Ptr Leak Halloween skins?

Maybe not. Could just be a moira skin anyway. Im more concerned with that winston looking one. Cause some people reckon its doomfist and thats got me hoping so

That icon looks like it has ears though does it ?

A werewolf or something ?

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII have no clue haha. Maybe its a hairline mohawk? It seems like its got some visor in the middle? That nose looks like winston but the jaw looks like doomfist and Im kinda just like “Uhh fuck it now its tracer”

They do draw hair if you check the rest of icons so they look like ears to me haha –

A werewolf skin on Winston would be neat though, since he can jump on enemies and such.

Too good to be true and to be honest, I would spend 3k on it.

Yeah that would be cool. Although idk if it is ears. That seem too pointed to me. Honestly on the fence with this one. Other than that it seems Bride of spankenstien is sombradio the dorito. Slasher/mask one is soldier76. The knight might be genji. And gremlin is hammond

The long hair looks like a hood to me, with a mask over the eyes and nose only. I think it’s Moira but I really wanted her to be the Bride.

I think it’s a scar with 3 stitches.

The thought of hood didn’t cross my mind because on mobile it shows black lines as if there strands of hair there. I will take a better look at it once I go home.

Is it a whole face mask ? To be honest, a knight Genji sounds a bit weird to me. I guess I am too used to his Japanese themed ones. On the other hand, Brigitte could be a knight.

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Oh my god stop. Doom happens to have thicc lips, he’s just stating a fact and you’re misunderstanding on purpose.

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Yeah brig could i just said knight cause its on the side and usually genjis silhouettes are side on.

And yeah its the whole mask. Its based on Jason Vooheers from Friday the 13th movies 3 and onwards. But based on the scar and the Hair id say Soldier

Can the ‘slasher’ name of a skin we had in a leak fit for the mask icon, I wonder. I am not familiar with Jason’s story so I don’t know if he is using a sword or a knife to make the relation.

Oh absolutely. In fact Id argue that its definitely gonna be called Slasher76 or Just slasher. Jason used a machete in most movies so hes definitely Slasher material

The leak was straight from Blizzard by mistake as they listed it as Slasher along with existing skins, just no picture/preview included. No 76 number was included in the title. To be honest, I won’t be surprised if it is Genji’s. This guy had scars in the animated short and the hair looks kinda spikey, like the Sparrow’s skin. Then again, they are just icons. Who knows.

Yeah true. Still confident enough that id put money on it haha. (Please be a doom one. I want more skins for my boy)

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Looks like Moira to me

Quite sure it’s Winston

76 for sure

100% Genji


where did you get this confidence from?
1- Moira has a sharp face. in the pic, you can see clearly the shape of the face and the nose of Sombra. + the part of Sombra’s design that covers her lower nick.

2- It’s a human face with a small mouth and lips that match Doomfist’s lips. And you can read the post above by DeadlyAztec to see some pics.

3- The last two I’m not sure about them and I can’t see how can you be sure about them because they can be anyone.

If it’s not moira I’m uninstalling

Moira has SO MANY opportunities for a Halloween skin and ngl these look…bad

Sombra as the bride just doesn’t feel right or feel like it fits you feel? I think widow would’ve been a good fit for the bride

But maybe I’ll be proved wrong :woman_shrugging:t2:


Brigitte already has Knight skins…

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Just saw it

h ttps://

Looks like Sombra, Winston, Wrecking Ball, Pharah, Genji and possibly Brigitte.