😡 Why are Symmetra players Angry at the "Rework"?

What I’m saying is, Sym is trash, and there is no reason based on any available data to assume that Sym has ever been anything but trash.

If you have nothing to challenge this, why should we believe u?

Her history of rebalance suggests the opposite. They literally would not nerf abilities that were bad to begin with. To suggest otherwise is folly and makes no sense. You haven’t offered a single reason to challenge this at all outside of demanding proof and refusing to believe what was said. All the while offering no counter arguments nor proof of your own to support your own claim.

When a small minority of players have invested hundreds of hours into mastering that kit.

And when I say small, I mean small. She’s currently one of the game’s least popular heroes, picked as a hero by 0.65% of players in any given match. And aside from a brief spike after her most recent rework, it has hovered at that spot for basically the game’s entire run.

It’s not a matter of power or balance. It’s a matter of fun. People will play fun heroes even if they’re weak; lots of people played D.Va before her rework, and lots of people still play Ana, Sombra, and Doomfist. Why? Those heroes are (or were) on the underpowered side, and yet, they still see significant play…or at the very least, more than Symmetra.

The only answer I can think of is because they’re fun to play, design flaws notwithstanding.

While every hero will attract a loyal fanbase, the statistics say that Symmetra attracted, by far, the smallest one. So, Blizzard is trying to broaden her horizons and make her more popular by making her more fun to play as and more fun to play against.

Because, at least in my experience, Symmetra is neither of those things. Dealing with her buildings is a chore, and her weapon is clunky, boring, and awkward to use. Not to mention how her turrets die whenever someone looks at them funny.

Yeah, I get it. Change sucks. I felt bad when Mass Rez was removed from Mercy, but ultimately, I feel like she’s in a better spot than she was.

But the long and short is that a comprehensive, from-the-ground-up rework was exactly what the doctor ordered for Symmetra. I feel like we should reserve judgment on whether or not it is a success until the changes are actually released.

Give it a chance. It sucks that she’s being changed…but it sucks even more that she even needed such drastic work in the first place.

I have this hunch that this change is going to alienate her current players and bring in nobody new, causing her to be played even less. So little, in fact, that she may as well actually just be removed.

They should really just gather up us sym players in a room and tell us to come up with something, because they seem unable to.

My suggestion is scrap the big 5000 hp wall, give her 10 placeable small 150 hp hexes that can be used to build structures.

You’re wrong there ma dude! Although I hate Symmetra she can’t kill “tons of people” if you’re gold or above. I would actually recommend reading the post which clearly points out that this guy is unhappy with the changes to her a͟͟b͟͟i͟͟l͟͟i͟͟t͟͟i͟͟e͟͟s͟͟. She is basically a completely different hero now and her weapon is only one out of the many things that are getting changed. And if you think a Symmetra is killing tons of people by holding right click then you could be right. If you’re playing in bronze or silver then I am pretty sure that’s the case.

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This is assuming the devs always make the right choices, which as we saw from the Mercy rework is plainly not the case.

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They’re not infallible, but thats also not a reason to suggest they made the wrong choice this time.

True, but my argument is resting not on Mercy’s rework but on Symmetra’s own failed rework, and all the nerfs she’s received both before and after, despite there being no evidence that she was ever OP, before or after.

Again, the fact that she was nerfed suggests the abilities were too strong. Your argument is that because the devs can be wrong, that they were wrong. There is evidence, you’re just choosing to ignore it.


I feel you, Mercy was my healer main, Symm is my dps main.

I play Junkrat now. :frowning:


In practice, her turrets win by swarm tactics, not damage. The actual damage of each individual turret is not really that great. Turrets are more used as a distraction factor, so if you have two turrets, one at the left frame of the door, and one at the right frame of the door, it will require more time/effort to destroy both, than destroy a single turret with double damage.

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The new turrets is the one thing that will make Sym better. Replacing my turrets mid-fight 20-30 yards away? They don’t instantly die when you sneeze on them? Amazing.

It’s too bad everything else changes to the point of making Sym not Sym.

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Yes, that is cool, and was a much desired function we asked for months.

30 HP is still within sneeze range. In practice, the only thing this will avoid is D.va flying to the extremes of the backline and spamming her primary fire to break it.


The fact that Symmetra is getting changed so much is an indicator of how much she has to change to fit into today’s Overwatch. It is understandable if Symmetra players have a strong reaction to that similar to Mercy, Roadhog or D.Va before them.

Symmetra basically becoming an entirely new hero notwithstanding, she seems to be getting exactly what Symmetra players have asked for, which is mostly unqualified viability.

I’ll admit I may have had some sort of passion while typing that (never get emotional over a video game it makes things weird)
But I will stand by that people need to except change more openly.

I just wish they hadn’t removed the shield allies mechanic :confused:

Winston now has to hold his gun .5 sec to kill turrets instead of .01 sec.
DVa flying into turrets no longer kills them.
You are really underestimating what 30 health means.

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I don’t know about anyone else, but I’d be ashamed to refer to myself as a ‘Symmetra player’.

Go into a custom game with a friend. Make Symmetra have 400% HP and reduce “damage received” to 10%. That will also affect your turrets, and be equivalent to having 30 HP.

Place three turrets. Ask your friend to break them. See how long it takes for them to do that.

You can’t claim any of this until we see the rework. Have patience.

Also, you’re definitely in the minority of Sym players who are “angry”. I’ve got over 100 hours on Sym and I can’t wait for the changes!