Proof SR is rigged

SR is affected by MMR, which is a handicapping system.

I never understand why I lose 70 SR on a loss, but gain only 8 on a win.

If you raise your MMR, you’ll gain more SR per win and lose less SR per loss. You’ll also win more games. The point Blizzard is trying to make with this ranking system is that we’re supposed to work on individual skill and worry less about winning

SR isnt rigged if your better than the players at your tier you will rank up stop looking for excuses as to how your stuck


i know this is old post but i think its because your not as good with the new Symmetra as you were with the old Symmetra she plays different …now from what i have read theres where you lost so much sr on you placements. and you say you play with friends then you say you use lfg and lose.also like someone on said you die so much try and fix that and youll do better with just that remember you say you better then them so you shouldnt die to them so much and if your like me and pre shot door ways or sides there coming from so my aim % is low but if your not like me then you need to fix that also.

Since my OP, I have been tracking my games in more detail. I am 19-19-2 and am at +21sr. My solo queue record during that span is 12-4 +163sr my lfg/stacked record with friends 7-15-2 -142sr I think i can safely say that I have been losing due to my friends. Most of my games while grouping during this set has actually been a higher SR then I was at, so it mitigated the losses of SR, unlike when I was falling where I was the highest person with SR.

I don’t have good data about the group SR rating, because I had a lot of placement accounts (one of my friends was placing one of his alt that had finished higher then my rank… and he had attracted high golds into the group. The games I did have ranks for, I was never in games above 250sr above my rank at the time.

I’ll have a more detailed report later in the season. However, I am noticing in the higher grouped games I am not gaining more SR for wins at 200+ SR… but that could be related to team SR differences and the favored to win-lose thing.

What is interesting… I had a game with perfectly even SR for each team… and my person SR was 2 above the game… and I only gained 19sr for the win.

I already disproved this statement. I actually die less then most people on avg in gold on all my main heroes. I die 10% less than avg which puts me in the top 25% in the tier.

My 3.11 E:D Ration on Symm is also higher then the 2.8 that is the avg for that hero, based on the stats I could find. In fact, my Symm stats are really too good for gold.

My career win rate on Symm in comp is 62%. I’m currently 62% on Symm this season. As I have stated earlier in the thread… I deserved to drop based on simply not winning. However my drop was too steep for the amount of losses I had.

My performance on Symm is not my problem… it is actually on par with how I was stat wise pre-rework compared with other Symms.

I am 20-5-33 l-d-w with the new Sym this season and I have still failed to raise my SR. I actually do exceptionally well and statistically rate with gold players, however I can’t raise my SR, regardless of how many games I win or lose. The SR is rigged and the way they rig it is the performance based wins and the fact they don’t disclose everything about the MMR.

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idk i can take any account to atleast diamond, if u hard carry u get like +30 sr from wins

It really depends on the hero you play and if the way you “hard carry” is stat based, or play based.

Lets take example a game that I single handedly won for my team. It was because I made one play because of my positioning and awareness.

We were on Horizon… my team cleared the point… looked like a win… until the Ulting reaper came down and teamwiped everyone… but me.

I saw the reaper coming and I avoided his ult. I dropped down after he was done… popped my ult for a barrier and Hit one shot on him and capped the point. It was OT.

I got 24sr.

Those are the kind of plays that the game just can’t recognize. It isn’t about how many stats you put up… it matters if you make the right plays at the right time.

Yeah, my team killed 5/6 of their team (with assist of my turrets and spam) but had I been down with them knowing the Reaper was ready to ult… it would have been for nothing.

That is a carry. That is clutch. That is what makes a difference between a winner and a loser.

its also a carry to consistantly play good

Bruh we climb without PBSR above diamond. There are games where I will carry my little butt off and get INSANE stats yet get only 24 SR because it doesn’t matter how well I did, only that we won.

Get used to it. Make those plays consistently, and you’ll climb.

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Idk season 2 I was placed silver, today I’m (barely) masters. I’ve noticed improvement on most of my characters (my widow is still silver) and when playing with friends who stayed in lower ranks, their mistakes are pretty obvious.


Wheres the proof?

Im 44 wins 11 loses so far, keep ranking up just fine.

Im 2.2 or something and still playing the exact same style as bronze (press w, engage enemies and kill as many as i can before i die, if my team joins me good, if not i guess i die faster.

3hrs in and 86% winrate. Still getting some teamwipes, still can 1vX without much fuss.

TLDR: op lies, even my mercy main friends can hard carry gold, theres NO WAY a high diamond player gets stuck in gold after 1k games.

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Do people just refuse to read?

I had an easier time in Diamond climbing on my alt account. That is my point. If it is in fact pbsr, or the hidden MMR system, diamond and above the system is more fair… wins and losses are what determines if you climb. I win, so i should climb… however (especially in plat) I was winning… and falling.

Where did I claim I was stuck in gold? I believe I’ve always said that if I solo queued I could easily pull myself out of it if I cared. I was right… tracking my games since my OP… my solo queue record is 12-4.

The point is… why is the SR system dropping me into low gold (at the speed in which it did it) when I have a long history of being plat… and the game is obviously too easy for me to climb out in solo queue?

I have given proof. Please read before posting… or stop trolling.

The games SR system doesn’t reward improvement it just says well if you get good teammates and dumb luck then you’ll climb. How it should be is oh your headshot accuracy as widow went from 25 to 60 percent well put you up in a higher rank. But you know Blizzard won’t do anything like that.

And that’s why I have have climbed from low elo in like 5 accounts with 0 issues. I get im just lucky enough to be diamond but not lucky enough to be master right?

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You know I was joking about the luck aspect right… Right?

Sorry on these forums I seriously can’t tell without a /s.

I mean, some people here legit believe they are Masters and stuck in gold…


The mmr system is so skewed to the lower end of the spectrum that you need to be so good that you can consistently embarrass the enemy in order for the game to recognize your skill. If you are winning games fair and square,the game just assumes that is where you belong until you start outpreforming people in your skill bracket.

As it should be? If you win fair and square you CLIMB.
If you stomp you just climb faster.

Source: 3 accounts, played bronze to master (don’t belong that high btw I’m probably high plat low diamond). Climbed plenty times, and as far as I can see the system works.

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