Questions for forum DPS complainers

I’m curious to know the following.
Please answer the following 5 questions as genuinely and as honestly as you can:

    1. What DPS heroes are allowed to be viable or what DPS heroes do you want to see in most of your games without constantly complaining?

    1. Why is it an issue for a dps hero to be popular for a long time? You cant just lobotomize players to make them forget to like what type of heroes they like playing.
      Forcing players to stop choosing the heroes they enjoy by nerfing them till it makes no sense to pick them anymore is ridiculous.

    1. What DPS heroes is it “fun” to die to iyo? Since people say certain ones are “unfun” to die against.

    1. Name the heroes in your perfect comp (2 dps, 2 tanks, 2 healers) that you would want the meta to be.

    1. What type of team fights do you prefer? Describe it. (Ex. Both teams are hiding behind their tank shields, while the all move forward in a deathball with healers healing all damage…, etc)
      Meaning describe how you want to see the OW gameplay be like.

I know most people that fall into the dps complainer category will not answer and just ignore this thread, but im genuinely curious as to what your answers are.


The problem with some of these questions is that you’re strawmanning the arguments of the people you’re directing these questions to…How are they supposed to answer questions that have been written in such a way that any response would be blatantly unfair due to the questions’ phrasing.

It’s like if someone accidentally ran over a kangaroo that jumped out infront of their car, and someone asks them “Did you murder the roo? Yes or no?” - Obviously the answer is “yes”, but the situation is more nuanced than that.


Genji, Tracer, Soldier, Cree, Pharah, and Echo are the best designed dps heroes and are the ones that should be meta imo.


I love how Australian this post is.



All dps should be simmilar viable, so u shouldnt see one in all of ur games

Cause it becomes boring to see the same hero every game

Cheesy kills like(Flash+FTH, 1 shot hook or maybe Storm Arrows) are unfun

Tank(Orisa Hog) i like halt-hook
Dps(Soldier and Echo)

A long challenging fight, with a close end… not Speed+Bubbled rein+McRightclcik, fight ends in less then 3 secs…

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I tend to complain about dps whenever i’m playing support or tank a lot, but i also play a lot of dps.
Regardless, i guess i’m fit to answer?

Anything that isn’t Doom, Mei, Sombra or Tracer.
The first 3 are super cheesy, and Tracer’s unpredictable nature makes me want to quit just to requeue dps.

Besides that, i do think certain synergies should be adressed, and if possible rebalanced. (Nanoblade and PharMercy)

I completely agree with you.
But a hero with high representation is bound to be controversial. Even my current favourites (Ana and Zarya)

I don’t necessarily want nerfs to be the end all be all answer to overly represented heroes. Although, i do think this could be resolved with more frequent hero releases.

Anything that doesn’t cc me and has semi predictable mobility.

Kinda hard to answer.
I don’t mind duelling Genji, Soldier or Sombra as a support.
But it’s hard to actually find yourself in these situations as you’re actively discouraged to pursue enemies as a support. And as a tank, i just don’t want to be cc chained. If i’m tanking, the first encounter with a Mei just makes me requeue dps or support.

I would add Torb on there as well

I know he can be cheesey, but for a turret hero he feels pretty fair to me


Pharah is kinda badly designed though.
She forces you to swap to hitscan if you want to interact with her at all.


Answer those same questions but replace “DPS” with a different role.

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As many as possible.

You stated the problem in your own question - “a dps”. One singular hero can dominate the meta for months on end. That’s a problem.

Ones that you don’t feel helpless against. If you die and feel like you could have prevented the death if you played better, it feels fair.

Flawed premise. There shouldn’t be a “perfect comp”. If there is, there’s a balance or game design issue. The ideal team composition should depend on the map, enemy team composition and whether you’re attacking/defending.

However, my idea meta ‘damage types’ would be close-range hitscan, close/medium-range projectile. Long-range hitscan should have more niche use, like in TF2.

Brawly Overwatch is best Overwatch.

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“Questions for forum DPS complainers”.
I mean … mate you could not even LEAD more the “witness” if you wanted to. Like literally straight away you are labelling anyone who wants to “answer” that question and debate as a “complainer”. That implies the person is just a complainer for the sake of it.

