Pulse bomb nerf a mistake

Pulse bomb was also a cheap way to kill bastion since his passive and armor weren’t enough to hold up 400 dmg only 323

But once again, that is where the issue lies, it affect way more than just tanks. That is the issue. It is less effective vs squishy targets, a bomb on the ground has such a small explosion that people need to pretty much be right on top of it to die to it now. If it was just weaker vs slow tanks, or all tanks sure, fine. But that isnt the case.

It’s a good nerf if they intended to push it to be used exclusively on squishies, but the AoE fall off should be addressed since the effective range of the thing was drastically reduced.

It kills any 200HP hero on stick, even with Brig armor. That’s not terrible for how quickly it can be charged.

I sometimes can’t help but look at doom fist’s ultimate and see how it could be made to do 300-400 damage in the centre aoe and then 30-300 damage in the outer aoe. Its not unreasonable to agree with considering the misconceptions people have of his ultimate’s usefulness–But then, I remember it makes him invulnerable while setting it up.
It’s a low risk high reward ultimate.
Tracer’s is the opposite now.
Her ult should be high risk for high reward, which it currently is not. Revert the pulse damage nerf!

lol that’s ridiculous

It doesnt tho, a 200hp target with full brig armor at 300 will barely live. 5dmg for hitting the stick is 2.5 cuz of armor so they are at 297.5 health. Bomb does 300 but 295 so they live at 2.5 health, prob rounded to 3.

Pulse bomb is meant for assassinating squishies, so that’s why it shouldn’t be as strong as it was against tanks. Pulse bomb still can do it’s job just fine, against 200 hp heroes. Pulse bomb may not by on cooldown, but it charges fast enough to be a threat often. Sure, it wasn’t an instant kill on tanks, but pulse bomb was too difficult for anchor tanks to deal with while doing their job given their big hitboxes and low mobility, removing the primary counter play against pulse bomb, dodging it.


The 5 impact damaged is halved too…RIP.

So the easy fix would be to push 5 more damage on the bomb itself or the stick. It should 100% 1 shot squishies.

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Briggite rally provides 100 armor. Pulse bomb on a target with 200 health + 100 armor will do 2.5 + 295 damage. That means she can’t kill them reliably in the slightest. If you are close enough to be using pulse bomb, you can be stunned and killed.

And on top of that, there’s still repair pack to remember. that’s another 75 on top. You are not killing anyone you go to pulse bomb unless your opponents are literally paying not attention to you.

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Do you have any ideas for a fairer nerf? One that still makes pulse bomb less effective against tanks but that doesn’t effect it when used on squishies?

It’s just that tracers pulse bomb was supposed to be a skillful ultimate. Sticking it to tanks is just too easy so they wanted to make that less effective

Yes, 310 dmg so it still kills weak targets that also have full brig armor. Make the dmg falloff of the bomb as close to what it used to be, 305 right in the centre but falling off slower than it currently is, so it is brought back to its old lvls. Lets say before bomb did 200dmg at 2m, now it is 1.5m. That made it much harder to get kills with slash dmg, or a missed bomb that people are close to.

So to sum it up, fine with direct dmg nerfed to not kill tanks as easily, not fine with it being worse vs squishy targets with a smaller range.

I dont think it needed a nerf to begin with as tracer was a bad pick for every rank outside of gm and some masters, but id be okay with this change.

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So, making it less useful overall somehow accomplishes that goal? Do you find yourself finding value anywhere with it now except for solo targets, who will likely have briggite’s armor making them way too difficult to kill? Her repair pack has a 40 meter range to it. She doesn’t have to be near people to prevent them from dying.

I saw a triple kill on pulse bomb the other day without graviton surge to help it. That’s the first time I’ve seen it happen SINCE THE NERF.

Its pure luck now.

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That sounds like a good idea for a pulse bomb buff to compensate for the damage nerf, I like it.

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[quote=“Rocktopus-11683, post:47, topic:135820”]
Sure, it wasn’t an instant kill on tanks, but pulse bomb was too difficult for anchor tanks to deal with while doing their job
[/quote] Their team can help them deal with it though.

It does not kill weak targets that have full brig armor. It falls short due to the damage reductions. 297.5 damage.

Tracer gets her ult really fast and has a get out of jail free card

Sooooo it’s justified


You are correct, I did the math wrong, was assuming 2.5 dmg from both, okay bring it to 307.5 or 310.

It really isn’t. Widowmaker gets to deal 300 damage from across the map without having to dive in to use an ultimate ability to kill someone. How is a nerf like this ever justified?

That does not mean widowmaker needs a nerf in damage, it means the riskier approach that tracer has to take should prove to reward greatly if done correctly.

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Because they play a hero countered by tracer, therefore any nerf is good and justified. Welcome to the forums.