Public profiles in competitive please

Looking at a profile is much after than asking I have 30sec to make everyone pick a hero they play, which works at the map and builds a decent team. I only have to hover it and instantly see their top 5 heroes, regardless of them being in voice or not.

I see many ppl instalock and switch if asked nicely and you propose they only switch to another one of their mains to work with the team. I cant to do that when I dont know if the play anything else. If I have to ask or type I lose time and trigger them already by asking in a way suggesting their pick is bad…

There is no argument to have profiles hidden aside from ppl maybe calling you out for picking mccree when you have never playing him before and you really wanna play dive or something.

If I see a player 1tick widow in my game and not do well. I click their profile If I see the guy is a widow main on +50% winrate I will assume maybe we need to make space better and the problem might not be him. If its private profile I call them out for trash and probably a bronze moria main.

All you do with that private sh*t is protect trolls, throwers, boosters, cheaters, boosted ppl ect. Which is very easy to tell by their profile.


So you think that just asking to play a certain comp in vc or asking them what they want to play and then organizing a comp is slower than individually checking top 5 heroes of 5 different players and then assigning certain roles to them?

Again, why can’t you ask nicely to switch to others? You think you have to tell them specifically what heroes to switch to? They aren’t bots waiting for specific commands, we need hitscan or we need dive or we need shields or we need stronger heals isn’t that hard to grasp.


Either stop lying about your motives or think before you post.

The ONLY reason you want public profiles is so you can blame somebody/anybody for your failure to win.

Players like YOU are the reason profiles are now private by default.


Smurfs are very obvious for a couple reasons, private profiles are most definitely not protecting them, especially since smurfing isnt against the rules officially speaking


No thanks. I remember the days before Private Profiles. Dark times. Changing your main was a mortal sin. 1/10 would not recommend.


The reason profiles are private is cause of special snowflakes complaining about flame in a online video game.

Yeah i flame, yeah I get flamed and lemme tell you I like it! I like to click someones profile if I feel like they are throwing and call my 5 season junk onetrick out for suddenly playing widow only with 20% winrate…

I like to see if a player on my or enemy team is boosted so I can report. I like to quickly see what ppl play to make a good team comp and cooperate. Without having to tell a random to switch to a hero they most likely don’t play or want to play.

Now on the other hand if you are a ok player. Why keep profile private in comp??? I mean no one here can make an actual argument for it. Meanwhile I made 10 against it.


Cuz you just called them scummy. Like what better argument can I make than this post right here.

If he is willing to swap to zen whether you see his profile or not then why is there a need to see his profile? If I am that player and I am sick of zen and do not want to play zen then I will not swap to zen. You telling me you see I play him will not make me more inclined to pick zen. Same argument in reverse. If I am that player and I am willing to swap to help the team then I will swap to zen if you request another healer and it doesn’t matter if you see that I play zen or not. Do you really think somebody that isn’t willing to swap will say “Omg, the jig is up, they know my profile and activated the secret command, now I have to swap”. What is this logic

You think saying “hey can someone fill, we need another support” is more pushy then singling out that McCree player and telling him “Hey, I can see you play zen, swap to healer” ? Have you communicated with humans before? I take back what I said, it’s not logic the problem, it’s lack of knowledge on how people interact.


My rule is if someone isn’t pulling their weight and/or is responsible for a loss and they have a private profile, the ‘Gameplay Sabotage’ report option exists for a reason.

Just put in the field “Has private profile; not a team player”.


Never really understood this argument.

How is it protecting smurfs?

Feels pretty ridiculous if you ask me. Not like you’re supposed to be reporting people based on their stats to begin with.

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Playing poorly is not a reportable offense.


You speak the trough. I feel like everyone with private is either a thrower, hacker, boosted or something else bad we dont want in the game.

Cause lets be honest, if you aren’t. Why put it to private??

Seems like you’re advising people to both abuse the report system and also explicitly explain in the comments that they are abusing the report system.

I dig it. We need more false reporters banned and if they’re gonna tell on themselves then it’s even better.


you do realize that’s false reporting right? playing badly isn’t a reportable offence and neither is having your profile set to private


because it’s private by default so they aren’t putting it private… seriously what kind of jump in logic are you using reporting people for having the default setting

Precisely because of your attitude.

I’m not a bad person just because I don’t feel like playing the same hero every single hour of my life.

Yet you somehow feel I should be banned just because I flexed for my first couple of games and wanted to play a different hero for a change.


I can’t tell whether you are high or trolling? Why would you want scummy players like throwers, trolls, boosted and boosters, cheaters ect to be able to hide???
What good does that do? Are you sane?

I was neutral about private profiles, maybe even a little more against than pro, but people quickly made me realise that I rather would like to have my profile on private than public. The less reasons people find to be toxic about the better.

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Paranoid delusion is a fine replacement.

I’m not saying I want ppl to play their main. I want ppl to try and win. I want ppl to not play a hero the first time ever in comp. I’m sure you agree with that no?

I will support you if you wanna play tracer instead of mercy. As long as you do roughly ok. Even if we are losing I have no hard feelings towards you.

Now what I don’t like is if you play tracer, do nothing, are not cooperating. Have 0 min on her and just decide to randomly one trick her when all you have ever done before was play different heroes.

Then they just make fool of themselves and it’s much easier to find some support from other teammates in that case.

I know what I’m saying. I’m a Sombra main. You have no idea how many players trash you right in the first second you pick her. I don’t want even to know what Torb/Bastion/Sym mains have to go through…

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