Please please add a ready button

Was about to reply this myself until I saw your message haha

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How does rolling queue in quickplay work though?

Do you have to reselect every time?
Do you have to back out if you want to change your role designation?

It just carries on until you cancel the queue

give us some more Sine. We need to start a master list.


This is not an exhaustive list

  1. Ready button - obvious in a game like this
  2. Notes for friends that are able to be seen in-game
  3. Meaningful status updates your friends can customize and see
  4. Guilds or clans (Seriously what the hell is going on with that?)
  5. Cancelling matches in competitive that are 3v6
  6. A training room with any customization

I’ll add more to this later. My laptop is dying.


put them in here QoL Request Megathread ☑ you and OP inspired me to make this thread :slight_smile:


Boy does Blizzard have a surprise for you next Tuesday.

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2 years and 5 months… hardly a surprise.

The term “a day late and a dollar short” comes to mind.

I remember once back in my Silver days, I joined a group for Quick Play…Dude put us in comp. We got a game instantly of course, and, naturally, we lost.
A ready button is the most simplest of ideas.
To add, it’ll stop people from joining games with a 3 stack or whatever and their friend hasn’t picked a hero yet because “Oh he’ll be back soon” - skip to the dude disconnecting due to inactivity…

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role queue is basically a ready button, you have to select your role and then hit ready
you cant queue unless you pick your role and hit ready

i think role que will fix this because now every member of the group has to pick a role instead of a ready button i would like to see a accept game button

No need. Role queuing in a group requires you to pick a role. If someone is AFK the queue will not start.

Wow… people really only ever read the title don’t they…

Dude I read your post and I’m telling you there is no need. It would be redundant. The leader can no longer queue for comp without the rest of the group picking a role in 2-2-2.

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… that you clearly didn’t read any of the ones between the OP and what you were typing.

See also:

Sadly this will probably be needed with the upcoming dumpster fire, I mean Role Queue. When the DPS get tired of waiting 10 minutes to play the game and either get up to take a leak or tab out with their headphones off and miss that they were put into a game and get the AFK boot.

A year or so ago people who suggested this would get bashed

This would be nice.
There is no reason not to do it.

I know, right? What if I accidentally fall asleep or forget that I am supposed to be playing?

Ikr. Time and time again the leader instaqueues after a game before I check to see if I can play another. A ready/ accept-match button would be really helpful, and would honestly make queuing feel like a more refined feature.