😡 Why are Symmetra players Angry at the "Rework"?

yea I honestly don’t think the barrier will be that great, and the teleporter just being an ability is going to be super situational. I really like the weapon changes though.

I’ve had fun playing sym in no limits and qp. But as a viable character she is awful, this new re-work is interesting and has be genuinely wanting to play the new sym

similar to df nerfs
the hitbox nerf was so significant that you needed to change your play style completely
Thats why so many people stoped playing him

deleting sym is healthier for this game. i support these changes.

I can appreciate how it must be frustrating having your hero changed so drastically after hundreds of hours invested but we also have to be realistic and see Sym and her state for what it is. She’s the trolliest of troll picks it seems and really needs some help. I hope this rework will be a success.

Not really. I see her beam more as a panic button for self-defense, not her main feature.

Sym game is much stronger if she keeps her distance, pester the enemy main attack path with orbs, and close flanking paths with turrets. Resort to the beam if they get too close for comfort, but her role is not to hunt people down and kill them. It’s to make them uncomfortable approaching your team, so they have to decide which path will wear them less on approach (turrets or orb to the face).

Aiming is overrated.

IMO, it’s not even the most important skill in Overwatch, by a long shot. Teamwork, coordination, positioning, game sense, map knowledge, and a strategic mind are all much more relevant for all heroes than aiming.

But what I mean is more about the frustration factor. When you have a Widow in the enemy team, you need to be careful with sightlines, and need to be constantly aware of her position. To prevent her from being free shooting back at your team, you need either a massive shield to nullify her headshots (shields can be broken, and she can relocate to a new angle where the shield don’t cover her angles), sending someone to pester her and prevent her from shooting at the main fight (effectively making it a 5v5 with a side duel), or simply never fighting in her sightlines (which is problematic when you have to contest/take the point that is in her sightlines).

Symmetra “frustration” factor is pretty much in similar scope to Widowmaker frustration factor. But for some reason, people don’t mind as much being sniped from a distance they can’t counter attack even if they know where she is.

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Which translates to doing very little. If you’re talking area denial, Junkrat does the same job, but can also be active in doing so. Her orbs are obscenely slow and easily dodged. So if all you do is spam a spot, she can be pretty safely ignored. And her turrets? They can be either completely ignored or destroyed with ease. Honestly as much as I love the lil things, they were in bad need of a buff for a long time now.

While to a point I do agree with this sentiment, my point is that theres some degree of skill in using those weapons vs Sym’s. Sym is very very reliant on the person you’re attacking not knowing how to react or being caught extremely unaware. At that point however, most other characters would also excel while also being able to contribute in better ways or have the mobility to do it more often.

Well for one, most characters can fight back, though not very effectively. But two, the problem is contribution. While both can be seen as not contributing much, Widow is more liked because she can actually contribute. Sym’s biggest contribution in matches tends to be her ults, shield gen in particular. Outside of that, she needs the enemy to push into her to contribute, and if a team keeps their distance then she can’t do much, which makes it so you’re essentially a man down. A Widow on the other hand can at least reposition and snipe around a shield, or wait for it to come down to do something.

Symmetra has been nerfed at least 8 times since her original debut.

Even the rework contained a nerf, as it made her choose between teleporting and shielding, when she is supposed to do both. And now she’s losing her shields full stop.

Saying Symmetra’s old kit failed on its own merits is disingenuous. Blizz set her up to fail with nerf after nerf. If they wanted her to succeed, why did Blizz do any of the following nerfs:

  1. Photon Shields weakened from the powerful 75 hp to the mediocre 50 hp
  2. Mediocre 50 hp shields reduced to the useless 25 hp
  3. Sym prevented from charging a new ult after deploying one
  4. Teleporter max. charges reduced from 10 to 6
  5. Ultimate cost increased
  6. Shields locked behind ultimate, AND Sym now has to choose between that or a teleporter
  7. Ability to charge main gun off of Mei walls removed
  8. Map interactions now destroy a deployed ultimate

The first 5 nerfs happened before competitive season 1 even began. And yet you all carry on like these haven’t happened and blame the kit itself for her poor performance, rather than the sledgehammer the devs have taken to it smh.

