So it looks like the ptr leaked the skins through a achievement on the ptr “six wanderers”? Was looking through and saw that.
What PTR leak do you have a link?
Pics or it didn’t happen
Go to the ptr and look in achievements for Halloween at the bottom
I don’t have pictures but it’s in the achievement section
It’s in the PTR on the achievements page on the Career Profile. Change the tab to “Special” and scroll down to the “Six Wanderers” achievement. It looks new so it shouldn’t be unlocked.
Sigh. Guys, please. For us console peasants with no ptr. For the love of God, WHAT IS THE SPOILER?
It seems to be these heroes, in order from left to right
top row is hammond, looking like a gremilin then i think maybe a version of young hanzo? they look like a male with long hair. then it could be roadhog, winston, possibly doomfist, wearing some sort of tiki mask? bottom row is 100% genji as a medivial knight, soldier as a slasher, sombra as the bride i would assume.
Thank you.
I’m going to see if I can get a screenshot
You guys are KILLING me without just linking the image.
It’s what looks to be an upcoming achievement for this year’s Halloween Terror, earned by completing Junkenstein with six different heroes. I don’t have the ability to post pics, or at least don’t know how to, but it shows the face silhouettes of what looks to be six new skins.
I don’t have a picture but it shows 6 icons. 4 of them correlate with last months spoiler. It shows a bat hammond, Winston maybe a ghost the spider queen, soldier 76 looks to be Jason slasher, a knight, and fransteins monsters bride
yes, but the slasher/ bride were in a previous leak.
Ohhhh Bat Hammond? That sounds kinda cool.
Spoiler alert
https ://
You’ll have to combine the URL
Sombra got the bride of Frankenstein costume? Take all of my coins Blizzard. I’ve got 10 k saved up for Halloween.
I tried to describe them in my previous post
So it definitely looks like:
Pumpkin Bat Hammond // Ball is probably a pumpkin.
Brigitte ?? or Hanzo (He does not have a Legendary and is one of the only heroes who didn’t get one)
Winston (I’ve got no idea what this monkey is man)
Dread Knight Genji? (The silhouette still looks like his mask)
Jason Vorhees / Slasher 76
Bride Sombra (Basing it on the silhouette. The shaved sides are her signature look)