Pulse bomb nerf a mistake

If I could rely on my team doing that, pulse bomb wouldn’t have been a problem to begin with. Besides, Tracer can just blink in, toss the thing in my general direction because anchor tanks be huge, slow, and usually busy, and recall out before my team has time to do much.

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Yeah it charges quicker but it can miss squishies.

I mean tracer players do like to pride themselves on her high skill ceiling

Soooo, good?


An ultimate that charges in 20-30 seconds shouldn’t be that powerful… If you can get it every teamfight, it shouldn’t be able to secure 2-3 kills on it’s own

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The other day, a Tracer stuck our Brigitte and Brigitte turned and shield bashed towards the team. Brigitte died, but brought me down (Orisa) and our Mercy down with her. It got PotG.

Pulse Bomb is still doing fine.

So because you had a brig who turned 1 kill into 3, and were weak on orisa without ur defensive cd, that makes pulse fine? One time I saw mccree kill 6 ppl with his ult, that doesnt make it good.


Its clear you dont play tracer if you think they get it every 20-30 sec. Sure sometimes it can built that fast, and it is one of the fastest charging ults in the game, but she does not consistently get it every 30 sec. Also has the least kills per game from any dps ult other than doomfist who uses it to escape often. So fast charge and not being very good doesnt result in much.

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Wasn’t just bad timing, it just wasn’t a necessary nerf. I don’t remember anyone anywhere ever saying her pulse bomb killing tanks was a problem.

If anything it’s the one part of her kit people generally seemed to think was weak.


Killing Rein with a ridiculously-easy-to-land-on-tanks, fast-charging, near-instantaneous ult warrants a nerf.

You say they should run in time? Okay. That makes sense. For ults like Self-Destruct and Riptire, which take more than one second to go off…


Nerf was to appease whiners on these forums as usual completely unneeded like the recent Junkrat changes SMDH

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No, I don’t play Tracer. I have friends that play Tracer, and they normally get at least 1 per teamfight… I also watch the OWL sometimes, and they normally have one every teamfight.

And even if it’s not 20-30 seconds, it’s still one of the fastest ults in the game. Just shoot targets a bit before putting a bomb on them… Or just put the bomb on something that you can kill with it…

I can get behind an explosion radius buff, it’s radius is pretty small. But not a damage buff… It’s way too easy to kill too many things with 400 damage.


To be fair hanzo’s storm arrows do 70 instead of 75 damage and ana also does 70 damage only because of tracer.

I do agree with you that someone shouldn’t be nerfed because of one character but as i pointed out above they’ve balanced other characters because of tracer so it’s fair game.

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People like to say this all the time when they dont play her. So often when going for a pulse you are blinking into the enemy team to try and hit it, and recalling right away. You cant just shoot them a bit before or after pulse, thats not how it works most of the time. And lets also not forget that most pros were sitting around 50% stick rate, while aiming for tanks often. Or looking at the ladder its 2.22 sticks a comp game. That is very low for how long games are and apparently getting a bomb at least every min. And even pre nerf on ladder had the 2nd least amount of kills from dps ults, only ahead of doomfist.

Also tracer has always been a bad pick at most ranks, and people didnt even complain about pulse bomb dmg till blizz said they nerfed it cuz it was doing too much dmg vs tanks, but I digress.

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Hanzo arrow does 70 instead of 75 so he cant do a 125 arrow, and then hit 1 spam arrow. If anything that would be the reason for the 5 extra dmg, also making it do lower dmg overall at 70 than 75.

Yes, but the problem now is that with a Brigitte pretty much everything on the team is a tank. So Pulse Bomb is just trash now.

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yeah because she can just one clip them. especially with her non existent spread at the range she shoots at.

So change your playstyle…?

If the stick rate is bad, how is changing the damage going to help that? Change the blast radius instead… Increase it by a bit.

75 damage would still keep him out of damage boost one shot potential and the rest somes up the reason of 70 damage, hanzo’s overpowered right now so he’s an easy one to make your point with but what about ana.

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Yes, 75 would not let him 1 shot, but still allows him to get 2 arrow kills with bodyshots only and without any discord or mercy dmg boost. As for ana idk why they didnt want to bring it back up to 80 and only left it at 70, even if it was 80 tracer can still take the 2nd shot and just recall once she is taking some of the tick dmg. Id take any buff to ana.

I agree ana needs anything she can get and on a somewhat related note i think these nerfs would be better for hanzo, i’m lazy so i’ll just copy paste my old post😑