In your opinion, why is hanzo balanced?

Edited it, thanks dude

Oh for sure.

Honestly, I was hoping they’d go the utilitarian route for Hanzo instead of just making him a damager. Keep his skill potential tied to his standard primary and give him a CC arrow or something instead of scatter/storm.

Your nerfs are a good way to kill hanzo, i’m suprised you want to gut a character when your username is SOMBRA.

He’s not balanced. He was never balanced after he got his Storm Arrows.

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They’re asking for an argument as to his balance. They made an argument for him not being balanced.

Yeah, I mean, a sniper who can easily Win a 1v1 at close range seems kinda…silly? Who also has no damage falloff and is weirdly the stealthiest character. Sombra SHOULD be but she’s constantly babbling getting in and out of stealth. I can headshot a guy and he’ll never be able to locate me

I agree on the storm arrow CD nerf, It is really quick. I think they need to give him 4 storm arrows, with 75 damage. This would make it so he cant melt takes as majorly, max of 300 dmg, the current max is 420 dmg. Pretty crazy IMO. Maybe also increase the duration for 8 seconds, so its not encouraged to spam shots and more accuratley aim them. OR just give it infinite duration and a cancel button idk id like that more (it starts cool down after you cancel or shoot all your arrows obviously) i just dont like being labeled a spamzo. Hanzo doesnt have high mobility. Widow has high mobility and can snipe 90% of the roster across the map, NOT hanzo. 8 seconds on leap? you cant compare a movement ability like widows grapple to hanzos measly hop. He still can barley jump out winstons effective range. I dont play at diamond on console, so i wouldnt know about the meta there. I think you made this post with a little bit of salt in mind, you basically want to make storm arrow into mccree fth with range and a cooldown. think about that for a moment.

Sure she can, all she is doing is sitting on haven and shooting from there on poor guys with no shields, no corners , all map is just made so widow can sit there and spam from spawn at poor enemy. Also there is shield in front with 4 superman guarding her which makes her invincible.I think you have poor understanding of grapple hook if you think it is better mobility skill.

Here’s the thing with mobility skills, once they’re buffed you cant really nerf them. It’s like cutting off a leg. I don’t want one legged hanzos on either team.

I don’t think he’s balanced ether but 40 damage, no headshots, an 10 second cooldown for storm arrow and 8 second leap combined would kill him and to be somewhat productive with my response, i’ll give my nerf ideas, also to your other half of the post to coda his version off drop off was his pre storm arrow, arrow speed but they removed even that weakness.

Revert his projectile speed (his current projectile speed takes away one of his and maybe his only weakness which is his range)

Make storm arrow a all or nothing ability (meaning once you hit the button it fires all 6 shots)

Give storm arrow a 10 second cooldown (it’s no different from scatter arrows cooldown so i wouldn’t mind)

Make storm arrow do 75 instead fo 70 damage (it only does 70 because of tracer and, i don’t think any character should be nerfed because another especially when their low health is suppose to be their weakness)

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he’s not,hes way too OP
He can head shot you with out having to aim

Hanzo isn’t balanced but he’s almost there. I think they just need to take away 2 arrows from SA and add 1 second onto lunge and he’ll be pretty good to me. Even tho the 70 damage nerf was small its made a bigger difference than I thought it would. He doesn’t feel to oppressive anymore. He’s almost in a good spot but what I said above would make him seem
less overtuned.

That is the biggest facepalm ever. Every hero can have that said about them. Hanzo has to aim, how can you prove he doesnt? You can’t go into a game and look straight down and hit all your shots. I hit lucky headshots with widow all the time, but widow isn’t op. I havent hit one of those “Oh dang i hit a headshot?” shots in a long time, and i all i play is hanzo. Yes, it is possible for him to be spamming a choke, and out of the blue you get headshot, but thats just the nature of a projectile based character, they spam.

EDIT: If you play primarily, then you shouldn’t be complaning about OP.

except shes not OP

Her ult is easily countered. If enemy team has a reinhardt,mei, or orisa then you will never get full value out of it. Unlike reaper…

He is balanced because he is good at everything :slight_smile:

her damage output is actually insane for a tank, and she just does too much. High mobility, high dps, ability to block ultimates and projectiles, biggest healthpool in the game, not to mention 2 lives, god is that the most annoying thing about her. Her ultimate is meh i guess, but its only because it can be inconsistent and easily countered like you said. But that doesnt change the fact that its a incredibly powerful zoning tool regardless of kills.

moira does a prety solid job defendfing the grav if dragons dont come in, she escapes throws orb and sprays her team to full hp again.

He isn’t, but as all things in this game people complained, the Devs listened, and now they are broken.

i don’t think he’s as overpowered as said to be, because his counters are completely useless in comp rn.

I think rather than nerfing the damage more I think decreasing the amount of arrows for storm arrow could work

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