and cant pick things up and trow them at people. why ruin my fun blizzard?


the sad thing is we sym mains all know that
but dev never listen to players who mains sym and know sym better then anyone
this rework is cause by the toxic community who deem sym as a troll pick


Symmetra was a failed character: OP in low ranks, not viable in high ranks, now she has a chance.

Sorry, adapt or leave but she deserves to become a better class than the actual failure.

If you lie yourself we go nowhere. Symmetra is irrelevant, I think all heroes have seen playtime in the Overwatch league but her
even Torb got some time in a Dallas defence in Numbani (not very sucessful tho)

If you can’t see that she needs a rework (a real one, not the failed 2.0) you are who is missing the point.


Because Overbuff have her pickrate and winrate pretty much the same across all ranks. If she was a “tiered” hero, she would have vastly different winrates or pickrates in a specific bracket, like Bastion (win more and picked more in low rank) or Widowmaker (ditto for high rank).

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When does this comment apply to Mercy changes? They will never get over it.