Pro tip on finding console players on your team

your initial utterance was that its not an even playing field. to which you claimed console reticle snaps onto pc players. dummy. yet now you’re attempting to transmute into, “console losing WITH, (your bogus claim of reticle hard lock or soft lock as neither exist ow outside of ana healing team mates), is suddenly proof of nothing”. see how dumb you are? think harder.

It does do that ever since they added aim assist to cross play

h ttps://’s%20certain%20to%20be,and%20enter%20the%20crossplay%20queue.

A console team losing a single match isnt proof of anything. you really are a joke if you believed that lol.

dear dummy, cross play is invite only idiot.
true cross play does not exist. as true crossplay would occur by default not invite only idiot. ALSO, true aim assist doesn’t exist. UNTIL players can laser in the same manner ana is able to laser while healing team mates. therefore how does the link you provided PROVE that reticle snaps onto pc players? it doesn’t. link is meaningless. cross play is invite only. cross play doesn’t mean reticle will be snapping to anything idiot. like wow. i get it. you’re an ineffective pc player.

You need help bud. lol at “idiot”. Im going back to my well paying remote job in analytics.

Have fun pushing wild conspiracy theories on the ow forum that are not true and literally no one believes. I watched the cross hair snap to targets with my own eyes just now.

I hope you manage to get a job and a life someday too, I feel bad for the people that have to deal with you in the real world though. You are a hopelessly lost joke of a person.

video link? didn’t think so. many yap. none prove.
show me a video link with your reticle jumping from target to target in any swift fashion. lasering target after target. didn’t think so. Snap to = yanked to. Reticle is not being yanked onto targets. You have to use your thumbs and aim or you’ll miss. If console aim assist actually existed, OWL would be console, not pc. its funny how i obliterated your misplaced crossplay argument and suddenly its, “oh let me get back to work”.

Guys, you don’t get console players on your team on PC unless you are queued with a console player yourself. Am I missing something here?

It’s the console pool vs. the console pool and the PC pool vs. the PC pool, unless you’re queued with someone who’s on a different platform, which will then automatically put you into the cross-play pool, which is a different queue entirely than the PC and console pools.

That’s why cross-play queues take significantly longer to find matches because the matchmaker has to search within a very specific pool of players.

I don’t really play casual, but I feel like I would’ve noticed a console player on my team considering that’s what I played on before PC.

I could be wrong, but I’m very sure that’s how the player pools work. :thinking:

Yes, you are missing the fact that crossplay is activated for all PC players, except for in competitive.

You are very wrong then. If you are on PC, any game can have a console player in it, except for competitive mode. Console players (I think) have to be grouped with a PC player to get into the PC pool though.

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…you okay?


I muted that person a long time ago.


Damn, that’s a big yikes. The fact that I didn’t know this and the fact that that’s actually how it works Cross-play just makes no sense in Overwatch then, and I’m so glad I mainly play competitive.

When I do play quickplay, arcade, or whatever, I actually do play with my friends who are on console, which is why it’s weird that I didn’t know this, but I was always under the assumption that there was just a separate crossplay pool entirely.

That’s actually so dumb that you can get console players in your game on PC, and there’s not even an option to turn it off. Lmfao

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Yep, lol.

20 characters

you clearly aren’t. considering you deliberately elected to overlook what my indignation was in response to. but i get it. that’s how selective bitter bias works.

I’ve been lurking in this thread since it’s creation so I absolutely did not overlook that. I chose not to acknowledge it because you insulted them like 5x more often than they did you. Nothing is that deep.

I agree with your points and I’m tired of the pc elitists that think they understand aim assist, but I think the incessant insulting undermines your argument.

Abandon your attitude and have a helpful conversation.

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if an idiot makes a bogus claim 5x more times without proof, then indignation is to be expected. not a standing ovation. many talk. few can prove. if you like, answer for him, since you’ve sided with him. if he claims its not an even playing field, saying that console has the advantage, well how did console lose? YouTube, if reticle snaps to targets as he endlessly claimed? exactly. ignoramus. i’ll agree with any form of validity. what i won’t agree with is impulsive stupidity. downplaying just how hard console players have to work to be effective. but i get it. the idiot thinks that all aim assist industry wide is equal. the idiot thought that ow’s illusion of aim assist is the equivalent of cod aim assist. that regurgitated misconception is likely due to the fact that he doesn’t actually compete on console.

Indignation is not the same as aggression. I’ve had my fair share of frustrating conversations on this forum with people who refuse to see reason, but it’s never so deep that you need to insult them 13+ times in like 4 replies.


Definitely. I agree with you here. It’s clear that they dont understand how aim assist actually works.

This is where you lose me. It’s not necessary. You have a valid point, you just cake it in insults for no reason.

You got 4 seperate insults in one paragraph just now. That doesn’t clock as a little excessive?

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it wasn’t. which is why you’re more offended than they were. however, response was proportionate to the stupidity uttered. as downplaying how hard console players have to work to compete in a pc environment due to the illusion of aim assist, as in, the absence of aim assist, to account for pc automatic wrist assist, is the highest form of insult that occurred to be honest.

ok. you agree. just not fully. i get it.

exactly. he’s too oblivious to be so adamant. he doesn’t compete on console and therefore is unqualified to comment. if he did, he’d know the only character with actual aim assist on console is ana but only if healing team mates. if that level of aim assist exist to delete targets, THEN it would be an even playing field to account for pc wrist assist. as in, console’s lack of wrist assist.

then the title was duly earned.

well, the issue is, many think that thinking also isn’t necessary. and expect a standing ovation for endless mindlessness.

valid question, is indignation often immediate? didn’t think so. provoked by an excessive lapse of brain power by claimants. if you weren’t so bias and one-sided you would’ve caught that. if an idiot is adamant, but can never prove, you want me to buy them dinner. i get it.

Please show me where I said that.

You could just… not insult him. It’s not a black and white thing. Not being mean isn’t the same as being nice.

Im not offended, I’m just confused. You never said anything rude to me directly.

My tone is probably lost in the text.

Oh, believe me, I caught it. I just think that you don’t have to put that energy out into the world.

It has no benefit whatsoever. You’re not shutting people up and you’re not convincing anyone. It’s a purely inflammatory thing to do. We’re chillin out here, y’know?


you expect what then from endless impulsive stupidity? you act like a single claim of theirs was verified or substantiated. when you’re rooted in truth, deception is repulsive.

then act like you aren’t.

huh? i’ve shut many up. i’ve also shut myself up upon articulation of validity which never occurred by them. and wasn’t going to. bc ow’s illusion of aim assist isn’t cod’s aim assist. which many ineffective pc players assume. exceptional pc players lose no sleep over the illusion of ow’s console’s nonexistent aim assist.

Dude I lost my PC mid-June. It totally died, so I had to install OW2 on my Switch and do the entire battlepass on it. It was a nightmare. x_x

I somehow managed to come out of that experience still endorse lvl 5. I tried to stick to Reinhardt, Mercy, and Torb. Anything else I was just 100% useless instead of 90%. lol

It’s nuts. I don’t know how people play like that. I don’t think I’m superior for being on a PC - I’m legitimately impressed that console players can play that well with those controls (specifically the Switch). Like geeeeeeez.