QoL Request Megathread ☑

Please no hero balance.

I’ll start off with one that is kinda hero balance but definitely QoL.

The ability to see enemy outlines through allies, especially as Bastion.

A running tally of the win/loss/draw record you’ve accumulated with each person you meet in Competitive/QuickPlay mode, displayed under everyone’s portrait.


Just a simple red or green circle telling me if I can grapple something as WB or Widow

Separate sensitivities for Mercy’s staff and pistol.

Mercy’s “attached beam visual” currently shows player’s name. Have an option to shows player name with hero name, just hero name or just player name.

Moira resource indicator for allies

Brig aoe ring

See allies past mei wall as allies

Sombra stealth ring for herself

Baptiste aoe visuals for horizontal perspective amended to match heal range

Baptiste exo boots moved to jump in lieu of crouch

Symm turrets pre plan so her turrets don’t stick to a pole or crack in the screen

Moira resource voice line

Injured icon at bottom of screen for support/tanking heroes for allies behind them- crit genji alerts mercy rein and soldier ahead of him when he cries ‘I need healing’

Zenyatta while using Transcendence should have his entire HP bar glowing like the immortality field safe range, for consistency sake.

Activating Valkyrie don’t break your beam.

Reinhardt hammer (and only his hammer) gets transparent for allies that are too close to it. Currently, you need to position yourself to the right of your team so that that they can see the enemy through your shield.

Option to trigger a “need healing” automatic call upon hitting certain HP thresholds. Set up general or by hero. Eg, Genji at 50% HP is in more need for healing than Zarya at 50%, so you can set Zarya call to 30%. While hit and run heroes like Tracer and Sombra might be set to 0% because they can leave the fight while dropping down enough.

It is simple to prevent spam by giving a simple cooldown to pings.

The ability for your teammates to see exactly all construction blueprints.

Let us see where Mei is placing her ice wall. It lets our team know if she’s going to troll us or if she wants to help boost people up onto buildings.

I would still like the option to show your team status on the main screen similar to how it’s shown when you watch the OW League stuff. Being able to see their ult %, whether they are respawning, etc. The same stuff we already have access to on the TAB screen, but without having to hit TAB and cover our screen to see it, especially in the heat of battle.

A “contextual” option on GA targeting that’s a hybrid of the targeting modes we have now. If you aim at someone, you fly to them. If you don’t, you fly to your beam target by default.

pharah to descend faster while holding crouch

syms tp spawns under her

I want different color hud without transparency.

Ready button - obvious in a game like this

Notes for friends that are able to be seen in-game

Meaningful status updates your friends can customize and see

Guilds or clans

Separate sensitivities for heroes with different forms.

A small timer on your screen when you get Nano boosted to know how much time you have left. Like widowmakers Ult or sombra’s old translocater timer

Allow a bigger friend list than 250.

Allow setting separate sensitivities for:

  • Bastion in each mode
  • Genji during blade
  • Hanzo while charging an arrow
  • Wrecking ball in and out of ball form
  • All switchable weapons (Like Torb’s hammer and rivet gun)

Change D.va’s thumbnail, her eyebrow looks messed up.

Bob edge detection. I’m tired of dude just saying screw it when I point at a column.

Customizable health bars. (Customizable HUD in general)

the ability to change colorblind outline color to any color using rgb values.

The ability to change the size and location of more UI elements than just the reticle.
(Idk what i would do just to put killfeed on the top left side.)

Directional healing indicators.
(I know what direction damage is coming from, but not healing?!)

Full Match / Team ladder.
Locked rosters each season of up to 12, 4 maps (one of each type and a 5th for tiebreaker), subs between maps, team names, the whole shebang.
A team game where you can’t form teams is baffling… heck GMs can only play in 6stacks if they’re pros or in custom games.

Custom friends “categories”
Instead of just “favorite” or “not favorite”

Show D.Va’s self-destruct ult charge in a smaller box to the side of the call mech ult charge when in Baby form.

Server browser remembering preferences after quitting.