Yes we get it, some people will complain no matter what DPS is on top but I dont think this leads to a healthy discussion about anything. Im not a DPS complainer but here we go:

1- Anything that doesnt have stupid amounts of CC should be viable. Those who have stupid amounts of CC should be niche or great only in certain maps/points.
2- It isnt an issue. Who said that?
3- Sombra (yes I said it) and Genji/Doomfist/Tracer. Because those are a hard challenge.
4- I dont agree with 222 being the “perfect comp” under any circumstance so “skip”.
5- The ones when lucios in both teams push in and out with speed. Fights that are close or medium range. Sniper fights are boring.

There you go.


Every dps hero should be powerful and viable. Much like every hero in the game.

My ideal team comp is not enforced by role at all. It’s entirely fluid depending on the opponent and whatever people feel like playing.

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Here is the ongoing issue with this.
Lets say we get a quantum computer to make every dps hero “balanced” or as close is possible to all of them being powerful and viable.

There will still be heroes picked more than others. Popular heroes will ALWAYS exist. This wont ever change. No matter how balanced the game is.

Will people still complain about the more popular heroes they see in their games, asking for nerfs. You better believe it .100% there will still be whining about nerfs. Even though all heroes are all balanced and viable.

The fantasy Overwatch game in people heads, where every match you see a revolving door of different heroes from the previous match you had, and never see repeat heroes back to back is just a dream that will never happen.
The faster people understand this, the faster we can move on from these forums being a cesspool of nonstop complaining about the current popular dps hero 24/7.


cough cough Ana cough couch

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The ones that doesn’t instantly kill you with 0 effort, and the ones that let you defend yourself and give a fun (long enough) fight

It’s not a matter of which DPS heroes are “allowed” to be meta

It’s a matter of how long they are meta for, and how dominant they are throughout their time being in the meta.

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I never said balanced. I don’t care about balance. It is a fiction. No interest in it.

Will there always be preferred heroes of any given moment? Certainly. But the favored heroes should not be simply the least weak of a selection of impotent heroes.

Will people complain? Inevitably. There’s a thread right now where someone is complaining about the basketball goal in spawn. Are their complaints material and actionable? Generally not. You can’t please everyone, but you can make a better product than what currently exists.

If you let every hero be powerful and you turn hard counters into soft ones, you lessen the delineation between what is good and what is bad. No bad heroes, only less optimal ones. This is achievable.


Then you’re making a mistake.
Look at player feedback whenever Doom is meta.
Or even remotely viable.

Well here is the other thing. The reason you cant please everyone is because we have 2 huge groups that play this game. (among other types of players). But lets focus on the 2 biggest groups.

Group 1. Players that have an FPS background. That play this game playing heroes like the hitscans , and tanks like Hog , Zarya , playing very aggressive, focusing on kills.
They like fast paced action with quick engaging fights where mechanical skill and game sense determines what team wins fights, rather than barriers ,abilities and ultimates.

Group 2. Players that came to OW from gaming backgrounds from non fps games like Minecraft, RPG’s, mobas, etc. The ones that were enticed by the colorful graphics, characters and the lore, etc.

Group 2 people are the ones constantly giving ideas in these forums to turn this game into less of an fps as possible. These people love comps like GOATS and double shield. They love having 5 minute fights were hardly anyone dies.

Group 1 people hardly come into these forums TBH. Most of this group doesnt even know these forums exist.
So the loud voices in these forums are a small % of the actual player base.

The thing is, that in order for OW to survive, you have to disappoint one of these groups.
Or else one group will always be unhappy and complaining.

Blizzard has to choose a side and stick with it. There is no way to please both.
And by recent interviews, it seems the Devs have chosen what direction they want to go forward with OW. Especially by the time OW2 is released.

They have said they want OW to be more FPS games moba.
But people still cant wrap their heads around that. And they still come in these forums and give their balance ideas that contradicts what Blizzard themselves want for OW.

Group 2 players either need to accept the direction OW is headed or look for other games to play.