PSA: Sym is heavily talked about for good reason

By that logic the ladder, and overall state of ranked integrity is heavily spoken about. I’d say that trumps your vision for Sym. She’s nearly fine but the rest of the game is not. Let’s optimize how we allocate their precious resources. Let’s focus on the real, systemic issues - not your subjective inability to get ‘meaningful’ value out of her.

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for the record, taking 2 seconds off TP cooldown was really helpful

Squeaky wheel gets the grease. As long as my main is garbage I’m gonna complain and do it loudly and often. She needs buffs.

You don’t like it? Stop reading Sym topics. Nobody is making you read those posts.


People on the forums are a HUGE minority so, yeah.

I’ve said this before, buff her beam damage and let her ramp up faster on shields. By at least .5 seconds. Then she can’t burn through everyone as fast and punish someone leaving a shield in her face

see below quote for something reasonable:

ah okay thanks. just ineresting to know is all.

What the hell are you on about ? Sym is bottom 3 in all ranks for 4 years now and you think those that are not content with that situation are somehow entitled or something ?

Try to do some actual discourse instead of conjuring some random statement that you can argue with yourself about.


You mean, the people that are left that still play Symm. I know many Symmetra mains that left OW completely after 3.0 came out. Her pick rate is super low and making numbers changes won’t bring many OG fans back.

Making her back into an actual utility builder will. Making her more interesting will.

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I’ve been playing her since 1.0. I’m an “OG fan” as well.

But asking for Blizzard to revert Sym or give her another rework is just unreasonable. If they managed to make other heroes work by just buffing their numbers,they can do the same with Sym.

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Yeah but most people who complain about symm don’t even give reasonable suggestions for changes, or worse, give none at all.

It’s always “buff the damage of this” “shorten the CD on that”, or just “symm is trash, buff her”.

Nobody wants symm buffs. Most people hate playing against the character, and honestly I don’t blame them. If I saw symm in every game, I’d probably just end up going and playing another game tbf. The devs want people to enjoy their game, and buffing a hero that nobody likes playing against is just going to make less people want to play.

She needs a total rework. Literally most of her current abilities are holding her back from ever being in a balanced state. Turrets need to go. TP needs to go. They’re way too situational.

Her beam, while strong, can never get to full charge quick enough as she has to be very close to her target. Maybe, just increase the range, and decrease the damage slightly, so she can have more consistent damage.

Her alt fire is spammy, and annoying. Idk what they can do to make this more consistent tbh.

Her ult is, okay. it’s not awful, but it’s not amazing. I don’t know if this needs to be changed or not. Other heroes have worse ults than this.


I see every regular Sym main who complains about Sym give their opinion on it and possible changes.

In fact, its the reverse, people who dont main Sym dont give changes or give terrible changes that only make things worse.

You clearly dont know what are the actual issues of Sym because if we started to remove every skill that brings value without intense aiming we could end up with ‘‘Skillful™’’ heroes with half of their kit removed too.

Lets remove Widow’s autoaimed grapple, lets remove Zen’s autoaimed orbs, lets remove Ana’s autoaimed nano, lets remove BOB, lets remove high noon, lets remove…

Her beam is literally the opposite of strong, it deals the same dps that Soldier bodyshots with a fraction of the range and after a massive charge up time.

Range is meaningless unless its more that 20m… while you are reducing an already miserable damage primary.

Not to be rude, but if you dont main Sym then dont propose bad changes right after you make an stupid claim regarding how Sym mains dont give any feedback or changes when that is clearly not true.

The issues with Sym are deep mechanicall issues that cant be solved with number buffing. Lets not pinkglass Sym 3.0, TP 3.0 alone wasnt and will not be enough to make Sym a viable DPS hero when its neither survivability or combat mobility.

Should TP personal 3.0 be kept? Yes. But it isnt enough and never will. Even comparing to other ‘’’’’’’‘squishy’’’’’’’’ close range heroes, Sym still will lack survivability.

The mobility of other flankers is in fact not purely a gapcloser, but also combat mobility that gives them a lot of survivability to stay in range. Genji has a literal tank-level defensive cooldown and Genji mains still claim it isnt enough.


hi nice to meet you, I’m a sym main (among other heroes) and here’s a reasonable sym suggestion:

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Interesting because there’s daily doom,brig, bastion, Mei buff threads. So who are these heroes you’re talking about?