In the absence of clans, LFG could be tweeked with simple things: 1) by adding a language filter (this is what we euros mostly want from the tool), and 2) by having “open” or “rolling” groups so people can easily come and go. Just add joiners to “spectators” if the match is in progress.


and here’s my QoL I want for LFG QoL for the LFG

Just a simple red or green circle telling me if I can grapple something as WB or Widow


The ability for wall climb to always work, instead of unsticking and leading me to my death.


This isn’t really QoL, more of a bug. But thanks for the feedback!

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add pause hotkey to replays

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It’s already in there. I think it’s Ctrl+P by default.


Add in the option per person to not allow backfilling after the first checkpoint or round in a map.

I don’t care if you give me 400 xp I get more losing on my own, thanks.

Also remove non-event legendaries from events. Quit making me play more than I have to!


Oh! Put the stupid sugar skulls above hacked enemies, or ffs change the swirls from red to purple

  • Separate sensitivities for Mercy’s staff and pistol.
  • Mercy’s “attached beam visual” currently shows player’s name. Have an option to shows player name with hero name, just hero name or just player name.

above? it’s tough to see Zen’s Orb of Discord… what you suggest isn’t necessarily an improvement.

I mained Mercy when I first got into overwatch in season 7. I forgot all about this one :slight_smile:
so important!

Visual improvement and options, sometimes there are just too many effects to see your targets.
Some people are more affected than other.

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I wish you could set your video settings so low that it looked like Starfox64. That would also allow people with slow computers to play the game as well.

Huh, a blue check



I’d like the ability to use default voice lines for legendary skins that have special voice lines.


this sounds like it’s just a QOL thing but since OW doesn’t have friendly fire it’s actually a tremendous buff for all medium-long range DPS.

Sure its annoying to have people crowd in front of your safe spot as Bastion so you can’t fire at more important targets, but now imagine its instead a Widow or Hanzo or Ashe standing behind a parked Roadhog getting to shoot precisely for free.

Anywhere a Hog or other big body can walk (hint: Since Dva is huge, this is (everywhere in the game) these snipers can shoot for free. Sure they could do this before with Rein and Orisa shields, but then those shields aren’t protecting everyone else (or they are and we’re back at square one). Its less ‘expensive’ if you will, for a Hog or Dva to do it.


it worked for 222, did it not? :wink:

I agree on the sniper thing, but what about giving the ability to Bastion only?

could leave other mains with a nasty taste in their mouths :thinking:

gotta be some fair way to do it.

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*Zen is in danger alert like when mercy is hurt and attached by beam

*Sombra sugar skull for hacked heroes
*Moira resource indicator for allies
*Brig aoe ring
*See allies past mei wall as allies
*Sombra stealth ring for herself
*Baptiste aoe visuals for horizontal perspective amended to match heal range
*Baptiste exo boots moved to jump in lieu of crouch
*Symm turrets pre plan so her turrets don’t stick to a pole or crack in the screen
*Moira resource voice line
*Injured icon at bottom of screen for support/tanking heroes for allies behind them- crit genji alerts mercy rein and soldier ahead of him when he cries ‘I need healing’


You already can, it’s the “Render scale” option. Maybe you should learn the game better before spamming your “QoL improvements”?

Zenyatta while using Transcendence should have his entire HP bar glowing like the immortality field safe range, for consistency sake.

Torbjorn Overload no longer having an initial animation.

Activating Valkyrie don’t break your beam.

Nanoboost recharges the target ammo. It’s infuriating that Ana nano you while you have 3 bullets left in the clip, and you waste nano time reloading.

Soldier Tactical Visor lasts for an extra 0.3s, so that you get a fast reload at the end of the second clip if you hold the fire button during the full ultimate duration.

Reinhardt hammer (and only his hammer) gets transparent for allies that are too close to it. Currently, you need to position yourself to the right of your team so that that they can see the enemy through your shield.

Option to trigger a “need healing” automatic call upon hitting certain HP thresholds. Set up general or by hero. Eg, Genji at 50% HP is in more need for healing than Zarya at 50%, so you can set Zarya call to 30%. While hit and run heroes like Tracer and Sombra might be set to 0% because they can leave the fight while dropping down enough.


Let teammates ping locations.