PSA: Brigette has a 57% winrate and is 10th in pickrate. That's insane!

How about Sym
20 char

Every time people refute your threads, you call them part of the [insert hero name here] “defense squad” and accuse them of “derailing” the thread :man_shrugging:


she is only used in scenarios that favor her, it just so happens theres more scenario that she is good in then old sym. It is the same scenario but brigittes just better kit wise and has more areas to be niche in.

Also am i the only person who thinks 57% winrate and 10th in pickrate being ‘insane’ is silly? She is lower in pickrate than genji and tracer who she was meant to make useless. So much for being op if she cant even make genji and tracer useless


Doomfist is niche and has a similar winrate and pickrate as her. These days she is mostly used to shutdown individual dive heroes while being part of a Rein/Mercy comp. This is the thing she was designed to do well.

None of her other stats reflect her needing a nerf.


Good luck getting brigitte nerfed when shes barely holding onto 10th in gm/master/diamond spot and 6-8 spot in plat and below when mercy was actually overpowered and it took 6 months to nerf her and shes still meta and frankly overpowered in different ways.

:rofl: everyones going to be complaining about hammond and triple tank dive soon anyways, everyone will forget about brig when hammond eviscerates her. Her cc is extremely ineffective vs him and she is one of the easiest supports for him to do damage to


How is it Biased anyone could see their stats if they choose
You could also use your logic in reverse

Implying Overbuff was ever reliable in the first place.

Even before the private profiles, Overbuff was biased toward low ranked players that care enough about their stats and want to compare how they fare against other people. You always had to read that data with this bias in mind, and knowing it don’t represent the masses.

The current data pool definitely will be smaller than before, but it’s not more unreliable than it was one month ago.
Why would high tier player care about their stats they know they’re good players they don’t have to see their stats to prove it

The only reason her pickrate isn’t higher is because the meta is already built around not picking who she counters because if you do she takes a big fat dump over your whole team by existing. And even then she has above average pickrate and the highest winrate in the game. Truly the most balanced hero in Overwatch, second only to Mercy.

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Season 5 or 6 I was the worlds 5th best Mei player according to overbuff…I was in gold at the time

10th in pick rate is literally middle-of-the-pack… She’s being outshined by Moira and Zen by leagues and the only reason she has any pick rate is because brawl-type comps and double sniper are the “meta”. Once Phara becomes further enabled with the inclusion of Wrecking Ball, expect Brig all but vanish.


We know Overbuff was biased towards high ranked players because their distribution of population don’t match the official stats that Jeff gave us. It have a much higher high tier population, which implies that low tier players are less likely to check their data into a random unofficial website.

Again, it’s still a massive collection of data that we can use to base a lot of arguments because the sample data is significative enough, but that was true before private profiles, and is still true after private profiles.

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Overbuff stats are “biased” because the lower-half of the majority tier of players and below (ie low-plat and below) don’t use the site as much as plat+ players do.

No quotes, that’s literally what bias means when talking about data. :wink:

The data pool of Overbuff is immense, and very valuable. But you need to be aware of this bias when analyzing their data. I remember before Jeff gave us official stats, a lot of people actually believed that platinum was average because of it, and then we found out the median is around 2300 SR. Ie, mid-gold.

If it bias it’s unusable data :wink:
What was Overbuff rank population in season 9 to make you think it was so off that it had to be bias and just a margin of error

Look at dive pickrates they are picking themselves into them

Biased towards what? Mediocrity? Bronze through gold still hasn’t realized the game isn’t TDM yet.

that would be true if it wasn’t for the fact that idea about sym was wrong.

Not if you keep the bias in mind. Eg, a presidential pool saying the Democrat candidate have 40% of the votes hold a very different weight if it was done in a mostly Democrat zone or a most Republican zone.

If you are high-ranked yourself (IMO, diamond and above), Overbuff show a very precise scenario of what you meet in real game. It’s probable that the data pool on those ranks are very close to the same data Blizzard have. But if you are a gold and below player, it’s still relevant for big data sake, but of much less value in an individual level.

It’s all about correctly interpreting the data. But then, that’s argument for a whole class of statistics that I don’t think is worthy derailing the thread even more. But I would advise everyone reading here to check out Khan Academy playlist on the subject. It’s a nice introduction for those who don’t know much about how statistics work.

well Symm 2.0 had a 72% win rate average and she got buffed

because it’s using the old data aswell

Engaging directly with the original post is derailing now? Funny, I thought derailing meant engaging in off-topic discussions.