Questions for forum DPS complainers

LMAO no. Genji Tracer are hypermobile stupidity. Phara is legit worst designed hero

Best DPS heroes are Sombra followed by soldier. Add Ash and Torb, and we would have perfect meta.

I mean these questions are pretty rhetorical. So I’ll answer with the obvious answer.

None. I will complain about any hero that’s popular because those are the heroes that end up killing me more often.

Because it’s not the hero I main.

None. Dying is not fun. Therefore being killed by any hero is not fun.

[insert hero I main]. I don’t care about the other 5 heroes.

The kind where I kill the other team and they don’t kill me.

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It is not about what DPS is allowed to be viable, it is about DPS heroes being blatantly overpowered and blizzard letting them remain that way until large amounts of people quit the game in frustration.

I can guarantee you there are clear, visible drops in active players when there are massively overpowered heroes dominating the game.

Right now, nobody wants to play with mcree and hanzo gatekeeping fun.



Oh, yeah, Kangaroo often jump in front of my car. I feel really bad about it. Oh, also nerf McCree.

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I’ve had Overwatch League matches in the background for the last couple days and I don’t think I’ve seen a McCree being played once.

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Who cares about OWL, we are not playing OWL, we are playing overwatch.


I could say that endless barriers and burst healing has gatekept the whole DPS class for years.

I could care less either. Just throwing it out there how all these complaints are mostly manufactured or in bronze or whatever other rank people cannot deal with McCree.
I’m pretty sure it’s crap mccree’s that just hide in corners flashing and fan the hammer people to death to get most of their kills.

I for one am not one of those mccree’s. I rather use left click and only use fan of the hammer on rare occasions.

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Literally everyone but mcree players, at all ranks, think mcree is absolutely broken.

Miss me with this apologist garbage. Blizzard is screwing up big time letting mcree and hanzo be this broken for this long.

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Stats don’t prove he’s broken. Popularity doesn’t mean broken.
McCree has always been popular no matter how crap he’s been throughout the history of Overwatch.
People just like playing the cool cowboy just like people like playing the Cyber Ninja.
No amount of nerfs is going to change that.

Let’s see how you like my changes for McCree.

  • Nerf his health to 200
  • Nerf his stun from 0.8 to 0.7
  • Nerf FTH damage to 45 per bullet
  • buff his fire rate to 0.46 (still slower than when it was 0.42)

There you go three nerfs and one buff.
And I 100% bet you’re still not going to like those changes because of the one buff even though I gave him three nerfs.

Just goes to show how McCree and hitscan haters basically want to just get hit scan heroes that are fairly decent out their games anyway possible.


They have to figure out what “team fight” is first, before answering your question. After that, they have to figure out what each dps hero does, other than kill them.

Mcree was broken when he had 200 health and the faster attack speed, which is why blizzard reverted that buff.

So please, keep lying, especially to yourself.

McCree’s win rate was way worse than current when he had 200 hp and a faster fire rate of 0.42.

I propose to give him 0.46 which is slower than what he used to have but faster than live.

So basically what you want is to nerf McCree to a version that is the weakest we have ever seen, since the game was released.

Basically you just want to dumpster the hero to not see him in your games anymore.

You seem to have no clue of how viable McCree was , currently is, and what changes affected him and didn’t affect him.

You wouldn’t even see McCree be as popular as he is currently if Ashe, Tracer, Widow and 76 we’re not nerfed previously.
But of course I bet you don’t want to see any of those heroes be viable either.


Hypermobility except for ball doesn’t exist in this game. Genji and tracer are healthy because they don’t hard counter heroes, have infinitely high skill ceilings but at the same time have incredibly high risk, require good mechanics, and makes the game so that the better player will win.

??? Brig? Sym? Ball? Doom? Pharah’s a pure projectile hero and incredibly fair at that.

No, she’s fun to watch and play when she’s niche but she’s terrible to play against when she’s hard meta.


No lmao, Ashe is the brig of the dps roster and torb is healthy but really annoying when he’s meta.

    1. What DPS heroes are allowed to be viable or what DPS heroes do you want to see in most of your games without constantly complaining?

Ones which the heroes they target have 2 counters that works.

Reasoning : It sucks when you have to play a better than the attacker with no chance to switch to a hero which reverses that.

Why is it an issue for a dps hero to be popular for a long time?

Because you don’t get a lot of choices, a lot of the time you have to pick reactively to the DPS, and if your lineup is already small, having it then reduced further sucks hard.

Ones where you have a good chance to fight back.

I don’t, I want to changing a lot.

  1. What type of team fights do you prefer? Describe it. (Ex. Both teams are hiding behind their tank shields, while the all move forward in a deathball with healers healing all damage…, etc)
    Meaning describe how you want to see the OW gameplay be like.

I like deathball comps personally, but I would rather have verietry.

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Reminds me of a video I just watched where liberals were interviewed about their opinions on taxing rich people.

“Do you think rich people pay their fair share?” No.
“What do you think a fair share is?” 70%.
“Why 70%? Why not 80%?” Sure, sounds good.
“90%?” Even better.
“99%?” Yeah now we’re talking.

Ones without CC

It’s not as long as they don’t have CC

Most any hero is fun to fight as long as they can’t press a button vaguely in your direction for a free kill.

Meh don’t really care as long as it’s not loaded with CC

Ones that require actual good positioning, cover usage, smart engagements, exc.

I liked dive, but ball is boring since he doesn’t suffer from they criticality on monkey/dva, he can kinda ro;; away from stupid choices a lot of the time.

Where did that even come from? Like learn to stick on the topic.

Every DPS hero should be viable, obviously. I don’t want to see any hero become a must pick for longer than 2 months.

Because it makes the meta stale. And no one wants to see the same hero being overpowered and used every single game.

Don’t really understand why this is a question. No DPS is fun to die against.

I don’t have a perfect comp. I enjoy the diversity in this game. Just don’t go Lucio Zen in a heal-crept state of the game.

I’m fine with all of them. No preference. I guess I like faster fights more than long fights, but that’s it.

The flaw with this line of questioning is that OP presumes that what people want is heroes nerfed to oblivion. Rather than these incredibly leading questions, I’ll state the basic ideas that most people can agree with.

  1. Every hero should be viable at some time, and no hero should feel required to play. Even popular streamers who play popular heroes like Genji get frustrated when they’re not a viable choice.

  2. Players, regardless of rank, should see a variety in their games. There are endless arguments from low level tanks who don’t want to see Rein/Zarya in every game, and high ranks felt the same about Sigma and Orisa. People want to see not the same thing every game. Right now, McCree is in nearly every game, and before that, Ashe was, and Tracer has been in a similar place for most of the game’s life.

  3. People want the ability to use their heroes and have counterplay. It’s why the largest complaints about heroes involve either losing control of your character or being unable to interact with them. It’s why tanks complain about being unable to dive snipers, because snipers were given mobility in this game that snipers in no other game have. It’s why people complain about hack, why they complain about one shots, why they complain about stuns and boops. People want to control their character.

It’s not rocket science.