PSA: Brigette has a 57% winrate and is 10th in pickrate. That's insane!

I see a lot of bogus numbers floating around from the “Brigette Defense Squad”. You know, those people who derail EVERY Brigette thread no matter how constructive it is?

Yes, Brigette is the 10th most picked hero and wins 57% of games (58% in platinum and diamond). That’s insane. In other competitive games she would get nerfed into the ground in weeks at this level (50% winrate being the goal). While we are well into the second season of this non sense, going on four months.

For comparison Torbjorn boasts a 54% winrate (2nd place to Brig) but is second to dead last in pickrate, and Mercy is the number one pick at a 51% winrate.

She’s not balanced, that’s a hard fact. This is amplified by the fact that she has been out almost four months, if players were truly able to “adapt” she would naturally be far closer to a 50% winrate.


You can’t know this until Blizzard gives us a stats tool. Overbuff is no longer a reliable source of info.


They are for these kinds of stats. Just not for player averages anymore.


How is it not reliable?


It doesn’t include closed profiles or players who have never loaded their stats in.


Because she is only picked in niche situations where she is viable and people switch when she is countered

That’s why she has a low pick/high win rate.

It’s just like how Sym was.


Based on what source?
When I logged into it, it could pull up all my past matches from even before I gave it access.

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10th is not “niche” when there are 27 heroes.

  1. Pick Rate/Win Rate was never a reliable stat to base OP/UP on
  2. With private profiles, Overbuff no longer has a reliable pool of information to pull from. Asking these kind of stats from Overbuff is like asking a homeless African what college they’re going to.

Yeah, pretty mcuh the thing is that her pickrate isn’t great because the meta is designed purely around countering her. Zarya / Rein / Zen and both snipers. People don’t really pick her because everyone already metas her counters.


I believe that’s true except when a hero (or otherwise) is an outlier on a bell curve.

These numbers look EXACTLY the same as they did before the switch. Overbuff is still reliable, the sample pool is just smaller.


I know that I cannot load any information past the point where my profile became closed. It captures data based on your profile, thus generating stats.

If you go to a player with a private player, it literally says under their name that ‘cannot update stats.’ Highlighted it says ‘This profile is private and we cannot refresh statistics.’

It’s sad, then, that this thread isn’t constructive, especially when your own numbers are likely to be just as bogus.

With the change to profiles, whatever you’re getting from Overbuff or any other stat-tracking site isn’t going to be as factual (or reliable) as you believe.


Sym was picked less than 1% of the time.

Briggs is picked many multiple times what sym ever was.


“10th most picked hero”

Out of the only six supports in the whole roster, the only support she beats in pickrate is Lucio. The other 4 supports are also in the top 10, because they’re supports and there’s only 6 of them. If you want to make an argument for her winrate, you’re welcome to, but I don’t see any decent argument coming out of pickrate.


Implying Overbuff was ever reliable in the first place.

Even before the private profiles, Overbuff was biased toward high ranked players that care enough about their stats and want to compare how they fare against other people. You always had to read that data with this bias in mind, and knowing it don’t represent the masses.

The current data pool definitely will be smaller than before, but it’s not more unreliable than it was one month ago.


The sample is smaller, but the numbers are almost identical for season 10 and nothing has changed. Do you think they are fabricating numbers? You are probably not familiar with “sample size”, after a certain number the data is often 98% accurate. For example, the census. 1000 individuals per MILLION.


57% winrate is nothing new. It’s been that way for months yet players still insist she is balanced.


Even take this thread. The Brigette Defense Squad showed up and derailed it

If you mean average pick she is right under Genji. GM picks are right under Tracer.
Explains a lot.

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