I feel like they don’t want that because they know she will just be nerfed back into oblivion like how when she was nerfed once she became viable during double shield.

They just want to be able to play her without being a detriment to the team.

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No, Sym mains won’t be happy until we have a hero that is actually viable. She doesn’t need to be a meta hero, she just needs to be a hero worth running. Even the OWL use her as a taxi out of spawn before switching, because her kit is slow, and it’s clunky, and it takes far too long for her to do anything meaningful. She’s also way too team reliant to the point that she has nearly no self carry potential. Even Mercy, another heavy team reliant hero, has the ability to act on her own as her blaster can be more threatening than Symmetra.

Symmetra was designed as a support hero, and until she’s reworked into a support hero that’s both close to her original and has some form of supportive ability outside of her disco ball, she won’t ever be a hero worth picking. Her kit, as proven by the countless nerfs she’s had, is too awkward to be balanced as a dps hero’s kit. She was designed as a support, and should’ve stayed as a support.

i am the worst sym player in the world and i can still win in some koth maps, some defense 2cp maps and maybe kings row A or eichen. looks fine to me.

I heard they had a discord server a while ago for pros, it was to help balance the game and to take suggestions ect, apparently the discord quickly died when it became obvious that they weren’t listening at all, same thing with the forums, they’re here to stabilize the vague illusion that they’re listening, they’re not, they only listen to the audience when they’re in panic mode, hence recently they pushed away a huge amount of the player base with the awful hog meta then they actually did a couple of updates like the power creep update and did things that have needed doing for ages, it was the same story the first time they nerfed shields, we had 2 weeks of good updates and then back into their old ways, somehow they don’t understand that listening to their audience and actually keeping up with the quality of the game is actually good for business.
The game has literally never been in a stable state, yet they keep pushing league, boring repetitive events and new characters when they haven’t been able to deal with the roster they have like… ever really.
Because of this things like the ladder are a complete joke, which is amusing based on how much they like to focus on league which essentially is the tippy top of the ladder right? things like the lack of action against smurfs that litter the majority of the ladder and make it a joke will NEVER be dealt with because for them its money in pocket, they don’t see the issue, this is another thing that’s all over the forums all the time, and rightly so, its a huge problem.

I wouldn’t count on anything any time soon, some characters need some real changes often due to just bad design, take Halt for example, and Sombra, Brig, characters like these have 2 options, to be underpowered or overpowered, purely based on what these things do and how they fit into the game, the only way to make them not OP is to make them borderline useless and thats just bad design, they need to be lenient to make REAL changes, the example I like to use is if Bastion was put in Overwatch today, he’d still have a shield and it wouldn’t be going anywhere, so commonly all they’re changing is numbers, which I refuse to believe is hard nor does it take as long as the rate of the updates would have you believe.

The short version
Blizzard are lazy money grabbers who have no intent on listening to us.


You’re making an inference based on assumptions.

The fake female player was bad publicity, no doubt. But I hardly doubt they needed to use Overwatch lore to placate the audience.

Jack Morrison’s sexual revelation has nothing to do with the fake female player.

You’re stretching here, just because both occurrences happened within close time proximity is nothing more than a coincidence.

That’s the 30-40-30 rule. Around 30% of your matches you’ll win regardless of how well you play, unless you are actively sabotaging your teammates.

I’m a terrible Widowmaker, to the point that took me 17 hours of one tricking her to get her Smooth as Silk achievement. And when I did, it was an accident because I was hit by a Pharah rocket that raised me two inches off the ground as I landed a headshot. I was still winning around 30~40% of my matches. I can’t be sure because it was all on QP, and they don’t track winrate on QP.

I’m also a terrible McCree and, just for the sake of science, I one tricked him during Season 7. I ended that season with 37% winrate. I also received a lot less flak for being a trash player than when I played my then 60% winrate Symmetra (2.0), which was why after that test I gave up on voice chat in comp. But I digress.

Point being, you can play horrendously and still win sometimes.

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