Ptr Leak Halloween skins?

But who else would fit the knight but her? She a legit knight? Maybe she is a ghost knight?

Nah, Moira needs something waaaayyy cooler. Not bride. She could be the one with the half mask though.

You might be right with the first 2, but I’m confident that the last 2 are Soldier and Genji.

The “Slasher” has the hair and the scar of 76. Matched up perfectly. And the general shape of his face fits.

The other one is Genji in a knight helmet from the side.

Sombra looks to be the bride. Seems odd I figured she would be the ghost skin since she turns invisible and all.

I really hope the top middle is Moira.


Sombra is bride, Winston a werewolf, Soldier looks like Slasher…Genji might be the knight (Brigitte strong possibility but she has Sol and Mani?) Pharah could be the one with the half mask and semi long hair, and of course, Hammond.

Genji as a knight would be really dumb considering he’d fit a samurai way better.


I really really really don’t like the idea of Sombra being the Bride because, yeah, it feels super off and doesn’t fit her at all. Ghost would’ve been perfect for her, I was looking forward to it being her, but looks like Ghost is probably either the first or second (Hammond and Moira are my guesses for those).


The lines look like they could just be a part of the hood to me, I dunno. It’s just too uniform to be hair imo, and a hood/bird-like mask matches with Reaper, so I think that’d be kinda cool for Moira. She also talked about liking Carnivale during Retribution, which is all about dressing up and wearing masks like that. By this point I’m hoping it’s Moira just because I feel so strongly it’s her, but I’m not as positive about it as I am about Hammond. (That is definitely a bat/scarecrow/Oogie Boogie face on a chubby-cheeked hamster. :heart:)

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Well here’s the thing, we had more skins leaked then what are shown here on the icons, so, that could be Sombra and it could be ghost because there are skins that obviously can’t be represented because they didn’t have enough room so it could still be moira as the bride and Sombra as the ghost because we don’t exactly know what Skins are being represented from the ones that got leaked

I hope this made sense because I just woke up and I’m kind of rambling

It’s Hammond, Moira, Winston, not sure it could literally be anyone because it’s a knight helm. I hope it’s Brigitte because I want a skin that covers her face, Doomfist?, Sombra.

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There is always at least one healer so far in the group of heroes. Ana for the first 4, and Zen for the other. Oddly there is 6 here…So who is the good guys and who is bad?

I am assuming the “heroes” will be Soldier 76 whom is the Slasher, and the Knight. The knight has to be Brigitte who is the support hero as the others don’t look like supports at all. Winston is a werewolf, and may be a good guy. Hammond is bad. Not sure the rest. Sombra is clearly bad.

Does anyone have the list of original leaks we had on the play OverWatch site? Some of these aren’t matching up to what was leaked and I want to figure out what was already named of the six and which ones we don’t have that could potentially be more skins

All I can remember is ghost, slasher, bride, and spider queen (the only epic leaked)

That’s why I think we are getting 8 legendaries.

Remember, not everyone was available in Junkenstein. 80’s Zarya, Cult Zenyatta and Mei weren’t and they had legendary skins so we might have 2 more still. We had 8 last year but 6 are playable this year?

Yes this is very true and I’m hoping we get more cosmetic content than we did for Summer Games, and it could still be Sombra at the bottom but it could be ghost and not bride for all we know but it’s still really hard to determine anything from these tiny icons

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I pray too dude. I have a feeling we will get 8 this time. WE BETTER GET 8. I hate this crap where they are lacking in skins and we better get voiclines too.


I just want everyone to get a voice line like they usually do, or even a victory pose or something, like barely anyone even got a spray, but you know we got overloaded with icons which we can’t purchase with gold anyway

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I hope so too! I feel they have been lazy lately. Maybe the OWL interfered last time so maybe they won’t this time? I think they only gave us 5 skins for the SG because they ended up giving the all star skins and the nano So maybe, we will get 8.

I mean Nano was kind of its own thing and tied to her cinematic so it would be really dumb to take away from one of the best events in OverWatch because of something that happened beforehand with an epic level skin

I’m just annoyed that I can’t remember all the names of the skins that got leaked but I can remember that one of the ones for the winter wonderland event was like figure skater or something

I got you fam

It was Slasher, Ghost, SpiderQueen, Bride and the Christmas one Figure Skater

Okay so I guess I remembered all of them pretty much on par which at least means that they’re planning on giving us more skins than what got leaked since a lot of people were concerned that the leaked names were the only ones that we would be getting