For DVS’s reference here is the list damage types, as well as ranged precision hitscan vs close ranged hitscan.
Precision Ranged Hitscan -
Close Ranged Hitscan -
Projectile -
RoadHog (weird but true)
Brawl -
Beam -
Winston (I’mma put him here)
Ana (Projectile and Hitscan)
Doomfist (Projectile and Brawl)
Mei (Maybe projectile and brawl?)
Symettra (Beam and projectile)
Wreckingball (Hitscan and Brawl IMO)
Zarya (Beam and projectile)
Total: (totals will include overlaps as additions)
Ranged Precision Hitscan - 6 __+2
Close Ranged Hitscan - 4
Projectile - 12 __+5
Brawl - 2 __+3
Beam - 2 __+2
Even grouping ranged dps and what are essentailly shotgunners/close range smg user (which is a huge stretch), the total comes out to 17 projectile vs 12 hitscan. that is best case scenario… If the metric for an fps game is about having mostly hitscans, then this game is missing that mark.
People played Widow and Hanzo because no other dps hero could kill anything during GOATS. You need high burst to even get a kill once in awhile. This is the only reason those dps heroes were even played during goats.
The developers literally said that some heroes are meant and were designed to be niche.
They also said OW is not meant to be played one tricking a hero all the time.
They dont want one tricking. So they will never balance the game with one tricking niche heroes in mind.
Well dont take my word for it.
Take every description of the game you can find on the internet , including Blizzards official page, saying OW is a team based FPS shooter.
Also the fact the developers have stated to want to take OW2 in more of a FPS direction than a moba.
I main hitscans but also can play Echo, Mei, Junk, Reaper, Sombra , Torb ( i know they are hitscan but not the usual ones complained about).
LOL. You were the one saying hitscans are supposed to be great becasue it is an fps. Get out of here with that trash. I actually do think it is an fps, obviously. You’re the one throwing around narrow definitions as if hitscan and fps go hand in hand.
Personally I don’t 1 trick any hero and play several different dps including hit scan, but if we are talking about balance then I would say the dps role is lopsided with an upper echelon of dps. Some generalist are so good in many situation that it diminishes the reason to even pick other dps.
You are right there will always be popular heroes, but I do not think it is wrong to ask for under performing heroes to be improved.
I never said they were suppose to be great.
All i have been saying is that if a hitscan is viable, dont quickly complain to nerf them.
Viable as in being able to get consistent kills. DPS heroes main job is to get kills.
But when you have a dps hero that is decent , meaning he can actually get consistent kills, then they are complained about.
Especially if its a hitscan.
What people want if for a hero like McCree to rarely be able to kill them consistently. Then they will say he is fine.
I would say it is based on context. How good is Mccree at getting kills compared to other dps. If he is leaps and bounds better than other dps, I think there is a problem.
Where in that quote did I say hitscans need to all be great?
I said hitscan are part of this game. And will always be played , because these heroes are popular in FPS games.
What is the confusion here.
I think its more of a problem to bring other heroes up to speed.
Like I said before, McCree is picked because they trashed Ashe, Widow, 76 and even Tracer was nerfed.
A. the sequel is not out so that point is moot until it actually happens.
B. A dev’s sentiment does not change what is in front of our eyes. When we have more hitscans, then you will be right. As it stands you are factually incorrect.
It is not that kind of game. Never has been. Its more about barriers, brawl, positioning, and lobbing projectiles. Hitscans are one of the least represented role in the game.
Jeff was basically a spokesman. He is repeating what the devs want for OW.
I have heard other devs say this as well. When i find the links , ill post them
So basically what he’s saying is yes they initially intended for people to constantly swap, but as people started maining and onetricking, they decided to go with it. It’s literally why Sym and Torb were reworked. So that you could use them all the time.