Instead of a rework, how about we give Sym 8 buffs to compensate? Junkrat got straight up buffed when he was first changed, and he was in a way better position than Sym, so I think this would be more than fair.

EDIT: fun fact, Symmetra was even nerfed before she was released. Watch this (start at 4:26) :

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=354&v=Z0nyk7Q2Vik

See Sym placing a turret? See the cooldown? It took 7 seconds.

So actually she’s been nerfed 9 times over her life. But sure, let’s all just trash her kit and ignore the needless limitations on it.


Most of those changes were because they’d be too powerful, especially for a common ability. Giving permanent regenerating health to flankers made them too strong. Same reason why Zen’s heal orb got nerfed to requiring line of sight or else it’ll return after a time. Also, eventually the ability was scrapped because it was simply obnoxious needing to reapply the shields to people every time they took too much damage.

The rest were either tweaks because again… Some things were too strong, or bugs.

I’m sorry, you lost me at “Symmetra” and “too powerful”.

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Not to be snooty, but I recommend you reread what was stated then. Barring that, I will break it down into smaller bite size chunks if you need me to simplify it further.

If you cannot see what a Tracer with 225 HP would be like, thats on you.

Prove to me that Symmetra has ever been OP. Show me the data. Oh wait, there is none.

Even after Symmetra’s shields were nerfed, Tracer is still extremely powerful to this day. Many would say she is still OP, hence the recent nerf (her only change to date).

The fact that Symmetra got nerfed when Tracer was the problem just adds evidence to the common accusation that the devs favorite Tracer and dare not touch her.

There were a number of options that could have saved the Photon Shields without making Tracer or other flankers a problem. They could have been changed to only provide a percentage of the target’s native health in shields, so the more health you have the more shield health you receive.

For example, if the Photon Shields gave 20% of the target’s original health as shields, that would have eliminated the problem immediately without making them useless, since Tracer would only get 30 hp.

But instead Blizz just destroyed them. It’s madness.

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The Nerf history you just spoke of isn’t proof enough for you? Though I should also point out I didn’t say she was OP, but rather that ability was too strong, which is why it got toned down.

While Tracer is indeed too strong at the moment, it was specifically the fact that giving someone permanent health that regenerated was the issue.

Also, the other reason, which you’re choosing to ignore, was that using the shields was annoying. Every match, you’d need to run up and tag each person on your team to give them the health boost, and if they took damage exceeding the amount or died, you’d need to track them down again and reapply it. This is why eventually the ability was removed and placed as a passive ultimate with a set range.

Actually zen was nerfed pre-release for the same reason. Tracer, and Reaper, could flank forever with inflated hit points or healing.

It could have been fixed for Sym, but they didnt have my Wisdom at the time to tell them how.

Sym retains E to grant shields, but if the team mate is out of 20 yards radius, it be be ‘reapplied’.


Sym has a passive 50 Shield Bubble, 20 yard radius, that would prevent flankers from gaining it while diving.

In the end though its irrelevant. It WAS too powerful, and you dont nerf 6 hero’s, for the sins of one. (or 2, cuz zen also got hit).

Its pretty simple though, and at this point irrelevant, as she is going to Defense.

How is that at all proof? If Symmetra has always been useless, how can you really call any aspect of her kit too strong?

Speak for yourself please, I actually quite enjoyed the photon shield mechanic and sorely miss it, because it gave her an active form of support.

Then why was she nerfed? Can you give any logical reasoning here, especially when some of these changes were done in beta?

You’re in the minority then. Most people did not care for the busywork.

That’s the same question I’d like to ask the devs.

Or you are? You literally have no proof how many Sym players liked or disliked the shields.

They’ll tell you the same thing.

If you absolutely desire that, you can look up the forums and reddit posts. I have no such desire to waste my time further however.

You still are offering no proof of this.

If thats true why not just nerf Tracer instead of Zen and Sym. I mean its not like she couldnt have taken the hit.

No no no.

Let me be clear in that I welcome the move to defense. Not because I agree with it philosophically, but because at least now the devs might actually improve her pickrate.

However, I refuse to subscribe to some revisionist history that dictates Symmetra was changed because her kit was bad in and of itself, because that is not true. She sucks because the devs have unfairly nerfed her, and that is the truth.