Why is this so difficult to buff sym?

If they actually buffed her to better lvl then owl would get stale fast and low ranks would be impossible to play if your not on sym.

Many Symm mains (I should say former Symm main) like myself, would love more utility buffs over damage buffs.

Decrease the cooldown for turrets, add back SG albeit changed, or maybe at least try a 250HP Symm.

I don’t want her to be just a TP bot that can’t survive actual team fights.

Symm 2.0 was less niche and team dependent as a support than a DPS Symm now. That should tell you something about the balance of this game.

Because a lot of people don’t want her good beyond the ranks she currently is

the balancing around symmetra is a joke and the entire balance team should just be replaced tbh

at least go work for epic if you are going to suck at balancing


I agree.

And it doesn’t help that the devs completely lack transparency and don’t engage the community regularly at all

Her 3.0 rework was a massive buff in itself. She is in a good place right now and I think any significant buffs would ruin low- to mid-ranked games for everyone.

This thread is hilarious.

“If they buffed X,Y and Z in her kit,she’d be unbearable to play against!!!”

She literally had:

  • More damage on her primary fire with a smaller hitbox
  • More damage on her turrets
  • A better TP that she could use more often
  • An ultimate that lasted 15 seconds and had 5000HP

And she was still considered a throwpick. At her peak,she had a 4-5% pickrate which doesn’t even come close to the pickrates meta heroes have usually. Despite being good,she was still outperformed by Reaper and Mei.


Yeah sym 2.0 was the shield gen version. She was nice I just wish shield gen took a hit instead of the entire idea being scrapped. The problem with shield gen is that it potentially could be infinite and completely gave back full ult on objective change. So it allowed for snowballing. Just adding a duration could have solved the Main gripe I hade with sym 2.0.

Yeah shield gen wasn’t meant to be an engaging tool for sym it was designed as a way to completely change how the game was played. Your team now couldn’t win the standard way with large sustain heals now. You had to use the extra burst you can take and get picks within that time. I just really liked the idea of taking a hit to your team healing potential to change the ttk threaholds for most matchups. It was an amazing strength for an equally disadvantageous loss

I think it is healthy for the game to have niche heroes that remain niche. If more of the heroes were niche, we’d have a lot more viable comps in the game. Homogenization leads to locked in metas where only the best of the homogenized heroes are played.

and the cherry on top is that there’s been more powercreep added to other heroes since then.

like objectively there’s room to buff her without much compensation at all and without making her OP. people just refuse to see it.


That’s one of the game’s biggest issues though.

A good chunk of the heroes in Overwatch are pretty self-sufficient,but then you have a few niche ones who suffer because of the fact that they’re niche.

On top of that,the game is already way too team reliant and those niche heroes require even more teamwork than usual so most people either don’t want to play them or have them on their teams for that reason.


Her getting a good chunk of her nerfs reverted wouldn’t hurt anybody.

Temporary TP/50 damage on turrets/15 second ult/80 damage on Lv1 beam.

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Sym’s kit is too problematic. If she’s in a decent spot, she’ll be oppressive. We had this problem back when double shield first started.

I think she needs another rework. A DPS hero can’t have the reliability on gimmicks like Sym.

Either keep her a DPS but strip out turrets/beam ramp, or rework her into a support where she can keep her gimmicks.

please read the following:

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Your changes won’t make Sym a decent hero, she’ll just be less trash.

She’s already picked as a TP bot in high ranks, so your TP buffs won’t affect her viability. They’re more like QoL buffs for the Sym player.

Your orb changes makes her more frustrating to play against. Nobody likes spam damage, especially when played well.

So again: her kit is too problematic to be decent without frustrating the wide player base.

a shorter ranged squishy hero getting their mobility tool MUCH more often to get herself in effective range, esp when it also allows her orb-melee flank combos, is a very significant improvement that is much more than being simply a qol.

again, stop tunnel visioning on sym’s w+m1 gameplay that legit is a minor portion compared to the dynamic combination of tp+orbs portion.

there are plenty of ways sym can and did use tp for herself. infinite tp mechanic practically nerfed away a lot of them. and before you mention it, no tp isn’t purely for team uses since team uses are legit highly situational and their opportunities don’t pop up as often as individual uses for most of the match time.

being balanced around midranged with increasing their proj movement speed as a focus —> encouraging aim more because you get more consistency and value for aiming them rather than just spamming. esp when you consider the literal sniper-like charge time on them, it’s got more incentive to aim them (lower fire rate —> want to make shots count more).

I’ve already said can include some reductions on proj size and/or aoe radius depending on how fast they make the orbs.

if orbs are still “frustrating to play against” despite all the mechanics that’d practically force the sym player to aim them more precisely, while somehow also not being frustrated by the various other aimed weapon fires with far more lenient conditions, then they are contradicting themselves and likely just being biased rather than being a “spam vs aiming” issue.

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This game doesn’t have the roster to have large swaths of heroes be “niche”. For some roles, that would immediately exclude half their roster and queue times would approach 1-2 hours for a match.

Which leads to a second problem…

The reason this doesn’t really work in this game is that these heroes take a long time to master. TTK is absurdly low, so any mistake generally gets you killed and potentially snowballs the teamfight. So, mistakes are harshly punished. For the time it takes to build up your skills to make you halfway decent at a hero, your proposal would make it basically impossible for most players to play the game in any reliable capacity. Because you’d have to play and build up skills for a dozen different heroes since only one or two would be viable in any given map or mode.

Whereas at least if you’re halfway decent with a general hero like Mercy, or 'Cree, you can provide decent value in most maps and situations.


Honestly, I think they just don’t know what they want to do with Sym. The fact she was once a support and is now a DPS they don’t know how to balance is pretty indicative of lacking direction.

She was in the Support category,but that doesn’t mean she was a healer. Nor does it mean that she was run in the support slot.

But rather,she was a Defense hero. And originally,when they talked about her 3.0 rework,they said they’ll be putting her in that category…until they decided to merge Offense and Defense into Damage.

I know she was never a real support. She was intended to be a hybrid hero, and I suspect Blizzard originally intended to add more characters who played a supportive role without healing before seeing how weak Sym was. Now they’ve moved her, and have altered her kit twice, both times failing to really find a niche. I’m not saying she should be a support, I’m saying they no longer have any sense of direction with Sym as (as you pointed out with the defense category too), both previous iterations were scrapped.