😡 Why are Symmetra players Angry at the "Rework"?

Sym players are just masochists who like to suffer…

Honestly the above explanation is the only one that makes sense, considering this is a massive buff to the hero.

Mate I’m not forcing you to reply. If you want to debate the Symmetra changes, I’m game, but ur not being held here at gunpoint. If you can’t think of anything to say, just don’t.

Also few cherry-picked forum posts from users that disliked the shields would prove nothing.

But where is the proof???

There is literally no statistical basis for any nerf to Symmetra. And yet it happened anyway.

I’m somewhat upset about the change just because I feel it’s the wrong direction. GIVE HER THIS BIG CRAZY WALL! THEY’LL LOVE IT! In reality I’d have preferred to be able to place a bunch of small walls with 150 hp I could build forts out of. Not some insanely sized 5000 hp barrier that btw will still die easily because it’s visable from space.

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The proof, is that it was nerfed pre-release. Heck, pre-pre-release.

Because you would need to nerf Reaper, Genji, Soldier, and McCree, as well. Seems…foolish when you can instead hit the ability (or abilities) which are the problem, as they did.

Well…kind of. Sym on release, 1.0, was slightly under powered. They could have easily fixed her, and retained her kit. Like you say, there was a time when in beta, she was powerful. That is factual.

They could have tweaked those numbers, tweaked the mechanics, turned into an aura…but they didnt.

Now they are going a new path.

Lets try this the other way. Prove your case, since you’re so adamant about being proof. Prove that the abilities weren’t too strong, that everyone loved to use photon shields, and so on and so forth. State your case with proof, rather than trying to hand wave away the opposition.

I also enjoyed the shield mechanic btw.

I love some of the changes, and some I don’t. I don’t like the ult ability, at all… it’s a giant shield, which one can walk through. Yes, it has 5K hps, yes it will visually take up the whole map, but… the enemy team can still walk through it.

So… it’s an ult based Orisa shield with more health. Yay?

She’s a creator of light, I think her ult should be a little more… impressive.

Her turrets I’m cool with, her orb having splash damage is awesome… and I’ve been playing enough Moira to get used to aiming… but… it’s hard when you play at 200-300 ping because EU is freaking awful.

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i think they’re just lazy with adding hero 28 so they make reworks so they don’t have to make new art, skins, hire a voice actor, etc etc etc

it would make sense if they didn’t make heroes like moira and brigitte who needs no aim but all of a sudden symmetra gets the “skill” treatment… it’s just really inconsistent of them.

real reason: she has no playtime in owl


Yes thats the reason (or one of) along with being a massive salt factory, getting people banned/reported, spawning endless threads of hate, and so on.

But in the end, she’s getting a rework because she’s failed as a design, and they dont want to go back to her Beta build.

Skill is a whatever to me, its irrelevant, but an Auto Lock weapon is not acceptable, for a DPS class to have.

If you think people are upset now, a ‘viable’ dps hero with a beam weapon that locks, would have people quitting the game in droves.

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Honestly the only completely upsetting thing to me is the turrets. You really think giving them 30 hp but reducing the amount by half is anything but a nerf? Almost everything in the game that hit killed them before with a hit will still kill them with a hit. Monkey can still practially just sweep over them. Tracer won’t be able to deal, but she couldn’t really before, either.

They’re reducing the amount, but doubling the effect. So less turrets, same damage output. In theory it could be better.

The only players that can comfort you are the players that had their characters ripped away from them and changed.

I’m a Mercy main I hated having my hero changed from a hero that I practiced so hard and played for hours.

People don’t care. That’s about it. I feel bad that the hero that you practiced and worked hard on mastering is being changed. But… nobody was there defending us when our hero got reworked almost entirely. Making her ultimate an ability except watered down and an ultimate that makes her kit/survival easier and boring to use. When all we asked for was an E ability that helped us out in the mid fight and an ultimate ability that was Counterable. So I feel bad for you guys. It’s not fun what they do but :man_shrugging: What can you do.


They should make them a bit stronger, to create an actual defensive area. You could actually spread them out a bit so not all of them have to be hitting one person for any chance of accomplishing anything.

As it is currently, I often spread my turrets out say, 3 over one entrance, 3 over another. With the turrets like this, I can’t spread them evenly. Needs to be 4 turrets maybe.

EDIT: Although the strat of quickly placing 1 turret before you start zapping someone just got way stronger.

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Yeah I kinda agree they maybe needa be improved on a tiny bit, but I am lookin forward to the idea of being able to shoot down some turrets behind someone while I fight em.

because its difference and people dont like change.

But you’re the one making the case she was OP, whilst offering no evidence to back up your claim.

So because the devs do something, that makes it right and just?

y tho

And your claim is she wasn’t, but haven’t even offered a fraction in terms of counter argument. In fact, you’ve only said the equivalent of "Nu uh! " and " I want proof! " to every claim to the contrary. Its about time you offered something more substantial.

Mate I play Mercy AND Symmetra, I know what its like from both sides. This is like the year of darkness for me.


You can’t prove a negative.

So what you’re saying is you have no proof at all to back up your claims.