Questions for forum DPS complainers

All of them roughly equally. The problem is that only a small fraction are.

It has more to do with with disproportional value from said hero. Nobody is nerfing them just becasue they are liked by specific players. Most people don;t even play a hero for any other reason than stats.

Ones that keep you on your toes and can be positioned against. hitscan are not this. I think Sym is probably the most entertaining to die to in a brawl ngl.

Orisa, Hog, Junkrat, Soldier, Moira, Zen

Strategic gameplay would be the most fun. Ideally i’d love to see matchup likes dive vs Brawl. Or bunker vs dive

Here is the response i posted in an above post regarding this way of thinking.
FYI, i would like all heroes be viable and brought up to speed, instead of nerfing viable heroes to be in line with under performing heroes.

Here is the ongoing issue with this.
Lets say we get a quantum computer to make every dps hero “balanced” or as close is possible to all of them being powerful and viable.

"There will still be heroes picked more than others. Popular heroes will ALWAYS exist. This wont ever change. No matter how balanced the game is. OR how balanced all DPS heroes are.

People will still 100% complain about the more popular heroes they see in their games, asking for nerfs. There will still be whining about nerfs. Even though all heroes are all balanced and viable.

The fantasy Overwatch game in people heads, where every match you see a revolving door of different heroes from the previous match you had, and never see repeat heroes back to back is just a dream that will never happen.
The faster people understand this, the faster we can move on from these forums being a cesspool of nonstop complaining about the current popular dps hero 24/7."

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It’s about niches. There should be clearly better heroes against the enemy comps and other maps. There should be no one specifically meta hero given these factors. When there is, you know there is bad balance. Every hero should have equal oportunity to be equally as good, but not in all configurations or on all maps like the metas have been for so long.

TLDR; Sym should be just as good on say Kings Row as Ashe is on Havana. Every hero should be good in an equal amount of situations.

The thing is some heroes were designed to be “Niche”. There is no way around this.
But people that main niche heroes like Sym, Torb, Junk, Bastion, Pharah, etc. Want them to be viable on all maps all the time. Which wont happen. Not unless they change their kits around completely, to not be anything like they are now.

It may not be fair to people that main those heroes , but that is why only playing 1 or 2 heroes exclusively isnt the correct way to play this game.

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No, nobody wants them to be universally good. They just want the other dps to not be universally good. After barrier nerfs, there is simply no time where hitscan are bad. The only thing that remotely countered them was stacking barriers at that. There are plenty of times where the “niche” heroes are bad. If they were designed to rarely be good, that is just bad design.


Well this is a FPS game. There will always be hitscan heroes played, because this is the type of game OW is.
There is absolutely no reason for the devs to nerf hitscan heroes to get them out of people games. Just to please a small minority of people that dont want to play OW like an FPS game.

Buddy, only 6 of the 32 heroes are ranged hitscans. only 13/32 if you count shotguns and close range heroes like Roadhog,Reaper, tracer, and counting Ball’s primary. Even being very, very generous and putting Torb and doom in there would make it half, but that would be stretching big time.

Your bias is showing. It is inherently less hitscan than it is anything else.

Get out of here with this garbage.

Edit: Hog and doom aren’t even hitscan.

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Could you please elaborate, in one post you say you are fine on improving under performing heroes, but at the same time it seems you don’t mind some being really niche who are not good for long stretches of time.

I will ask would you be fine with under performing heroes being more viable. I don’t mean good in every situation, just more viable like raise a F tier hero to C tier.


I would argue back that part of the reason things like GOATS and double shield became popular is because people didn’t want to play Hitscanwatch.


I don’t think it was because of regular hitscan like sustain hitscan (Soldier 76), more like burst damage.

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IMO, pre helix buff soldier was the most balanced dps we have ever witnessed in this game.

im not a DPS complainer but I will still answer since it seems fun :smiley:

  1. In my opinion all heroes should be viable
    the heroes I guess I have the most fun playing against is Reaper or solider since I think their in really good spots right now (I know both of those are hot takes)

  2. in my opinion there is nothing wrong with that
    look at genji
    I have put 100+ hours into him because he is fun
    that’s why allot of others have done the same thing
    I think there is a difference though between popular and overpowered
    imo Mcre and Hanzo are a little too powerful right now

  3. I guess those matchups where its pure mechanical skill and who is the better player
    like when Im playing Dva and fighting a hitscan on highground
    let’s say mcree
    I eat the flash and I win the duel or he baits my DM and flash headshots me
    those ones are really fun imo where its a close skill based thing
    I guess those who are unfun is Mei and Sombra just because I really don’t like restrictive CC like hack or mei primary due to how constant they exist

  4. once again I don’t have that I do really wish all heroes to be viable as its really fun playing double shield into rush both having equal chances just depending on the map being the only adv the teams have
    I guess a comp I really want to come back is double shield
    I personally really found that allot of fun as a tank player
    I understand how annoying it could have been for hitscan players but as a tank it was allot of fun
    also goats
    when that was previlent I was silver so it didn’t really matter all that much

  5. I like probably brawl teamfights the most where its massive damage at close range each team is dishing out and supports are frantically keeping their team up while they try to deal damage too
    I think that is probably my favorite type
    my least favorite is probably poke since in poke metas tanks are usually really bad

Buddy. Pharah hardcounters multiple heroes in the most unengaging way possible. She literally prevents some heroes from interacting with her, regardless of the skill of the Pharah player. That’s a direct contradiction with why you think Tracer and Genji are so good.

Symmetra hardcounters exactly 0 heroes and there are tons of ways of dealing with her. What kind of perspective is this

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well phara is the closest thing this game has to a hard counter atm and her with a mercy is mega cheese though teamplay can hard counter it if done right

Basically yeah. Niche heroes are great if every hero is niche. But if some are allowed to be used all the time and some aren’t I just don’t get how anyone can be okay with that. Oh yeah, because they main those “correct” heroes.


That’s why I wish they didn’t give her the fuel buff and gave her something else.

also ball isn’t poorly designed
his thing is a mobile dive tank who pushes heroes out
that’s not poorly designed
its unique design yet blizzard chose to nerf that uniqueness to remove his fun niech

That’s basically why the Attack and Defense DPS split didn’t work. Attack was just better in general because it was less niche.

That’s a fair argument, and it also points out a big design flaw. Hitscan was always supposed to trade reliability for damage, and they didn’t.

I will answer the first one is the most important, the rest are irrelevant or trivial.

  1. Pick and counter pick the enemy teams picks. Go with the flow of the game.
    Don’t be stale by playing just one hero. Be dynamic.
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