Proof SR is rigged

see how your at 3.11 kd right you should be at least at 6 and above…example if i was playing in those games i would only die 1 to 3 times max because i see all there mistakes and know when the fight is lost and ill get 2 to 3 picks at the start of every fight and im ten times better then them.even if i tank ill out tank there tanks and if im monkey jump on the healers or snipers or if im healer
do more call outs heal my as# of if i see something there doing wrong tell him how to do it next time etc…im not saying youll never lose but youll win most of your games.

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Oh,I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. It’s just a sad reality that a lot of people don’t realize. The skill level of each rank is very unpredictable. Most low rank players don’t realize how big the gap in skill between gold/plat and diamond and above is. There isn’t a whole lot of difference between master and grand master. But there is a gigantic difference between plat and diamond. And the mmr system reflects that. It’s not blizzards fault either like a lot of people say. It’s just how the chips fell. Plat and below suck, and diamond and above are good (at least generally).i just wish they were more transparent about it instead of making people like this think the game is purposely screwing them over by giving 10 sr for wins. There should be an easy way to see in game how your stats compare to your comrades so you know what to improve. There would be a lot less confusion and ego stroking if that were the case.

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and on this play you should have told your team what you was thinking about the reaper so he would not have killed your team and you also could have told them to focus on him.if he would have been a better reaper he would have killed you also.the higher you go the smarter the people get and better remember that.

To be fair to op callouts -and comms- are useless at that rank. No one listens and if they do they ignore you 99%

Though if you can’t hard carry it’s still worth it, I won a fair number of games in low elo without doing anything, just coaching my team on voice. I never lost a game when this happens, and it’s almost 6v5 since in those cases I’m on a support doing nothing except saving a teammate if he’s gonna die and defending myself on 1v1s.


lol thats also true but its better say something then not saying nothing.yea i hear you when i play with friends i do mostly coaching so i dont mess up to much of the games down there.

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I disagree. I don’t think hard carrying is required for consistently winning. I win about 60% of my games on this account and I don’t hard carry, I play my part, do my job in the team, and if the others do as well, we’ll most likely win. It is a team game, there is a luck element to it yes, but if you were truly a diamond or master tier player, you should have a super easy time getting out of platinum.

I love those games when people use comms and everyone has a good time, and we are either having fun with the red team or both teams are trashtalking without being mean. I dont mind losing those… Just wish for more games like that, but sadly a lot of people have a horrible time unless they win.

That hurt, I guess I’m not a real diamond. Is can’t hard carry plat and at 2.8i+sh Sr so its really hard and slow for me to climb. Once I get to 3k+ it becomes easier since people (including me) arnt tilt af or a nervous wreck because they are about to rank/derank.

yea im with you those are the best win or lose to many people had great games like that then if they lose it was the worst game they played…i had one the other day that was like that and then the point in ot to hold them off in numbani and we killed them all and the ot clock didnt go down at all and they going crazy like if we lose now cuz of this i was like lol the whole time then i was like its ok listen just get off and let one of then step in then kill them again and ill work.

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To climb easily you should be at least 2 ranks above where you are. If my sr high end is low diamond how am I supposed to climb at all? The answer is, Im not. I don’t get all the trolls, leavers and throwers. I get all the people who don’t know how to play. Most of my teams require constant coaching and babysitting to the point that it doesn’t even feel like I’m playing. It’s gotten pretty old and not fun

don’t forget you lost overall about 600 SR from the “placement penalty” that existed until season 6 or 7

then add the dcs to that number, another 150

you gained SR in 45 games

going from 1750 to 2100 and losing an extra 750 SR means you got an average SR per game of 24.444

which seems to be almost exactly the 25 SR you get if you have a perfect 50%/50% predicted winrate without performance based SR

i don’t see why you complain

What on earth are you talking about? I mean, I don’t want to be rude or anything but the placement penalty would actually reinforce my point more then not.

Lets look at it. S4 I placed at 1750. There was a 200 artificial penalty, so my MMR was really 1950. So between 1750-1950… I would have gotten boosted SR gains and reduced losses. However, s4 I finished 2500.

S5 the penalty was still there. I don’t remember where I started… prob around 2400 if I remember. This means that my MMR was around 2600. This would have given me boosted gains to climb early in the season when my SR catching up to my MMR. I finished s5 2699.

S6 I believe is when they changed the season penalty. I placed then at 2784. That was the season I reached my career high on this account at 2843.

So despite going 57-52-4 on the season… I finished 234sr LOWER then when I placed. Say I was a +25sr… that means I went +3 to climb up to 2843… then FELL to 2550 with a 54-52-4 record. (Not what happened, I think it took me a net like 4-5 games to get that high, but don’t have hard data for it). That would mean I had a +2 game win/loss and lost 289 SR.

I have kept falling sense. So no… you cannot make a point that the placement penalty actually “helped” me. It makes no sense.

I lost 44 SR in one match yesterday. The most I’ve ever lost was 30. The next game I won I got 10 back. For real. How do they even decided this?


It’s determined based on your performance relative to other players at your same rank, along with your performance in recent matches.

Well lets look at this idea of 50 percent chance to win… hmm… Then if every game has an equal amount of chance to win and lose, then why do you gain more versus certain teams, with the exact same performance, because if the game was not rigging matches, then every match would have a 50 percent chance every time and no need for disparity of rewards.

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its taken me 12 seasons to realize comp is a joke. the fact that blizz doesnt match people of the same level together (hours played), is a joke. no score board is a joke. no reward for individual effort is a joke. im heading back to tf2, lol

Wow dude this game is absolutely about k/d ratio.

i wasn’t making that point. i said that’s where your SR vanished. and if you calculate it out you have normal SR gains per game over the whole period you played

and that means SR is NOT RIGGED and your record is NOT PROOF

all it proofs is that the SR penalty was a bad idea and that performance based SR works as intended

You do realize that leadership/command is also a skill right? A lot of people don’t understand the variety of skills required to play a competitive game. If you’re getting bored of doing it, it might mean you’re not suited for command. Focus on other things that don’t stress you out, even though you pick tanks and supports…

ok so you dont get it i didnt go into detail but here it goes the more your alive the more you heal your team the more you tank and protect your team and if your dps the more damage you do thats why is important to stay alive for as long as you can and if the team lost the fight get out and not feed there ults so when you see on the kill feed you lost 2 to 3 teammates time to regroup.