PSA: Hammond can transform faster than Bastion

Hammond does actually more damage than Bastion. Only execption is point blank.

If we’re talking about a 1 on 1, yes, Bastion will win most of the time with ~63 HP left.
But in another context, Hammond can counter Bastion in really big ways.

Sadly Bastion lost that damage output long ago.
And even then, as Chibi said, they are other characters that outclass him without the downsides. And some of those characters are seen as UP.

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This is true with any character.

You did not mention a spread reduction so I’ll just state that this is false.
Or maybe by “range radius” you mean “12 meters” ?

The whole BAstion main community is agreeing that the Hero needs changes. We’re used to thinking about his playstyle, really.

Also, speaking of skill: aiming is not rewarded due to the spread.

You mean Bastion 1.0 ? He was very balanced, actually! That’s why we want it back.

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Sir, you’re over reacting.

For what my expierence tells me, Bastion is a very weak hero that needs his entire team to wrok and even then can be shut down by a single counter pick. Reaper.

They’re different characters with different roles?

Like I get the concern about Bastion, but these types of argument kind of lead nowhere at the same time.

Bastion is so oppressive tho :frowning:

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There’s money to be made, not just fun.
It’s their jobs to win.

Pick Repear. Wraith form up to the bastion. M1.
Bastion cannot out damage you.

True, but anything to talk about Bastion.
He’s been ignored for so long it’s disturbing.

Keep fighting the good fight PharHantoi, one day you, Chibi and Terranguard will lead the Omnic crusade to viability

Bastion’s tank mode does 205 damage on direct hits.
This is way harder to pull of than any other ult in the game, though.

They aren’t the same hero and their transformation doesn’t do the same thing…

The group’s way bigger now.
The Holy War shall be won!

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I’ve yet to feel effective against Bastion as Hammond. Bastion’s effective range is a bit higher, and he does way more damage, especially against that big mech.

I’d still be interested in making Bastion a bit snappier, but not because of this particular match-up

As a Bastion and Hammond player myself, I’ll have to disagree.
Hammond’s range is WAY better than Bastion’s. And the omnic does less damage at a larger cost.

Theses heros are so completely different, you can’t just pick to hero’s and say that’s you’re reasoning of why it’s un balanced.

That’s the point.

Yes, the comparing only the guns does result in Hammond’s range being maybe better, but don’t forget that you also want to slam people as Hammond.