Projectile Balance patch next please?

For the following heroes that are hard countered by hitscans without a mercy pocket.


Get rid of multi freeze first, then we can discuss Mei buffs


The problem with just giving Sym buffs is that she’ll turn into this raid boss that kills everything near her (not literally but you get my point). A big reason that Sym hasn’t received buffs is she feels awful to play against. It’s very very hard to have fun when fighting Sym. It may not seem like it, but Blizzard cares very much about the casual playerbase, and they don’t want Sym to be strong.

I’m not biased against Sym, this is just how it is


how about we stop tunnel visioning sym’s primary when thinking about how to buff/improve sym, esp when realistically, sym is actually using her tp + orbs for most of the match time as those are often what she gets opportunities for due to not having so many preconditions of use of them. and legit, her orbs + tp have plenty of room for improvement given how

  • we legit had a better tp (old 3.0 finite tp) for >1yr across various metas and it wasn’t oppressive nor OP
  • and there’s legit nothing that justifies the sniper-like charge time on her orbs.

i.e. we can do stuff like:

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Those changes seem good. When I talk about “Sym buffs”, I’m generally talking about giving her 250 hp, since that’s basically all I see. With those changes, it seems like it would make Sym feel more responsive without making her a death microwave, so good job


That is my issue with buffing her damage, especially level 3. We don’t need a death microwave beam obliterating tanks, D.Va, and shields. Instead just buff survivability or something like 250 HP

I honestly don’t blame you, because on the forums I am in the dissent about these changes. idk why but too many people only think of sym w+m1 when discussing sym and/or thinking of “how to make her play like zarya without giving her the same necessary sustain for that gameplay”.

like yes , take into account her lvl 3 primary so she doesn’t become an unstoppable w+m1 battering ram, but don’t limit balance options to be solely around that concern when there’s a whole other side of her gameplay, esp when that side is actually the majority portion of her gameplay.

Um, no… multifreeze means a Tracer or Lucio can’t cheat Mei outside of her deserved kills by simply bodyblocking.

My suggestion for Mei:

  • primary consumption: 15 rounds/sec. allows 2 more secs additional freeze up to a maximum of 8 secs.
  • primary travel time 30 m/s (not sure if it will help a lot)
  • secondary cast time reduced from 0.4 ->0.25
  • secondary fall off: 25-35 meters
  • cryofreeze time reduced to 3 seconds, heals the same amount, but targeted by supports (revert and less time for stalling)

I don’t think she needs any nerfs for these (except the falloff) because the character still has a giant hitbox and 0 mobility and is basically a worse version of McCree so she needs to compete for this with better dps power. I’m not buffing the wall because it’s a tank ability at same time and it’s not the way to go.
The icicle shorter cast time would allow her to feel more responsive and have better dps output, the decreased consumption allows for less punishing use of freeze.

What ? Like lmaoo, how in the world would mccree and mei even compete ? One is anti flanker and the other tank buster.

He has actual reliable CC which secures kill and mobility + ammo reload. Mei has CC which you need a lot of time to make it work and risky because its for close range,unreliable cryo because it doesn’t help with survivability, nor it gives ammo, it’s only for stalling right now. And the wall is basically a better ability in coordinated plays, but in ladder it’s not that useful, and it’s on double roll cooldown which was her only reliable “movement ability”. The secondary fire is projectile, so worse than hitscan.

Stil, they don’t compete at all, no one would swap mccree for mei for the aame purpose.

What type of Echo buffs do you propose, OP? Tighter spread? Faster projectile speed? More damage per shot? I’m genuinely curious and these are not rhetorical questions.