Quit with the laid back attitude. make some effort

I would ask in what world is the opinion that you should be punished for not breaking the rules a valid one; however, after spending more than enough time here, I am quite aware that plenty of people are okay with it despite it being objectively detrimental to the health of the game. that is not an opinion presented as a fact, it is just a fact.

Firstly, that’s just the last bullet point in their list of things that are fine, so I’m not sure why you’d focus in on that one.

Secondly, it’s incredibly rare that people get banned solely for playing off-meta heroes. It almost always has more to do with the way they interacted with the other players in those matches. This post makes it seem like it’s policy to allow those bans.

Except they’re not. The most popular players, the ones people speak about, aren’t the YouTubers - the ones who go chasing after the latest “big” thing to try and get as popular as Ninja or any other high profile person. The “elite” players and popular Twitch streamers haven’t entirely left either. TimTheTatman, for example, has done his placements in comp; a guy who had seemed to quit the game still plays it. Even AimbotCalvin still plays; the only one who has seemed to actually left for good is moonmoon and he’s done what every other streamer has done: tried going the fortnite way.

Entirely subjective. Likely you’d consider them “constructive, respectable, and helpful” because they support your viewpoint.

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Bless Online lost 98% of its playerbase after 2 months. Paladins never had a huge playerbase, but it dropped significantly since their “launch”.

Overwatch is doing incredibly well considering how slow they are at updating the game. Just because you don’t like the state of the game doesn’t mean it’s not doing amazing still.

Normally your posts are quite edgy, and a tad funny (in a sarcastic sort-of way).

But, I genuinely wholeheartedly agree with this one.
Honestly, wholesome post.

+1 from me

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The biggest flaw the endorsement system has is the fact that it gives xp.

I think you got many valid points except for the overall toxicity and endorsement; it really changed the minds in my opinion. Here on the asian server people’s toxicity definitely went down; and in ranked mode endorsement are not just “free gift”

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Except the Overwatch Development Team did divert resources and manpower to the OWL. We have no clue whether or not this is still going on, but no solid reason to believe that it isn’t, either.

For those who don’t know, Team 4 is the Blizzard term for the Overwatch Development Team. Each of their games has the Dev teams designated as “Team X.”

Clicking the link will also show the relevant video.

:man_shrugging::woman_shrugging: Most of the Mercy Mains I played with found her broken and expected Blizz to fix her before going live so they could enjoy the “real rework”. When they found out that she was just as broken when she was on the PTR, they started to play their alts more because they knew a s***storm was going to come.

Then Moira was introduced and went to her for their main healing for a bit before one eventually went to just work on playing tanks while the other stays with Moira/Mei/S76

So… no? Generalization=/=fact?

Not bored, frustrated.

How many times off the top of your head, has dva been changed?

How many nerfs has Mercy had, compared to Bastion’s 1, which was 18 months ago?

What was the patch that botched projectiles and made them disappear if the owner died shortly after shooting them?

It’s frustrating because all of these points are examples of why player frustration are at an all-time high.


The worst thing is that they said that they VOLUNTARILY took ressources from the dev team to concentrate on OWL.
Proof: Overwatch: Role Queue, Replay System & Hero Diversity - Matt Hawley Interview - YouTube 3:00 mark

So telling your team “Try to die on point” is somehow more strategic than Valkyrie? I don’t think I’ve seen someone this delusional in a while. Yikers

I’m not nit-picking, it just frustrated me.

And then I noticed the hypocrisy, which is what my small text was alluding to.

Do you really take Battlefront as an example? In comparison to Battlefront Overwatch is a game that would be able to live for longer than 2 years if the balancing wouldn’t be worse off than in any game I’ve known or played.

Even League of Legends is able to stay alive longer and that game hardly had such a dying time as Overwatch does.

“Try to die together” , actually.
And yes, it was. To me. But, thanks for trying to make Valkyrie, the ultimate that removes the need for thought, seem more appealing to me.
Anyway, that counts as spam since it’s not related to the topic. So, please stick to it. How many times do I gotta say it.