😡 Why are Symmetra players Angry at the "Rework"?

It’s not supposed to take long, it’s supposed to make them survive random chip damage.

My perception is that the fanbase is actually very split on that matter.

And I’m not really angry, just vastly disappointed. I know I can adapt to her changes, be it by Sanjay being extremely fun to play, or sticking with the other 8 heroes in my hero pool that I find entertaining to play.


You are clearly not wrong, the higher you go the harder you carry the game by killing others. However, you might be really surprised of how often people fell victim to it even in Plat on PC.

Not to mention I am master SYM / Moira on console btw.

I still can’t believe they are removing Symmetra from the game. I mean Blizzard is a big company with a lot of resources. They could easily have created a new hero with these new skills but they are choosing to remove Symmetra.

It feels so out of the realm of possibility that it feels surreal.


I feel like they could make her current kit work. I don’t know if they even tried. Are there Sym mains on the dev team working on her? That’s what I’d like to know. She’s a unique hero that has a skill set that doesn’t translate to other heroes easily, so if no one on the dev team plays her a lot they wouldn’t know what to do with her

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Can’t wait for the Symmetra rework to go through!

Symmetra is awesome, in that you are always thinking about the game from a bird’s eye perspective like in an RTS game.

You can think of yourself and your Turrets as Units, and the Teleporter as Barracks.

Then your entire game is about where to position yourself and Turrets vs the flow of enemy players and where to position the Teleporter as to best provide reinforcements to the team.

Combine that with a Melee beam, thread the needle Alternative fire, and a personal Shield, and it creates a really unique gameplay that is not found elsewhere in OW or even any other game.

This is factually wrong.

I like the direction of the Turret changes (if they keep 6 Turrets)

But other than that everything is changing to the point where this not Symmetra.

No more reinforcing tele, no more shield gen, no more secondary objectives, no more personal protective barrier, no more melee beam, no more thread-the-needle piercing orbs.

What else is left? Nothing. Just the hollow shell of a former glorious hero.

With the first rework, they ensured that Symmetra would be fun for Sym mains.

In this rework, they have given the middle finger to Sym mains.

Should we trample over minorities?

Symmetra is viable because anyone can pick her up and make it to Top500.

The Sym players at Top 500 aren’t Godly-players making a bad Hero work.

They are just decent players, making a decent Hero work for them.

Most people misunderstand Symmetra and so their beliefs hold them back from achieving greatness.

They were never meant for Greatness.

If by “massive buff” you mean removed from the game, then yea it’s a “massive buff”.

Now that’s a rework I want!

This is sadly how most people, even many Sym mains, are thinking right now.

Do these “Sym mains” not know how to player their own hero?

No, my argument is that she has been unfairly nerfed, because even since competitive season 1 she has NEVER been even viable at ANY rank, let alone OP, and yet has been nerfed multiple times since then, even recently. This is a proven fact.

There is a long history of Symmetra being weak and the devs nerfing her anyway. Thats what you’re choosing to ignore.

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I’m worried about her viability once she loses the Shield Generator. I don’t see the purpose of her new ultimate. If she’s now a defense hero, why does she still have a non-damaging ult that doesn’t seem to have much purpose besides being a glorified Mei wall? It makes her literally the only Attack or Defense character that neither outright kills or sets up for a kill wit her ultimate.

I think you mained symmetra because your aim is less than ideal.
Now they are taking away auto aim.
This poses a problem.
But that’s just my opinion, I don’t main her, I play her and I have no issues with the changes yet
I would like to try them first.

My issues with the changes almost entirely comes down to two important facts that you and everyone else who is optimistic over the changes ignores.

