Pro tip on finding console players on your team

I feel like you’re reading into a lot of things I’m saying and trying to find some subtext when there is none.

I’ve directly and outwardly explained more than once that I disagree with them and do agree with you.

Yes. I agree. We’ve covered this ground. This isn’t the part I have an issue with.

Then make points. “You were born a dumb ***” is not an “articulation of validity,” it’s an insult.

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well when obliviousness is endless, we all call it like we see it. as i said, indignation wasn’t immediate. it was provoked and earned. they even thought that mentioning crossplay meant anything. as if its default crossplay. when invite only crossplay was implemented, console players couldn’t even aim at all. its improved. but it isn’t an even playing field yet. once console can aim in crossplay, as ana aim assist permits, then an even playing field will exist.

We really don’t. I don’t at least. We disagree on a very base level here I think.

No matter how justified you feel you are, you should still not insult people in my opinion.

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What an absolute saint, you are.

I don’t have the patience to tolerate this kind of behaviour.

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hmmmmm. failure to call it like you see it, including conceding whenever you’re incorrect also, as i’ve admitted i’ll also do, means that you aren’t rooted in truth. but deception.

truth isn’t flexible. nor does truth expire. at what point will you be acting like you’re no longer offended? oh i forgot, you’re rooted in deception. you’re offended but you’re not. doublespeak. you weren’t a participant at repelling their stupidity. therefore, you’re unqualified to comment on how others should feel about it.

Truth also never needs to be mean. And if you can’t find a nice way to put something, not every truth needs to be said. Especially if it’s to nobody’s benefit.

Honestly I’m curious what “not offended” looks like to you. Like I said before, I think my tone is not communicating at all.

Oh okay, wait. I understand the confusion now.

I don’t care how you feel about this person. Feelings are feelings, they can’t be controlled. What I do care about is how you speak to this person (and people in general). I think we should strive to not be mean.

I don’t care if you’re nice, but there’s a lot of room between nice and antagonistic that got skipped. That’s all.

I’m very sorry that I convinced you I’m this two-timing conniving rat, that was not my goal. But I think that my overall point is still valid if you can manage to look past all that.

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see? you wanted a standing ovation for endless impulsive stupidity designed to downplay console effort/exertion. stupidity persisted even after video, YouTube, obliterated their bogus claim that reticle hard locks on to targets. to which, if true, console would’ve won, not loss. so no free dinner for endless stupidity or standing ovation. just valid indignation. which is fairly mild and eloquent to be honest.

well, deception benefits no one, either. in fact, deception impairs. truth liberates. reality isn’t for everyone. so i get it.

not involving yourself in an already clarified issue. that in no manner involved you in any way.

again, you weren’t a participant at repelling their stupidity. therefore, you’re unqualified to comment on how others should feel about their stupidity. so the question remains, at what point will you be acting like you’re no longer offended? since you made the bogus claim that you aren’t offended, yet behave like you are? valid question.

well i mean understandable. your IQ seems to be limited to submitting bias likes. one dimensional perspectives self impairs you from multi-dimensional thinking.

LMAO, they’re called “likes”, of course they’re biased.

Don’t worry though, I’m sure you’ll get one, one day. :wink:


well, truth isn’t bias, which means likes aren’t necessarily bias. bias is when likes are endlessly one sided.

i don’t get bias likes. i only get sincere likes. admins suppress likes of outspoken users anyhow as you well know. and inflate likes on narratives to be promoted.

You’re either not reading my responses or not understanding them. I’m not sure I could be any clearer.

You sure? You can’t seem to go a sentence without calling someone stupid. That’s not exactly eloquent.

The issue I brought up was not the one that had been addressed in the thread. It was specific to word choice.

Reread that and get back to me. Or don’t.

At this point it seems like we’re talking just to talk.

i’d more than continue to obliterate you, but weak minded ineffectives resort to false reports. so blocked for disagreeing. imagine, IF i do that immediately, always going forward. any time i’m disagreed with. since fragile ineffectives resort to false reports. blocking ppl immediately will set a precedent and ruin the forums over time. doubt it? well it ruined sony. 95% of sony’s users base has each other blocked. which well eventually happen here, allowing the forums to self destruct. enjoy your block for life.

Huh??? Who are you talking to?

There is aim assist in OW. I didn’t know that there was also assist for Ana shooting friendlies, that actually sounds kinda tricky to manage when trying to specifically select allies among enemies and vice versa :thinking: Can friendly/enemy assist be managed independently in the options?

I’ve never actually played cod so I don’t any frame of reference for this :man_shrugging:t2: I’ve played a ton of BF4 and TF2 though if that helps any future references :sweat_smile:

As you describe, there are platform specific pools for PC and console, but only in competitive. In all other modes, e.g. unranked, arcade, etc, there is crossplay.

The issue is that console players can disable crossplay but PC players cannot. So if on PC you want to just knock out a couple of matches for the daily over 20 min, it can be a huge waste of time to sit in a console match.

This is literally my experience 18 out of 20 matches. Those saying they don’t see many console players must have like GM+ MMR where console players don’t get matched with them very much. But at Diamond (I’m pretty mid), there’s a console player in nearly every match. It’s gotten to the point I can’t leave to find another match because they are always there.

No Diamond player should ever get matched with anyone who goes 2-14 with 900 dmg as dps in two rounds. There’s just no way those people can be at the same MMR. I’ve never even seen Bronze and Silvers do that bad when I took over my girlfriends account.

I don’t even know why all the console players are whining and getting all butthurt that a PC player would like to play with and against other PC players. Why the hell do they care? Console players get to turn off crossplay, and they are cool with that, but if PC wants to turn off crossplay they cry about it lol.

Crossplay is the sole reason I stopped playing. And it’s been 100x worse over past couple months. Every single game is a one-sided stomp whether you win or lose. Can’t remember the last time a match we remotely even. It didn’t used to be like that. And the common denominator is crossplay.

There either a controller player (or multiple) going 4 and 14, or there’s a XIMming console player. It shouldn’t be controversial to allow PC players (just like console players) to disable crossplay. And I don’t even know why console players would be mad about it.


Why is that ur YouTube name

nope you’re wrong the only game that banned console or PC users with xim or cronus game or any similiar 3rd party hardware that affect your aim is fortnite,rainbow 6,cod,and destiny yeah only them start banning those legal cheater

aim assist is fine but cranking that assist with 3rd party hardware that is just straight up cheating

console exceptionals will frequently get play of the game and have the highest elim ratio out of entire crossplay lobby once crossplay is actually activated by default. what you’ve been experiencing are console casuals who were invited by pc players. which isn’t a true reflection of pure crossplay nor console exceptionalism.

which is why they loss right? YouTube. zero aim assist in ow, other than with ana, while healing team.