Proof SR is rigged

Look man. I don’t know if you realize you’re trolling. I actually don’t think you do so let me give you the Wikipedia definition of “trolling” so you know where I’m coming from:

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll’s amusement or a specific gain.

I want to focus on the parts I bolded, which states “A troll is a person who starts quarrels by posting digressive messages in an online community with the intent of normalizing tangential discussion.”

I say this, and I want to be clear that I’m really not sure you realize you’re doing this, to bring up that the system as we understand it does not handle groups well, especially groups of widely varying skills. You cannot play with your friends, and your Smurf son, on an account and post it as something having any validity regarding the matchmaker at all. All you’re doing is telling us stuff we already know. WHICH WOULD BE PERFECTLY FINE BUT… and this is the line you cross where you become a “troll”, you use terms you know or should know are “quarrel starting” (proof, rigged) then go on to discuss a perfectly legitimate complaint that most certainly isn’t rigging, even if we accepted your “proof”, with the effect of normalizing the idea that Blizzard is somehow altering your SR in an unfair way rather than you and your choices causing glitches in the system as designed.

If you want the SR to be accurate, don’t play with friends. If you want to play with friends, don’t expect the SR system to be accurate because WE ALREADY KNOW groups of disparate skill break the system. This is a legitimate debate and if your title was “Always playing in groups makes SR really difficult to pin down accurately” you’d have me, and probably all of us who clamp on these “rigged” discussions to try to stop this madness, on your bandwagon.

If your intent is really not to be a troll, you may find that trying to understand how the system works will provide you with more options to fix it’s flaws than going on about how Blizzard is fixing the games to make you lose.

AND OMG WHY DO YOU ADMIT TO PLAYING WITH YOUR DERANKED GM SON?! He should be banned and you should feel bad for setting such a poor example.

TL;DR: If SR is rigged, it’s by you, not Blizzard.