First, Symmetra 3.0 based on the released info will have 0 escape / self-protection / etc. abilities but is going to be slotted as a DPS (attack / defense) not as a support. This will make her the ONLY dps that fails to have a single way of staying alive in combat that can be used instantly without hesitation. Just looking at her fellow defense rated heroes
 Torb and Bastion have self-heals, Mei has a self-heal that also prevents damage, Junkrat can use his mines to boost him out of range and his trap to leave the enemy stuck in place, Hanzo can wall climb and also jump away, Widow can grapple hook away. Meanwhile Sym 3.0’s only non-damage skill will be her teleporter. However for it to work she will need to place it down, wait for it to finish building and opening up, and then walk through it. So how exactly is Sym supposed to live long enough to set up that escape ability? Especially now that she no longer will have both photon barrier and shield generator

I honestly do not think that the extra damage of her beam is going to work just because she has no way of staying alive long enough to do that damage. Look at Bastion in turret mode - he has the highest ability to do damage if he can stay alive and shooting. But he has one of the lowest pick rates, win rates, and survival rates. Why? Because he is too vulnerable when stationary even with his self-heal.

Sym 3.0 will not be quite as vulnerable as turret Bastion, but she has no self-healing and her damage won’t compare either.

Second, furthermore her ult is going to be absolutely dreadful if it remains as described in the leak. It basically is a McCree ult counter and that is practically all it is. But even if people can figure out ways to make it more useful it still remains simply a shield that prevents damage. It does absolutely nothing to cause damage, or debuff the enemy. Which AGAIN will make Sym 3.0 the ONLY dps that has an ult that does absolutely nothing to attack the enemies. Even Widow’s ult outlines enemies so you can target them easier. Even Sombra’s ult makes the enemy team easier to drop down quickly. Even Mei’s ult sticks the enemy in place to make it easier to do headshots.

Why is it that they are finally moving Sym to the proper defense role everyone knew she deserved, but making her more of a support type than she ever was while being classed as one


This new Symmetra is the cheap fail not the previous one. If you didn’t require skill especially against those who could actually aim then you completely missed the point of her.

Yes because there’s never a point where changes are negative. Which was proven after playing her today.

cause she needs to aim now.

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I enjoyed symmetra back then, its that you need to realize after maining a hero, you have to deal with another complete rework. And this one changes her whole playstyle from dive and kill to coordinate, flank and kill.

also bring back piercing orb

Idk what to think until the 11 REAL symmetra mains, voice their opinions. Personally I’m a follower of the church of Muda Muda

ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwAnhVTwlbM

Sir Swag is a brilliant sym main too have a beautiful voice that reminds me of Lord Muda Muda :wink::wink:

ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYCU-pZICfU

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im a symm main
somethings are good in the rework
no sypport is good but no lock is bat atleast give a half lock like moira
new tp is really bad no flanking out of spawn anymore
new turrets can be op if used richt
new ult is strange but can work need to test that one

Symmetra unique gameplay (brain>aiming) is lost.
Symmetra has become a short range dps, with a boring Zarya Beamweapon, without any survivibility and 200 HP, while her Turrets got nerfed. From 6 to 3 Turrets. 3x30 HP compared to 150-300 HP Torbjörn Turret. Thats lame.


I was happy with Symm as a builder and choke holder. ambush. scare the hell out of people who tried to pass my nest. I SHOULD be dangerous when people come into my nest.

Who is this new character - because it is NOT Symmetra - supposed to please? Because it cannot be the Symmetra players.

I do not agree that this is the right move or direction for Symm. Destroys everything that she currently is.

It can then only be for the others. Those who are opposed to Symmetra. or who never understood how to play her. or the dive and go go go players. The flankers will be cheering the loss of the car wash and the lock on.
Or is this some dumb move to get her into OWL representation?

Shes gone from being a nesting defender to some
 offensive flanker dive character? This isn’t the character I fell in love with.

Please Bliz
 Don’t do this.


Im a Symmetra player and i dissagree with the OP, that whole rework sounds way more challenging and promise a lot of synergy (TP your mates ult).

I know a lot of player regret Symm a defensive builder creating danger zone but Overwatch is all about the speed and moving from a point to another so Symm can’t really shine wit her old kit. Many regret the lock on feature as a strong tool against flankers but honestly it wasn’t this effective and more frustrating than fair.

With the new she a more aggressive playstyle, she can attack barrier without care since she generate ammo out of it, place her turret behind the enemy and TP her team mate to higher place, just image Ana being teleported into a high and safe place. The new Symm offer a lot of utility while having very aggressive tools and im eager to see her on live to test her.