How do you expect Symmetra to be good?

I hope she will be a pure support then. No barriers, shield overheal, etc.

Well, she can be both. The same as Zen being a DPS with a bit of healing and slotting into the off-healer position; Symmetra can be the shield/utility hero with some healing. Instead of a shield generator, a healing generator plus healing turrets.


How do you expect Symmetra to be good in her current state when she’s one of the most hated heroes to play against and she will literally get more complaints than Brig if she’s anywhere near strong?

Literally nobody likes to play against a death beam that requires your teammates to actually do something against it. You guys keep complaining about Doomfist because his CC is unfun to play against, but isn’t it the same for Sym? Shield tanks are at the mercy of their team to provide enough pressure for her to back off. Meanwhile, the rest of the team prays that the shield tank doesn’t feed any charge to her. But most of the time, having a shield up that charges one hero up is better than face-tanking 6 sources of damage. So what can you do?

Now imagine if Sym was actually strong…

This is literally the Bastion-symdrome


Guess they just wanted to go all around DPS nerfs, Pharah got hit aswell, and i think the only time i actually play her is in Deathmatch to get better at sneaking up on Widow’s. :man_shrugging:

Brigitte/Doomfist would like to have a word with you.

Anyway, Symm is not hated from my knowledge, atleast in pubs, only the streamers whine about her, and Blizzard caved in. When Symmetra was viable, nobody would bat a eye, it’s only because she is a crappy character that has been nerfed 6 times in a row that nobody wants her to be played.

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I’m sorry what? a 12m beam that need like 2.56s of straight hitting before it can deal soldier dps whereas various heroes having longer range and lower ttk due to higher base dps “requiring teammate help to do something about it”? like what are you on?

if you’re talking about the situation of a sym being team pocketed to get close and w+m1, what you’re saying will literally be “I wanna be able to 1v6”. so like again, what are you on?

if we’re talking cc here, sym’s cc is legit the most counterable cc in the game. most mobility abilities break you out of it, you can destroy it and you can block it.

please refer to the point above how this basically saying “I wanna 1v6”. sym can’t m1 like you’re envisioning without a team pocket. even if you’re shield tank 1v1’ing a sym, she wouldn’t be trying to primary vs keeping a good distance away to orb kite you due to the vast difference in sustain against her to brawl in 12m.

if the enemy team somehow deathballed their way to 12m of you without them you getting vastly ahead in the shield break war from how most heroes having higher base dps and range, then either your dps suck or your team simply aren’t being coordinating to deal with their coordinated play.

it’s this tunnel visioning on sym’s primary that’s exactly why we’re getting nowhere.

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Nobody is better at flexible area denial than Symmetra. That’s her thing. Torb is also good at area denial but he’s not free to redeploy his turret at will and he can only have it in one place, which makes him much less flexible as far as picking the area he wants to deny. Also, only Bastion can practically do more DPS than Sym. It takes her less than 3 seconds to get charged, does 180 DPS (more than a fully-charged Zarya), and regens ammo from barriers rather than expends it to destroy them. There are definite perks to choosing Sym.

I think this would make Sym an unstoppable monster. Her aim mechanics are extremely forgiving and 120 immediate, sustained damage would make any non-tank she got close to easily dead in just over one second with no cooldown or headshot requirement. There’d be no fighting chance unless they had a stun to use on her.

They used her old style placement turrets as well. Not her throwable turrets. I think it would be easy to test on experimental.

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For a qui comparison, McCree can deal 210 damage within 1 second with bodyshots. He is far from being an unstoppable monster, and he can do so from much further range than Symmetra beam.

120 sustained dps is not top notch dps. Pretty much all DPS other than Sombra and Mei reach this number or higher.

McCree can only do the full fan the hammer damage if he hits all of his shots, which have a wide spread and for which he has to reload after every burst. He has to be almost touching his target to get all six bullets to land. Sym can do it reliably and consistently from a decent distance away and only has to reload every few seconds if she’s actually expending ammo. That’s why I said “practically”. It’s not practical to expect McCree to land all six shots every time he fans due to that abilities limitations. It would be reasonable to expect Sym to do 120 damage all the time if that was her base beam damage.

It is when you consider consistency. Nobody else is doing that much damage sustained without repeatedly landing shots. Sym doesn’t have to worry about that with a beam, which is far easier to track targets with.

I’m not talking about fan the hammer. His bullet deal 70 damage, and he fires every half second. So he deal 70, 140, 210.

Then can only do more than 120 DPS if he lands every shot and he can only do it until he has to reload. It’s way easier for Sym to hold a beam on someone for one second than it is for McCree to land multiple shots.

You can’t assume perfect tracking on Symmetra and not assume perfect flicking on McCree. That’s textbook double standard.


Maybe not perfect tracking but it’s far easier to track with a beam than land multiple individual bullets. Beams also get the advantage of doing partial damage even if they don’t stay on their target for the full second. Bullets are all or nothing.

Yeah, it’s called a revert back to 2.0

You guys don’t like her turrets? Well why do you enjoy these turrets better than the old ones? They do more damage than they used to and they literally fly so they can attach wherever.

You don’t like her shield generator? Well what the hell do you think Sombra and Tracer and Reaper are supposed to be FOR, anyway? What’s the point of flanking if there’s nothing to flank for?

People don’t realize how much Symmetra could contribute to a unique and interesting game because they just never appreciated what 2.0 could do, as far as I’m concerned. She gave other characters more purpose, and those characters are struggling to find relevance in other ways. The game used to be a hair more than ‘FIND ENEMY, KILL IT!’


I remember being really annoyed that we had to dedicate time to finding the shield generator or teleporter before the fight could really start unless we were ok with them having an advantage over us throughout that fight and any subsequent fights until we destroyed it or they ran out of TP charges.

You can say this about literally anything.

What you are saying is basically ‘‘Sym should be ignorable, and I am glad she is now’’.

Some people have more ease tracking than flicking and vice versa. Both are instant feedback aiming styles, they are not inherently harder or easier than each other.

My point is that on paper dps, 120 is not a high number. All DPS heroes have a TTK around one second or less. Also, that’s just one suggestion in case Blizzard decides to move her into the proper dps route. You still have the option to lean back into utility and improve other aspects of her kit. I know people would complain less about her beam if her turrets and TP were more useful, just like Sombra players don’t complain about her uzi spread.


And see, that’s part of strategy; your enemy forced you into making a decision of what to prioritize, the shield gen/tp or the time in the battle. That’s like… How to do interesting battles 101.

If every fight is literally the same equation; who punches who harder and wins, then it gets boring, fast.

Characters like Mercy with mass res and Sym with her TP and shield gen gave the players options to spice up the battle equation.


No other ult gives an indefinite advantage until it’s used up or destroyed. Sym was unique in that respect.