Pro tip on finding console players on your team

A console team losing a match isnt proof of anything dude. this proves that it is there and you are full of it

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All this 100%. In an older thread I commented some of this and there was even someone who said I should be banned for even suggesting to avoid console players. Why are they SO offended? I’m offended for having my matches be dumpstered unless there is the 10% chance it’s a XIMMing cheater.

And yes, XIM is cheating. But Blizz allows that just like smurfing.


PC has actual aimbots…

Yes, and they’re FAR more rare than a xim.

Now imagine what it’s like for me in masters for DPS and Support on console, it’s literal hell man. Screw these deadbeats who need to cheat to do good and hopefully Blizzard does what Infinity Ward and Ubisoft has done to these pathetic losers.

True, but Xim is literally MNK with aim assist which is incredibly broken and gives a massive unfair advantage.

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thatk’s op now I can leave every game that has switch/console users lol.

And the paradox is that, say in 3v3 where you might find two console players, it’s a 3 stack and suddenly it’s tipped in the complete opposite direction as it’s a guarantee at least one of them is XIMMING.

Crossplay only ever hurts PC players because either the console-having team is playing with friends and dumpsters the match “for fun”, or they are XIMMing and cheating to win.

Don’t ya know? They want to be able to do it, but don’t want others to be able to. It’s a super weird attitude to have. I mean I’m a console player (just not for OW) and it makes total sense to me if I’m allowed to turn off crossplay other platforms should be as well.

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